View Full Version : Unmotivated...

22nd May 2016, 08:40 AM
I really want to Astral Project, I want to do it most of anything else. The only problem is, I feel so unmotivated to try. When I mediate I never really get anywhere and I think that's got to me. I sometimes begin to question to myself wether it's actually real or not but I remind myself it is. When I first learnt about Astral Projection I was so into it, trying not every night and thinking about it non-stop. On my second attempt I got super mad crazy viabrations but after that I never felt them again. And again, I think the lack of feeling like I'm getting anywhere has really dampened my enthusiasm. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to keep themselves motivated to try?

22nd May 2016, 09:20 PM
The question is not, "Is it real or not?". Of course ... It's Real.

Ask yourself, "Am I real or not?" ... for there is the intent to action.

Archangel - http://youtu.be/FuYA8c5F3Bk

Meditation is just this ... to witness within ... your multi-distractions of mind. Watching a/the process ... assessing losses, like looking at a bucket of lists with a bottom having pinpoint leaks.

Thought wishes to be instantly gratified, however...the action of spoon to the mouth must be carried through. But too, there is the mother whom breast feeds. Point being, wherein are you as being fed, when the father would have you T-Asked to feed others beyond you merely fed by your Self.


Patience - A containing bucket
Understanding - Pouring out toward emptying

Bringing "the fire" under control before "it" consumes your fire within "it's" WAKE.

Working For It - http://youtu.be/qv9YI8Oqs30

Chaval Al Hazman -

Excited ... "Times a wastin'..."


Disappointed ... "...a waste of time."

Beauty In Thirds - http://youtu.be/NU6bPlY6hFk

"I'm on the Loop...Loop...Loop...Loop..."


State of Mind - Voice & Intonation

10th July 2016, 05:27 PM
It requires a lot of effort and patience to astral project. However, I would recommend listening to some binaural beats if you haven't already tried this