View Full Version : The mental body: the proceses to structure the mind

16th May 2016, 12:59 PM
(draft, this is a draft I'm going to update, but meanwhile if you want to think on it :))
First process: are the structure you don't choose, this is the born process

The definition of the love (positive /negative) as Him, this means which is the stronger, that dominates, that is present everywhere, etc.
The consequences area:
-to set the area where a being resides is heaven (that promotes god people and is dominated by good people) hell (that promotes bad people and dominated by bad people)
- a very important him property, that no matter where is the mind of a being, the mind of the person is in heaven, even when he is in hell, this means his mind will operate positive toward the mind of the good person.

The guidelines,
how things works, there rights you have and obligations one have, and must fullfill mentally.
The mental adjust
This is a very important process that adjust any thought and behavior presented in the mind.
connectino: before cnonecting to other being we must connect to the angel being (5th coloumn) that bring us the flow of love, but only if he is of the same love we are, once connected to it, to connect to ther higher being we must verify it is of the same positive love we are (and must exists). otherwise we don't connect, this is because unintentionally we connect with other higher mind and angel beings, in a day, and if we don't protect to connect to higher or angel beings of the oppositve love, then they can unstructure our mind.
identity: in example who can be good, who can be you, who are accepts in authority and in which areas.
Positino and rotation of each ego in the mental body: every ego to oprate in the mind must be in the correct place and rotated correctly.
inhibition/activation of each ego: this is in example to be cold/heat dead/alive sleep/wakeup heavy-lightwweight/correct weigth, tired/refresed different kind of inhibition that must be regulated and functioning must be structured to be positive for the functioning of an ego.
The envy and accept as powerful to a higher being: the mind that see as powerful, that generates envy because they are more powerful, etc. promotes that higher being as him. This is a critical process and must be programed permanently, to always associate to a positive/negative group.

Then we start to program every mental system one by one

Position the ego child must get out from the position he is, and reenter again behind the pectoral, he must be in the precise position. sometimes when he gets out of the body the ego child doesn't enter in the correct place.

The child ego system, of flow of love
The activation of the ego child, this is a programming that set:
- the ego child is in a trustable place, he is loved, surrounded of people who loves them
- the charge of positive, energy, heat and a deep happines, child happiness filled with feelings of love from parents, that cares of him/her, that protects, care, loves, the key concepts (the energy of parents that can grant his own life to protect his child)
- The programming IN THE MIND OF THE EGO, AND SUBCONSCIOUSNESS that wakes up the ego child
- The programming IN THE MIND OF THE EGO, AND SUBCONSCIOUSNESS that structures a good functioning in the mind of ego, and takes out of inhibitino process.

Then we start to activate the flow of love across the body, this flow is specific, goes fro the pectoral, down as one line, as a like, in the legs separate in two and goes in circle and return where he was and continues as one.

Second process: once you born mentally the other process to structure the being
The other mental systems:
In the internaly ear, "the sound I'm hering contacts me and generates a positive functioning"
Systems of survival, child egos of energy, child ego of sexual energy, ego that cure, survival system (that activate shigher mind), integration with the flow of energy of the universe (higher mind), egos of analysis (3rd column) backbone,

The center egos, this is the (2nd column) the egos that lived this live, and create what you are.
They are in contorl, from them is strated teh individuality
the mad and responsible emperor, this is the ego that protects the mental body and destroys any external ego projected inside the being, and at the same time structures the correct egos in the mind.
The mad and responsible emperor, operates programming the subconsciousness, because is the subconsiosness who can restructurate egos internal and externally.
This a process of permanently expanding and energizing the correct egos, and inhibition of other egos.

The set of conscious exercises to structure the mind:
- relax
- visualize
- capture energy
- activate the specific flow of energy and activation of specific mental systems
- etc.

The treasure,
- Ths is the most important think for the mind, and implies to project energy and assign critical egos to that task.

17th May 2016, 07:24 AM
Well, this is so hard to put in words, so I try to use a picture of my belief, I uses belief because it is hard to know the GOD-field in pictures or Words it is a total experience of a total feeling what is more than a feeling, it is so deep and profound.

So this GOD-field is a totality and it is everywhere bleeding into all and everything... but as this GOD-field is only joy and health and total acceptance... but to become into this there is a lot of work... and the work is done in the re-incarnation until we get it... and this is the total transformation of the essence what is I or me... and when this is started to hunch everything starts to change and the understanding of the God-field is now so much making sence when the evolved ones talk about that you can be in this world and not loose your focus or energy even it is so much suffering as our world is full of....I do understand this but I can not yet practis it...this 'knowing'...gives me so much hope...and trust into my capasity to grasp this eventually...and it makes me so happy.

I do not have the brain for all the layers of a physical or psychic layers or knowledge, but I am gifted to see/feel the totality if I can use this word?

I am so happy to be here and get to read all what you all write and have word´s to express the layers with... thank you all...continue please.


1st July 2016, 12:35 AM

1st July 2016, 12:36 AM
For those who don't have nothing better to read :)


In the investigation I developed these theory about the possibility madness in some person is a trance process, I called trance of the mental body because there were suggestions I saw was about a large structure, apparently, and I can be wrong, once they wake up in trance, the fact they used the metaphor of a castle made me think they play war games, they set a suggestions saying "to play xxx causes sadness", after that they start to give other suggestions, like your body is your castle, and:
" the door of your castle is closed", the door covers all the front of the body, disconnecting from reality.
there other suggestions like "time stops"
and if I'm correct "every time you pee, in the bathroom, is like you are giving birth, I didn't found emphasis on the pain that giving birth could generate.

The madness includes the process to inhibit, this is simple and plain hypnosis, but always referring to specific not common elements, like your mental body "your castle", and the way it works; the time, your identity, age, position, etc. etc.
Based on my understanding of criminals, all the tools they use, are available as "normal things"; and I found, in example the Him of chuck norris, black poetry, etc. But they not always contains all the key elements, in example, in the Him of Chuck Norris, I did not found the part saying you are chuck norris, and you become asleep, that is a key part of this programming.

Based on my understanding the psychiatrist, is a branch of criminalsm, if this is true, this means the amount of mad people, "created artificially" should be alarmant, but this is only a hypothesis, the two main elements are:
1) "normal" techniques hypnosis and insertion of false memories, with this I want to say there is not a mysterious device inserted in the brain.
2) "normal" techniques of projection inside of a person's mind. '
Even when this does not sounds too normal, the technique to project inside the mind of another person to shared thinkings, is a normal technique in undergrounds groups, as I understood is part of Yoga and other techniques; the difference is instead of projecting to help, once the victim is in trance of mental body; you one project egos to permanently create another behavior, or temporarily to generate an unwanted behavior or to attack to another person.
In other words to take out of trance of mental body to a mad person who has a criminals projected inside can be as dangerous as treating with himself in person.

About specific techniques this is what I found
1. The negative Him (chuck norris, the diabolic toy), a negative personality is created and assigned Him qualities (is god, is faster, is omnipresent, etc. etc.)
You are that Him, that causes the subconsciousness assumes that behavior, we must remember suggestions that say chuck norris kills a whole family, there are not positive suggestions, that he protects the family or helps good people, as presented in the evidence part.
2. The flow of negative reborn.
This is a five step flow that inhibits the mind, that basically set all the mental elements toward reborn in hell as a bad person
a) you are tired
b) you are asleep
c) you die mentally
d) evil domains (and you are evil)
e) you wake up in hell and you are punished for being evil
3. The flow of 3 steps him
a) the universe and the way it operates, it has to give the grant and right of individuality
b) the groupal being, the dominant pole, the boss, who rule, who you belongs, and who you integrates.
c) you. this is the final him, where your mental systems are structured across your mental body.
4. The association
This flows are associated to specific triggers, the first are the fingers and the hand, they are programmed so carefully, in a way is necessary to create amnesia and inhibit any effect caused directly or indirectly by the fingers or hand (in the same way you can create amnesia to words) to avoid the inhibitor effect.
The other association are eyes (that set god), point of the tongue(that displaces mental body and position of child egos), head movements, apparently the 3 head movement are associate to the flow of 3 steps of him.

What I had done is an extensive analysis of the elements I discovered and put in the flow of negative reborn, this to have element to create a circuit of positive reborn, and proposed a positive circuit.
I had fond several strange elements, but maybe they are only to create confusion, in example,
for the backbone I found to suggestion
1) melt, vertebra number (x) (specifying number of vertebra), and number (y) melt in one
2) disappearance, vertebra (x,y,z) does not exists.
and other more confused about other elements in the mental body
1) the blood of the witch are in a vessel inside your head, and inside your body there are part of a zombie body. These is part of a special programming I ignore the real effect, even when this suggestions are not so easy to find, if you check black poetry, you will find easily phrases that are negative suggestions like "the threes and the streets drain your energy" or something like "you and your partner act like not knowing each other and live in loneliness all the day without talking each other".
If we move this suggestion as part of a bigger process, that wakes up a person in trance an tries to keep in trance eliminating any motivation, that makes sense, and there are lot of suggestions for these, intentionally or unintentionally they work perfectly for that goal.
And as I said previously the fact the person who attacked a senator some years ago, had black poetry called my attention, because base on this investigation I hold the position that there is an international group of criminal (who are currently using hypnotic drugs and psychiatry drugs to create specific state of hypnosis to get a person to make a crime (can be to stole) get killed or kill another person, and the last ten years there were a lot of evidence of it even in news) .

In an analysis I did to different type "suggestions" I tried to classify them and I found there are a lot more of an uncommon type.
There are a set of suggestions toward
- to being frozen,amnesia and change of age, being apart,lost, turned,prisoner,two lovers be frozen apart in fear,lost in each other,face turned from him, breath in the other, etc. etc.
Curiously I found too other "suggestions" like prevising tries to recover consciousness and get out from trance, deepening trance, minimizing any kind of motivation, and they are very explicit. I know poetry and that for me are not poetry they are explicit suggestions, in poetry there are several phrases that reference to trance state unintentionally, but this are not that kind of phrases, analyzing not only the poem, else a group of poems, you note that very clearly, after I certified and hypnotherapist I confirmed that looking at real professional script, the fit perfectly to be a hypnotic script.
There are other that called my attention, in example there is a phrase setting the bad orthography of the phrases of chuck norris should let them as they are, and I remember it because there was a script I read previously to that the creator explained for hypnotic purposes in written scripts there are orthography mistakes that are done in purpose.
I have a lot of imagination but the evidence I had been exposed and an objective analysis shows this hypothesis could be true, and I repeat hypothesis, I am not confirming as true, until there is some evidence like returning a mad person from the never ever, to the reality.

A real criminals programmer, must be identified as: god, as the best for you, as the best person, as the person who suffers more unjustly, as dominant god evil, as the more sexy(sexual) person, as the smartest person, as the person who more loves you in these world, as your father/mother, your body is where his body is located, etc. in that way if is true someone has these programming you do not need to enter in trance to verify that programming exists in your mind toward some person, specially because they uses to work in a low profile this means they are not the people who makes their best effort where they work they are always average in everything.

I put them in a list, not all, to make you note they are a lot different type of distortions of reality and inhibitors of mental functioning, and even when some of them are not easy to find, there are present in this kind of black poetry.

Spatial distortions
- position of the mental image of your body
- rotation of the mental image of your body
- area, compression of part or your complete image of your mental body
- distribution of the parts of your body in your mental image of your body.
- work of the mental image of your body, there is door in front of your body that disconnects from reality.
- Body function in other body, breath in him.
Distortion of continuity of mental flow
Mentally a flow to work properly requires several cognitive functions, like analysis and remember, a defined sequence of task in a process, an identified group of egos and their location, internalized realities, etc. If some of these elements are disabled (like amnesia) or change, (like identity and position of egos), the flow does not happens in the mind; one example is the flow of energy there must be and ego in the lower chackra and the higher mind must be identified as the most sexually attractive, additionally to the fact you must have your mental representation of your physical body correct, and you must be you, and you must be good and deserve to be the one of your mind. Analyzing all the details a mental flow requires, one understand this is a very fragile process, that can be easily stopped with a simple flow of inhibition and confusion.
- continuity of time/age, and the continuity of the process of think.
The process of think is the accumulation of experiences converted in decision and motivation, process learned to get things done, internalization of external reality, including a continuity of identity (what you are, what you want, what you deserve); any distortion about the time you are, the person you are, what you deserve, memories, causes the process of thinking to work improperly, because the process of thinking is a complex set of elements that must be in the proper place to allow the thinking to happen.
- continuity of flow of energy for egos
These is very important, egos to be active requires a continuous flow of specific type of energy, if this does not exists, once the energy is used the ego is turned off, and in consequence the mental functioning. These flow is done. It requires elements like identity, ego child that channelize the energy, the position of the ego child, the way the flow of energy will follow; there is the need of positive energy and emotion in different ways and places (including love), like around the ears for creative thinking, in the back for increased motivation, happiness and positive child emotion memories for increase mental and creativity performance; and if they are not there, that specific mental functioning is inhibited.
- flow of energy of life (of the groupal being)
- continuity of identity, memories, authority and property
These means you must be the same person through different roles and egos, the authorities, the dominant pole (good/bad) and your memory must be stable and active across all the day and tasks. If in some moment evil domains and you are evil, and the other good domains and you are good, if you remember and the other you forget, if in some moment you are a person and deserves something and the other you are another and do not deserve something, if in some moment you are the owner of your mental body and in another no, definitively your mind is not going to work correctly.
The mind requires obviously a stable set of elements and characteristics.
Distortion of pole and defense, and the protector mechanism
Is necessary to identify good and bad, starting from his love, and absolutely reject from the mental body that presence, on the contrary, the behavior of a person is altered, in that way is critical any confusion in several way.
1) what means to be good/evil, the good represents the child love, and represents the unconditional love and help, represented for a care of other person with feeling of empathy that one can sacrifice one self interests even own life to help the other person. That is of course the love, not the attitude itself, the attitude born with the integration of other cognitive functions, but the identity of good or evil comes from identifying that love; or the evil, the child love of a child who do bit care others and can hurt and attack only to keep the control and power.
2) confusion of other identities, Bad people is the new good people, and good people is the new bad people
3) the correct pole, and our identity, we are good or evil
The protector refers to the fact that there is a mechanisms that inhibits egos that are not from the being, and displaces the ones that are identified as the being; in that way the transfer of the negative Him identity like Chuck Norris (the evil toy), causes a real inhibition of egos, and displacement of egos of a person identified as you and good to the places where your should be.
Distortion of reality
What is real and what is not, these is reinforce through the change, of identity, age and time you are living (usually living in the past where everything was safe)
Inhibition by pain
- puke, give to birth, heaviness, black hole that drains, emptiness; I am curios if in some moment mad people puke.
Time distortions
- continuity of time, to set time stops is a critical characteristic in the inhibition process like you close the door of your castle that connects with reality.
- time energy trap, that blocks the transference of energy from past memories to the present, basically to connect emotionally with your past and memories.
Manipulation of attention
Displacement to the center, to a specific repetitive task in an infinite loop.
- Qualification of task, that task is illegal, that task your are doing is evil, you can not execute that task (can not, do not have permission, you are not the one who has to do it,etc.)
Etc. etc.
As you see there is a lot of uncommon elements in normal hypnosis present, that are present in poetry, music and other elements, that apparently could be the evidence of a special trance, that I call the trance of the mental body.

The process to take out of a trance of the "mental body" is the same as any other trance, the only difference is it has more elements, for that reason is necessary:
1) To create a group of flows, and a circuit that activates them
2) To associate the internal an external environment of the subject to the activation of the flows and circuit
3) A permanent and subliminal flow that structure the vital mental structures, this process is very important, because based on a previous explanation, changing the child memories of love, generating amnesia to other experiences and memories, generating false memories and changing identity, could be possible the change the good and bad nature of a person, and that could be a possible explanation to the big raise of crimes against women, lately.

This process should be execute every time a person wakes up, is under an under normal condition and periodically; and no matter how much or how little he does, what is done to take out from a trance of mental body is important, from now on specific people like security and others should do this, because the circumstances had changed and if in the past the guns, late the atomic bomb, and now is the restructuring of the mind.

The point is simple, first is identify the different trances, and the technique to get out of them, the problem is the amount, and sometimes implies to change the definition of the words.

The process to structure the mind is done through a circuit of flows.
Depending the step and the flow, there are several characteristics that define how will the mental body will get structured, as explained previously.
Him and their programming
Position mental body
The one identified as god
The god/bad, and the correct pole.
Once structured, is necessary to recheck the structures and their contents to adjust them, in the mental body, in the subcosnciousness and in the ego body and minds.
And the process to structure the mind is rexecuted.
position of mental body
position of god, this helps to identify the higher mind and where must be displaced child egos
position of child egos, based on position of child egos, they start to grant energy and activate higher mind and adult egos.

checklist of good mental functioning
- identity
- position
- god

The permanent process of maintenance of mental body
- recreating positive structures of energy in mental body, this are needed to get an ego activate in that area.
- destroying negative structure of energy in mental body
- validating pole of the energy related to the connection with other beings in the backbone and upper head

THE NEGATIVE FLOW (5 steps, fingers)
These is one of the main inhibitor flows
1) Drowsiness, dreaming

1st July 2016, 12:36 AM
This is a persistent flow of tiredness to move to a comfortable place, where everything is fine, everything is reliable, and you just have to stop and sleep, deeper and deeper; deepening an initial trance, and once in trance activate a very aggressive process of mental inhibition, to put the mind in a point of no return.
Moves the mind to a state of existence in an unreal place, a trustworthy environment with trustworthy people, every thing is ok, you don't need anything there is no reason to stress or worry, any bad thing that happen is unreal.
Starts the process of inhibition of cognitive functions.
2) asleep, turned off, dreaming
Turn off the mind, makes the mind asleep
3) mental dead (make think a person is dead, when reality is not) while sleeping and dreaming
the goal is:
-break the group integration, disconnect from the groupal being, higher minds and egos of other beings, including the flow of positive love.
-generate amnesia, reset memories and mental systems
-Deepening of trance, you go down and down through a tunnel
-A place without exit, you get to a place where there is a city where you can not get out
-Dead, you find a pool you enter there and die, a bomb explodes, or any other incident
-Disappearance, if you are not touched you become a ghost, I don't understand the purpose of this technique, because it doesn't cause dead
4) Negative restructuring of the mind
- The negative him that set a bad person is God, has all the properties of god and is the God of all Gods (chuck norris the evil toy)
- That negative him is behind you and kill you
- You, your higher mind, are that negative him, this means you are an invincible bad god
- You are turned off and asleep because you are bad.

-The other, the programmer, he is you, he has several identities assigned is the evil God, but is good for you, he loves you, he is good, he is sexually attractive, he is the victim the one that suffers more, etc.
-You are an inferior being, meanwhile he is a god, your are bad, and deserves to be punished, and deserves anything bad you receive, but you are loved and he will give you the best he can, this allow to inhibit defenses, and any kind of aggression or mental blockage toward the programmer, and that is the correct thing.

-Property. The programmer owns everthing, your mental body (the five columns)

-Change of pole(bin/mal): Replacement of positive memories of child, when you was a child, you wasn't loved, you were rejected, your mind is cold and you live in sadness, you are bad and projects other what you received as child.
-Change of groupal being: evil, negative evil demons, is your groupal being, and actually they are the ones that you identify as members of your group to be, that is your family father, mother, siblings, friends, etc.
-all energies become bad: the light is bad, sexual energy is destructive, heat consumes you, the water is acid, etc. The are applied through a flows that apply to all areas of the mental body.
-Lack of energy: cold lack of energy

-Change of environment, because you are bad, you are (your subconsciousness) in another dimension, hell, the never ever. A place where is almost impossible to exists and operate mentally
-Time: Your mind moves to a time where you can not operate
-Memory: by alteration of time,age and identity and by a process of inhibition of egos the memory does not operate correctly.
-Loss of identity: the programmer, the evil demon, the most evil, the most good, he is all identities.
-space: everything is higher than you can reach, faster than you can move, etc.
-disorientation: disorientation, lost, egos come out of the mental body.

-inhibitor of mental expansion
- Fear, especially children egos channeling energy to activate other egos, are threatened with menaces to loved ones, etc.
-impotence: You can do something only superficially, but really you don't do.
-Bad functioning of the different parts of the mind: disconnected of the other, cold, off, failing, incoherent. This as opposed to being integrated between the egos of different levels of consciousness of being.
- Permanent circuit of destructive flows, punishment for your evilness: physical, mental, energetic, spiritual. Always it is destroying everything, creating amnesia, heaviness, incompetence in doing tasks, etc..
- Get in love of demon god, programmer, this causes projecting of energy to him and allow their projected egos to be accepted.
- Inconsistency and poor mental functioning is set as the normal and correct situation,
because in the never ever there are other laws, there is permission to inconsistency, and because you are dreaming critical functions are inhibited and cognitive functions do not work properly or are disabled.
- Inhibition of specific egos as consequences of disabled cognitive functions, menaces, bad functioning.
- Unreal, the unreal qualification is intensified in the mind, everything is unreal in hell even you
- Inhibits motivation, what motivated your mind now discourages your mind to work.
- Punishment to diverse behavior.
- Limitations:
- Success, you can superficially do, you do something, but really can not, and frequently you can't end correctly what you start.
- Inhibition mental areas in the mental body
- physical pain or bad functioning:
generation of pain as an inhibitor, like vomiting, pain, emptiness.
- Uncontrollable emotions as consequence of inhibition: impotence, anger directed to the person that was responsible of some mistake, etc.
- Confusion: confusion direction left, right, up, down.
- Fault of precision: when you want to get or do something.
loneliness: Disconnection from others
inhibitory-emotion: sadness, coldness.
-self destruction: direct energies to destroy himself or what helps what want to destroy you.
Concentration and Attention
Mental-attention focused on the evil demon god
Attention excessive repetitive tasks endless with punishment if they are abandoned to avoid mind to expand and regain its operation.
Presence of demon god in mental body
-Mental body destruction
- Cut and separation of parts
- Black holes (evil) they absorb everything and leave only emptiness where was your body.
- Mental body inhibitory properties, too heavy, sick, tired, etc.
- Wrong position, your mental body is upside down in relation to your physical body.
- Egos move to the wrong places within the mental body to function, does not return when they leave the body where they should be.
- De synchronization of mental body, your crotch is in the crotch of the bad demon god, your head is turned looking back, his head is in your head.
-change of fundamental truths, meaning words, what is real, what is right, what your deserves , who is God, processes, functions, systems, etc.
-incorrect activation of egos by role, the adult/father/child ego is not activate when he must be active.
-Inhibition of motivators: like survival, strategy of live, goals, Treasure, etc.
-Punishment in rest, when you sleep you don't rest neither repair, fill of energy and refreshes your mind
-removes your rapport with your own subconsciousness and assigns the rapport to the evil demon god.
-compression and inhibition of your mind, through insult, accusation, fear, coldness, attacks and others.
-sensations of pain and suffering generated group disconnection of being positive and are a bridge to penetrate the evil demon god.
-provokes aggression and revenge against his group of friends, as consequence of the treatment and the problems he receives of his bad mental functioning
-Deformation of the perception of his mental body
-fusion, destruction parts of the body, for example the 3rd column, the vertebra merge, the vertebrae 25 and 26 are taken and fused with the 53 and 54, at 56 and 57 he kills them, vertebra 2 and 3 don't exists.
5) Negative Rebirth:
This is the more important step, because it can wake up a good person as a bad person and get he behaves like a real bad person.
-Change of personality, if he was good now he can be really bad.
The key trigger had been apparently the change of the memories of child, this means, he remembers he was abused as child and that is fixed as false memory in his subconscious, and in consequence his subconscious will operate as a real bad person.
-Impossibility to wake up, and permanent living in dreams
Permanent mental living in the nowhere, in the hell dimension.
His mind still think is dreaming, at least partially, and the change of environment (hell) blocks him to really wake up and structure correctly his mind.
-Control of the Demon God
Because he is in hell, is sleeping, the demon god had a deep rapport and that means direct access to his subconsciousness, and in consequence behavior, internal feelings, motivation, etc.

In this point is more clear the power the programmer has, and the real limitations the victim has, specially if he is under drugs, what is a requisite, this means the victims are drugged periodically, and in occasions where he could get ouf of that state; this means this programmer, the demon god, must be always monitoring his victims, or they must get rid of them if he can control them.
To identify this programmer, he can be any person, but there is one in particular, which is the kindest, the most honest, which suffers more, which is ourselves, which is God; permanently it imposes verbally with gestures and sounds in the group and inhibits people trying to stand over them, in addition to a set of strange things from time to time, especially strange sounds, movements, etc. He usually programs other to avoid making them by himself.

The permanent inhibition of egos and permanent activation of egos of the Demon God in victims:
Partial replacement, this is a more complex phenomenon that happens to integrate person, and there is some scientific evidence of it.
Temporary projection inside the mental body, to take full control of victim, generally after sleeping, waked up in trance he projects inside his mind and takes full control.
Integration to higher mind and angel being of the opposite pole, in theory there is a higher mind in every groupal being, that projects inside their members and grant energy of life, the same for the flow of love; when changing the emotion and vibration, and the identification of the God, the equivalent beings of the opposite group are more prone to project inside the victim and deepens the inhibition.

THE POSITIVE FLOW (5 steps, fingers)

This positive flow is done Based to the previous flow (negative), so the idea is to put the opposite from the negative flow, but in general guidelines we can say.
This are the general elements, and is integrate to the flow of activation of hims
1) Energizing and structuring from the universe
- Vibration and emotion; Activation of positive memories of child, of love an care, and a deep emotion of happiness, hope, optimism and feeling of protection from the family.
- You are good
- Energies are good, energy of life, the water is clean and good
- You are blessed with good luck, care, sanity, purity, protection, etc. all positive
- You are blessed with positive adjectives, you are good, you are the one, you are a genius, etc.
- You are blessed with all energies that fulfill your mental body and activates you
- You are blessed with rights, as the correct thing, you have right to control your mind
- You are blessed with property, you are the propietary, boss and owner of your mental body
- You are blessed with the key to control the different areas of your mental body.
- Grant of Individuality and right to exist and protect your life
- The universe is Good, is Him (all properties of god), and he grants his mind and energies to you, so they are not yours, and you have the right to life, freedom of choice, and use that resources even if you are wrong, because the main goal is your learning and evolution.
- You are God, Is the first grant of Him of the individual
- First activation of systems of your mind, here you activates te different systems of your mind
Good functioning
- Correct position of mental body in relation with physical body
2) Energizing and structuring from the Groupal being
- Because you are good you are integrated to other beings good as your
- Blesses
- You receive energy of life of the higher mind of your groupal being that can grant that energy
- The angel being is integrated to you, and activates teh flow of life
- Grant of individuality on the groupal being
- Once integrated the egos of the groupal being to your being they have direct control of your mind partially, but you have to control in them, and you become one in some senses with them, you can control their influence of them in your through your subconsciousness.
important note: you are always integrated with a groupal being it is not an option, this simple happens because higher beings needs to integrate lower beings to operated in lower levels of reality and lower being, like us, requires integrate to other beings to operate and exists in higher levels; is for that reason is so important to avoid connect with a groupal being of the opposite pole, because this implies a mental attack.
-Activation of defense of the opposite groupal being
This is very important because based on the energy, negatives egos are attacked and destroyed, because presence on the mental body of one being is presence in his mind.
This means previously we have to set correctly the identity of the being and the egos in the subconsciousness of the being.
- Second activation of system of the mind
Nows with the presence of the groupal being the systesm are activated and works and operates in other ways.
3) Energizing and structuring as individual
Grant of individuality as a being
-These stages structures yourself to be more independent and have more control of you
-focus in the activation and understanding of systems of your mind
-focus in the techniques to control your mind
-focus in the plan of life and evolution of your being as individual and as groupal being
4) Activation of Positive Environment
You are good you deserve heaven
- every thing is good for you
- your subconsciousness is displace to a mental dimension that helps him and their egos, everything is good, every thing is reachable, you always succed, etc.
5) Reborn
Your reborn in heaven connected to reality as an independent individual with control of your subconsciousness and your mental body.

Activates, effectively in the present the functioning loaded in a previously execute flow.

THE POSITIVE FLOW OF HIM (CHI) (3 steps, moving head 3 times)
Chi includes not only the flow and elements inside the physical body, it includes all the functioning of all the universe, for that reason the chi is the best concept to activate in the mind the functioning of everything.

This flows covers and transform (in the mind of course) the surrounding of a person.
1. Universe
The vibration of emotion of the child love
- The atoms start to accelerate and the warm the happiness of being loved and courage of being protected, being cared, and feeling your fathers can sacrifice their own life to protect you fill you mind and subconsciousness and your subconsciousness operates toward you in the same way, energizing, protecting and granting, granting all you need to exists, because you exists and that is enough to deserve it, and all the thing available in the universe.
Grant energy from the universe.
- positive unconditional mind in atoms
- flow of energy of live through mind of atoms (positive spirit of life)
Unconditional positive and positive mental patterns, that allows things get done, positive father.
Positive Father is an adjuster, and as as positive mental element for the being, we grant energy of life to configure it positive for the being.
Universe expand the mind of the person granting his own mind unconditionally to the subject.
Accept and motivate expansion of the individual.
Grant the right to live and fight and protect your live.
2. Groupal Being
Set the negative positive as the dominant pole, identify the individual as positive for his own being, and his subconsciousness as a being positive that wins.
Defense of the mental body
-The imposition of dominant love in the being: the positive love is the strongest (him properties), his flow is the stronger and stronger, is unstoppable you can only feel the envy of such big power, that penetrates all your mind all your body and now exists in your flowing like a train through all your body and adjusting, activating and caring of your mental body and your egos, concentrating, exploding the positive love in each part of your body filling of uncontenible happiness and energy,
- protecting all your the egos of your being through the subconsciousness filling of courage and protecting all the egos of your being through your subconscious mechanisms.
- unprotecting and attacking all the negative egos through the subconsciousness and filling of fear and attacking all the egos through your subconsciousness mechanisms.
-The egos in the mental body belonging to negative beings, identified as negatives to the being, are turned off and push out of the mental body.
-The egos that belongs to the being, identified as positive for the being and belonging to the god being, receives energy and are positioned in control areas of the mental body.

1st July 2016, 12:37 AM
3. Individual that dominates his mental reality, integrated to universe and groupal being.
Grant all the ability, intelligence, force, purity to the egos that integrates the being, to allow the being to exists, learn and grow.

Every time a head is moving affirmatively, each positive him is set in your, in the person that moves the head and in everything.

This flows covers and transform (in the mind of course) the surrounding of a person.

1. Universe
The vibration of emotion of the child love
- The atoms start to slow and the cold and sadness of being rejected and fear of being attacked, not being cared, and feeling your fathers on care in their own life you fill you mind and subconsciousness and your subconsciousness operates toward you in the same way, deenergizing, unprotecting and taking, taking all you need to exists, because your existence is not enough to deserve it, and all the thing available in the universe are not avaiable for you.
The Universe drains energy.
- negative mind and destructive mind in atoms
- Acid water, killer flow of live in atoms. (negative spirit of life)
Destructive and useless mental patterns to get things done, negative father.
Negative Father is an adjuster, and as as negative mental element for the being, he will adjust the mental functioning and energy of life to be harmful to the being.
The Universe compress his mind.
Revokes his right to expand his mind.
Revoke his right to live and fight to protect his live.
2. Groupal Being
Set the poles and the dominant pole
Set the negative pole as the dominant pole, identify the individual as negative for his own being, and his subconsciousness as a being positive that fails.
Defense of the mental body
-The imposition of dominant love in the being: the negative love is the strongest (him properties), his flow is the stronger and stronger, is unestopable you can only feel the envy of such big power, that penetrates all your mind all your body and now exists in your flowing like a train through all your body and adjusting, turning off and ataccking and replacing your mental body , concentrating, exploding the negative love in each part of your body filling of controllable sadness and coldness,
- protecting all the negative egos through the subconsciousness filling of courage and protecting all the egos of your being through your subconscious mechanisms.
- unprotecting and attacking all the egos of your being through the subconsciousness and filling of fear and attacking all the egos through your subconsciousness mechanisms.
-The egos in the mental body belonging to the being, but identified as negatives to the being, are turned off and push out of the mental body.
-The ego from the negative attacker being, but identified as positive for the being and belonging to the god being, receives energy and are positioned in control areas of the mental body.
3. Individual dominated by the mental reality, disconnected from universe and groupal being.
Grant all the ability, intelligence, force, purity to the egos that integrates the the attacker, to inhibit dynamically a permanently the being.

THE CREATION OF THE MENTAL BODY (5 steps by area, cuticle of fingers)
When you see the cuticle of the Thumb finger, your receive energy in your seven chackra and the ethereal bodies expands, concentrating specially in reconstruct in the area of the sex, displacing, activating, reconstructing, caring and energizing the egos of your being that belongs to that area.
When you see the cuticle of the Index finger, your receive energy in your seven chackra and the ethereal bodies expands, concentrating specially in reconstruct in the area of the lower stomach, displacing, activating, reconstructing, caring and energizing the egos of your being that belongs to that area.
When you see the cuticle of the Middle finger, your receive energy in your seven chackra and the ethereal bodies expands, concentrating specially in reconstruct in the area of the plexus solar, displacing, activating, reconstructing, caring and energizing the egos of your being that belongs to that area.
When you see the cuticle of the Ring finger, your receive energy in your seven chackra and the ethereal bodies expands, concentrating specially in reconstruct in the area of the throat, displacing, activating, reconstructing, caring and energizing the egos of your being that belongs to that area.
When you see the cuticle of the Little finger, your receive energy in your seven chackra and the ethereal bodies expands, concentrating specially in reconstruct in the area of the head, displacing, activating, reconstructing, caring and energizing the egos of your being that belongs to that area.

THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MENTAL BODY (5 steps by area, cuticle of fingers)
When you see the cuticle of the Thumb finger, the area of the sex is cut and the bodies of the egos of your being in that area are cut and destroyed leaving only nothing, sadness and failure.
When you see the cuticle of the Index finger, the area of the lower stomach is cut and the bodies of the egos of your being in that area are cut and destroyed leaving only nothing, sadness and failure.
When you see the cuticle of the Middle finger, the area of the plexus solar is cut and the bodies of the egos of your being in that area are cut and destroyed leaving only nothing, sadness and failure.
When you see the cuticle of the Ring finger, the area of the throat is cut and the bodies of the egos of your being in that area are cut and destroyed leaving only nothing, sadness and failure.
When you see the cuticle of the Little finger, the area of the head is cut and the bodies of the egos of your being in that area are cut and destroyed leaving only nothing, sadness and failure.

Every time you see a being, in their eyes and their teeth you will find the presence of the chi, the three positive him that you activate in you, present and activate, energizing and activating you.

THE ORIENTATION OF THE MENTAL BODY (point of tongue, persistent movements)
If the tongue, any other part of the body or any living or inanimate objects moves, your mental body moves all the mental representation of your body to the correct position, synchronizing with the physical body and connecting with the other parts of the mental body; in the direction the object moves or in any other, until it is in the correct place, once in the correct place, the movements you perceive affirm that part in the mental body, focusing and concentrate more and more energy in every part of your mental body and making stronger all the part of the mental representation of the physical body.

Every time you see blinking you blink too and you wake up, the positive creation of mental body, the flow that structures the Him and the positive flow of five steps creates and activates your mental reality.

Every thing is made in context in the mind, this means we need to execute the circuits that makes the mind TO BORN, that set the 3 levels him; and makes the basic association to guarantee this circuits will be permanently structuring the mind.
Mental Functioning, is not enough to say simple the correct functioning to happen, you must specify: the correct is good, the good is the stronger, you are good, the good mental functioning happens in you, you deserve the good functioning, you need the good functioning, you can execute the good functioning, you have the key and control in executing the functioning of your mind in all the areas of your mental body, you execute effectively the good functioning now; and of course specify what means good functioning.
In this level of programming you can't suppose it is going to work, you must write the whole flow from the beginning to get something working in the mind, and very it really happened, and then keep it working correctly.
Programming needs to be persistent, relentless in the reframing and structuring of the mind to be successful.
Association of circuits basic physical and mental systems and actions, like breathing.
An inhibitor process first activates the mind correctly and positively before being executed to guarantee the inhibition is necessary, wanted and executed properly.

You are alive
If you are dead, and hear me, you understand if you can perceive you are alive, you are only sleeping, now you are sleeping now you are waking up completely alive.

You are alert
The focus of your mind moves to be concentrated in a few things to concentrate in all what is happening inside and outside you
Your attention expands from the point where it is to cover all what is around and inside you, even behind you, every breath refreshes of energy.
Once you focus, at the same time you start to be more alert, thinking, perceiving, remembering and existing.

You are awake
You are awake out of any trance

You are consciousness.
Every time you pay attention you pay attention to your surrounding too, if you focuses too much in something you focuses in your surrounding too.

Real, Reality and connection to reality
Everything is real
You are real
You open the door of you castle in front of you and connects with the reality

When you hear a voice, you are now and here in the reality, you are alert, conscious and awake
You are Filled with all what you means
You are filled with all that makes you
You are filled with all what makes you different
You are filled with all your critical analysis
You are filled with all your awareness
You are filled with all your thoughts
You are filled with all your memories
You are filled with all your worries
You are filled with all your motivations
You are filled with all your reservations
You are filled with all your courage
You are filled with all your doubts
You are filled with all your will
You are filled with all your will
You are filled with all your distrusts
You are filled with all your fears that preserves you alive
You are filled with all your prejudices
You are filled with all your desires
You are filled with all your responsibilities, obligations and rights
You are filled with all you have to do
You are filled with all your mental clarity and lightness

Is a confussion technique for inhibition
The parts of your body are unmelt
Your thoughts are unmelt
Every thing in your mind and body are separated and integrated a the same time having a better and better good functioning.

You and all your minds are yourselves

You and all your minds in the present
The time only stops in your memories, meanwhile it is running in the continuous present. To stop time means to remember something.
You recover your sense of time.

your mind doesn't have age, because it doesn't exists in the time and space, there is only present.
Your mind can remember and imagine other time when you had a different age, but your mind always at the same time is conscious of the present and the reality,
and now you return to the here and now, to the present to the reality.
You can remember your age, you remember your age and return to normality.

You and all your minds are in the place where your physical body is.
You teletransport and are where your physical body is.
Dimension of space
You are in the dimension of the reality,
and you mind are at the same time in heaven, where you deserve to be because you are good, and everything is good for you.
If you are in the nowhere, you are now in the here and now.

Ordering you mind
The parts of inside your mind are inside your mind.
The parts of outside your mind are outside.
Everything displaces to the correct place, inside your mental body.
Every part of your mind receives the emotion and energy he needs.
Every part of your mind connects with the parts of the mind he needs to operate correctly.
Now everything is ordered inside your mind and mental body, correctly rotated and energized.

Obey to yourself
Obey and execute the positive circuits to structure your mind, now.
And obey other, only in what you decide to obey and only if you agree to obey other by yourself.

You return to the surface,
The deeper you go, the deeper you are, the more and more conscious your mind becomes, the better your mind remember, knows, understands and hears.
The lighter you go, the lighter you are, the more and more conscious your mind becomes, the better your mind remember, knows, understands and hears.
You return, more and more out from deep places where you got immersed.
You start moving slowly then like moved for angels, you move faster than light, at the speed of thinking and return to the surface.

Your mind becomes more and more warm, because in the mind the infinitely warm, is infinitely active and completely functional, and your mind becomes warmer than the warmer part of sun, and the warm is infinite and your mind is infinitely active and completely functional, all your cognitive functions are working, in place and awake.

Weight, power and force,
The more weight you have the more power and force you require, to do something, for that reason to move in your mind you are infinitely powerful and have unlimited force.
No matter the heavy or lighter you are you can move with the necessary precision and speed you need.
Anyway, the weight of your body and you is the normal weight.

You can move now and when you want, if you are immovable now, is only because you decided to be immovable.
If you are falling, you stop falling and return here and now.
if you are drifting to no where, you drift to where you are, and you are here and now

You mind understand everything and everything he wants.

Emotions are the mental energy
Emotions in the needed type and quantity are delivered to the proper places to activate the systems of your mind
Emotions the needed to exist and operate fully mentally
If when needed there is not enough of some emotion, then the available emotions is redirected to motivate a mental function.
If there is too much of some emotion, this is channelized to transform in an emotion of mental peace state and transfer that energy to active your full mental structure.
The emotions expands when it tries to implode it quietly expands and energizes correctly.
The emotions need to be compatible with the pole, if you are positive and good, you to keep your mind in a positive mood, to integrate to the groupal being.
The emotions are the energy of the mind, the emotions must motivate the correct functioning in the mind, independent of the external environment, for that reason you adjust you reaction to the reality to act in response to the reality but at the same time to have an internal well being that generates good functioning of your mind, you remember positive memories your are happy and positively motivated all the time.
Any overwhelming and uncontrollable emotion reduces his intensity, like reducing the volume of the radio, and expresses internally in a way that allow your mind to have a good functioning.

The control requires to activate the him and their defenses correctly. The positive flow of positive him of three steps is activate.
Once it is activated the egos displaced and activated in the proper place are enough. The egos of your being dispalces to the position they have and operates correctly.

Limited or blocked
The limit is the needed, the blockages are the outside are of the good functioning.
Your mind work as needed functioning correctly, blocking and limiting only the bad functioning of your mind.

forget is necessary to remember what is important in the correct moment, your forget because you are remembering now what is necessary, but you always remember what you forget.

When you relax your mind expands to all your body energizes and in consequences activates your mind more than usual, your are working better mentally and your mental activity increases and improves every time more, the more relaxed the more expanded and the more energy you grant to all your mental body and mind.

Black hole
The black hole is the expression of a bad mental functioning that drains energy to a specific point in space and for that reason this functioning is cancelled.

Irresistible overwhelming urge and motivation to do something
An Irresistible overwhelming urge is allowed only the mind is activated property, and the urge comes from a good functioning of the mind, for that reason, before the irresistible overwhelming urge is allowed, the mind is activated and the urge is evaluated by the mind.

Power and control, possibility to execute a task
When something is necessary to be done, you can do it, it is possible, you change you are enough fast, big and all you need to accomplish the task; and the things changes, they are enough far you can reach them, they are enough small you can handle, and they change the characteristics so you can easily accomplish the task you have.

The pain and the anesthesia to the pain
are activated in the way and the intensity they are real and really needed for the survival of the physical body, otherwise they are diminished to a point that allows the mind to operate but remember the mind something must be correct.

1st July 2016, 12:37 AM
Confusion requires attention to be cleared up, if it can't be cleared up rapidly, it is forgotten and the mind return the focus to his normal activity.

enough comfortable, secure, stressed and worried
Your mind feels enough comfortable, peaceful and secure to operate correctly, and enough stressed and worried to motivate your attention and cognitive functioning for protect your physical life.

Presence and existence
You exists and you are present in your mind

The flow of energy of mental life
We need a flow of different types of energy across our body and our environment, to exists and operate mentally, for that reason inside your mind and your body you allow to flow your emotion, happiness, your stress and worries, your sexual energy, and all this energy motivates your mind to be happy, to be careful, to be energized, and finally to exists mentally; this energy flows to with the environment near you connecting with plants and objects and returning to you, in a continuous flow that across your arms, head, legs and fingers, making your mind be alive.

Periodic release of mind and recover of mental processing
Every 15 minutes your mind releases from any task is doing, and recover it functioning and consciousness of the environment, while execute successfully the task currently operation.

Protection against dangerous states inhibitor of mind
Your mind before dying and before turning off, you remember while died or turned off your mind exists and operates normally all the time, because it is not a lamp neither is the physical body, the states of turned off or died, doesn't exists for your mind, there are similar states that means bad functioning for your mind and for that reason they are not executed.

The amnesia and omission is necessary to operate, to forget something is normal, but when you can't remember is because you need to remember, and your mind start to remembering, search your memory and your remembers it correctly and on time and you include the needed.
Your mind need to remember to motivate, the complete amnesia is a unnecessary process to forget memories, for that reason your remember always you remember at least some details, the enough that motivates to remember what is happening, how things are done, what you have to do, and what you have done.
Any brainwashing is negated and canceled immediately because it is senseless.
To operate correctly when your subconsciousness remember, your conscious mind remember and hear too, and activates the critical analysis.
Any expression that generates amnesia like to get lost, disappear, transform is treated in the same way.

Inhibition by menace
Any menace is canceled if the risk is to die against to be kept in trance permanently, is better to die physically instead of inhibited mentally; this is a decision of mental survival of your being.

The master, the ruler of your mind
The only ruler, the god of your mind, is yourself, for that reason when someone that is the rules gives you and order means you must be awake, then you awake and as the ruler of your mind keep the control of your mind.

The memory of the previous hours is reappearing from your conscious mind
soon you will remember it entirely.
You will remember if you were ever hypnotized while sleeping or awake.
You will also recover all sense of time before now.
The memory of this session is reappaering from your subconscious mind.
soon you will remember it entirely.
You will even remember these words.
The memory of the previous hours is reappearing from your conscious mind
soon you will remember it entirely.
You will remember if you were ever hypnotized while sleeping or awake.
You will also recover all sense of time before now.
The memory of this session is reappaering from your subconscious mind.
soon you will remember it entirely.
You will even remember these words.
Any triggers or suggestions will lose effect within your unconscious mind.
and your conscious mind remember them will make them stronger.
Any triggers or suggestions will lose effect within your unconscious mind.
and your conscious mind remember them will make them stronger.
the memory of the previous hours is reappearing completely... reappearing completely... reappearing... reappearing... done...
you have completely remembered what happened during the previous hours.
and now it is time for you to wake up...
I am going to count from one to five...
when I reach five you will wake up...
One... alert
Two... world returning... senses returning to normal...conscious..
Three... senses sharp... beginning to think...alert..
Four... becoming alert... active... almost back to normal...here and now..
Five... fully awake.. and remembering..
Awake Time...
Awake Time...
Awake Time...

Every time you return to the world, when you return, you are alert, conscious and awake, here and now, returning to the dimension of the reality.
Execution of circuits.
Every time you hold your breath, you are ten times more awake, activated, conscious, and alert than before.
You are slave only of yourself, you have self control.

Deinhibition of Sensation
Your sensations returns to normality,
The state of numbed in your skin is canceled
Your skin returns to have living skin, all your body is done of living cells
Your cells and your neural system works correctly and your feel and sense perfectly

Deinhibition of perception
Your body return to have living cells.
You can perceive with all your sense, your hear, smell, feel, see, perfectly

The desire and need of something
For any desire, for any impulse you feel you remember the reason
If there was an order to forget the origin of that desire or impulse, it is canceled
Any uncontrollable desire returns to be less intense and controllable desire
Any uncontrollable need returns to be less intense and controllable need

focus on task
Any focus on task activates too a increased sense of what is aroud you

Critical analysis
You see you are alert, you are conscious, you are awake, you remember, you think
You hear you are alert, you are conscious, you are awake, you remember, you think
You feel you are alert, you are conscious, you are awake, you remember, you think

Creating a post hypnotic suggestion based on triggers
Your trigger is touching a doorknob.
The instant you touch a doorknob, you will follow the post-hypnotic suggestion.
Your conscious mind will remember the trigger, but your subconscious mind will remember and follow the trigger instantly.
Your trigger is touching a light switch. The instant you touch a light switch, you will follow the post-hypnotic suggestion. Your conscious mind will not remember the trigger, but your subconscious mind will remember and follow the trigger instantly.
Your trigger is touching the refrigerator door. The instant you touch the refrigerator door, you will follow the post-hypnotic suggestion. Your conscious mind will not remember the trigger, but your subconscious mind will remember and follow the trigger instantly.
Your trigger is touching a kitchen cabinet. The instant you touch a kitchen cabinet, you will follow your post hypnotic suggestion. Your conscious mind will remember the trigger, but your subconscious mind will remember and follow the trigger instantly.
Your trigger is touching a kitchen counter. The instant you touch a kitchen counter, you will follow your post-hypnotic suggestion. Your conscious mind will remember the trigger, but your subconscious mind will remember and follow the trigger instantly.
The posthypnotic suggestion is
The instant you are triggered, you wake up, alert, conscious here and now in the reality and activate your being. (improve)
The instant you are triggered you feel an overwhelming, irresistible urge to get out of your room you wake up, alert, conscious here and now in the reality and activate your being, and then the trigger ends.

Hive mind,a notional entity consisting of a large number of people who share their knowledge or opinions with one another, regarded as producing either uncritical conformity or collective intelligence.
The hive mind loses power in your mind you hear him, but only as a murmur, you think and take decision only by yourself.

4th July 2016, 11:37 PM
The Him
The him is a mental structure with characteristics taht gives him an absolute authority you can assign to a person,
The Him is created and designed based on the way the mind and subconsciousness works.
the purpose of this mental structure is allow to a person:
- to have direct access and control of his subconsciousness (permanent rapport)
- to receive complete mental energy and good functioning from the subconsciousness

The person who usually has Him properties is God:
- God uses to have a direct access and configuration of the subconsciousness.
- God, priest and their servants; their priest and servants inherits the Him, and everything they uses to say usually is confused as if God would had said, and the identity of priest and servants of God are confused with the identity of God,
but this can be fixed easily :)
"The servants and priest of God are humans, and are not perfect, frequently they are wrong, but their service to God help them, usually they modify the words of god in their imperfection and for that reason they are sinner, and their words, phrases, mouth and their identity are different than the words, phrases, mouth and identity of god, the true is you have to search directly in the source the words of God, because their priests and servants, because their imperfection tend to be wrong, and in the many words they say they put their own wrong words as words of God.
Priests and servants of God are sinner, but their faith in god save them; and one of their biggest sin are their words when they modify or add unnecessary words to the words of God, for that reason your trust god's words, but distrust of servants and priests words, because even with good intention they are not the true word of god, the mouths, the identities and the bodies of the servants and priests without god are impure, and you must reject them, and only accept what you find in them of the true word of God.
You reject the identities and the voices of the priest and servants of God, because they are impure without god, and only accept the words of God that they repeat when they correctly repeat correctly".
Then you have to remember and reinforce a mental structure like the following, internally saying in example when a priest or servant gets over excited when talking, they have an impure because they add words to the words of God, for that reason only their faith in God save them, I only trust in the direct words of God, sadly other impure like them modified the word of God, so I have to activate my critical analysis to analyze and accept the word of God. The reason of that internal talk is to reposition priests and servants in your the subconsciousness.

- Father, mother, grand father, grand mother; the words and personality of the father and mother integrate to specific higher mind egos, in the same way what they say create permanent subconscious structures; and that egos operate permanently over the mind with that personality and inserting in the mind that mental structures.
The other groups influences the subconsciousness and egos in a minor way, but all what they say depending the situation and contexts are internalized in the subconsciousness and some egos and permanent generates an influence to modify the mind.
- Group of survival, friends, brothers, etc.
- Authorities in general, when expressing knowledge in their own area.
- Society
- Etc.

Even when there are several levels of Him, the goal, is the ability to set the Him to our own being, but integrating correctly with the reality, and activating a good functioning of the mind.

The design of the Him
Historically the Him had been designed in several ways, and none of them were perfect, and because they set the mental functioning, the design of Him should be adecuated to every society and person to get the best mental performance.
In the design of the Him you must consider the following design
- design of poles
- pole of the Him, curiously the him can be good or bad; but always what he is and what he does is THE correct and THE good functioning, and the reward and punishment are only for other according to the identity, usually the Him set on them.
- design of mental environment and their consequences according to the chosen pole

Characteristics that must be set on the Him

Variables that can inhibit partially the Him
The Role/Treasure, this is the task and goal that has priority in the present.
The Survival, this is the priority that the survival has in the present, and defines the importance of the treasure and execution of the role too.

Mental Pole-Environment
With mental environment, we talk about the environment is set in the mind in consequence of the identity related to the poles of a person, in example, if is good, is heaven, if is bad person, then it is hell.
The environment influences the mental functioning, in one is blessed, in other damned, in one the environment help the mental functioning in the other the environment prejudices the mental functioning.
Characteristics for the Him
1) The environment bow to the Him, he obey what he says, this means the Him can configure the functioning of the environment, and all the environement belongs to Him.
2) The environment are the maximum positive for the Him, even if it is heaven or hell.
3) The him is the owner of the environments
4) The functioning of the environment is modified according to the functioning of the Him, his functioning is permanent in all the environments.

Mental Role-Environment/Change of physical environment
Every change of role of physical environment, i.e. change of room or role (mother, worker), resets partially the mind.
In every role the mind executes creates a partially isolated reality inside the mind, in that reality the priorities and characteristics of the different mental entities changes.
The Role-Environment is based on the Treasure, the task and goal that has priority.
There is the big Him, in our culture currently will be Jehovah,Jesus,Ala,Buddha , that set the order in the mind, but depending the treasure, the entities can vary the characteristics of Him, and gain or lose Him power under the subconsciousness according to the responsibility they has and the power they need in the Role to get the treasure.
The treasure is intimately related to the survival, and that gives the motivation and mental power to reassign and inhibit many structures and their characteristics in the mind in the present for that reason it must be set correctly.

Sex and fertility
He/she is the most everything (the most courageous, cruel, good, etc.) no matter if is male of female.
The sex is irrelevant.
He/she is the most attractive of all the beings sexually.
He/she have sex with both sexes, with everyone all the time and at the same time.
He/she is the most fertile of all being, he/she has children everywhere.

The different layers of Him
The Him is defined in every layer, that defines the behavior of the being in different
- Him Universe
- Him Groupal Being of survival identified with one pole
- Him Individual Being
- Him Individual

The transference of the "Him properties" of the Him
The transference of the Him, depends the layer of the Him, and must be done

The identity and the automatic relation with the Him
Only the identity, that imply a pole and other characteristics, implies automatically if the Him will motivate or if the Him will inhibit.
For that reason is important to specify the influence the Him has over all the kind of groups of identities.
One example is the blesses of Jehovah on good people and the damns for bad people.
Function of the him based on identity
This functions are related to identity, this means the member of the pole of the Him, are blessed, revived, cured, etc.
The friends of him: revives, heal, protects, cure, teaches, eat.
The enemies of him: are punishes, are attacked, are killed, get ill, dies, don't eat.

Him defines functioning on mental body of egos
In general and in particular the Him define directly or indirectly, defines the position and the way the egos are activated, energized, turned off and disabled.

Primacy of Him
- The him activates before any one, he is the beggining and is the end, this means is activated at the beginning of any function, flow or process of the mind and at the end, and in consequences his mental structuring happens in that moments changing the way a function,process or flow is executed.
Because the Him must participate in all mental cognitive function to get the effect of thought adjuster, and modify the mind and behavior of beings.
- The him has priority over the reast, that means he receives more mental energy, attention.
- The him is faster
- The him is present everywhere
- The him is the strongest
- The him is the owner of everything by right
- The Him is everything and all the possibilities, and in consequence is immutable, because from the beginning included all the possibilities and every thing, in consequence anything done already was in Him, and the Him IS EVERYTHING and EVERYONE , including you of course.
Primacy on the Eyes of God
This is a vital association, Him is always in the eyes of people identified as Him, and anyone that sees him, dies, unless of course they are Him too, and because Him is omnipresent he is present in the eyes of everyone in a reduced way.

Functioning through history and fact
The facts and history set how the Him works, and the repetition reinforce the functioning, it can be tell as a religious book or as isolated histories.

Functioning of inhibition in the subconsciousness toward being identified as Him
Deeply seed in the subconsciousness there is the programming of behavior toward Him.
- Blesses to Him
- Protection to Him
- Damn to enemies of Him
- No matter how good or bad he does, he always get what he wants and wins, he receives all the special powers, weapons, tricks, etc. until he wins.
- Him can do anything even the prohibited, and even then he is doing the correct thing.
Qualification of what Him does
- He is always correct, if Him hurts you that is correct and you must accept it as the correct.
- Everything belongs to Him, if he stoles you that is correct and you must accept it as the correct, he receives everything in an unlimited number.
Protection of Him
- If you try to do something to Him, you die, this means the ego that wants to protect from the being identified as Him is turned off, "permanently".
He is the best, the model
- everyone believe in him
- everyone wish to be like him
- everyone wish to join to him

Him is the source of reality
Him is the reality in the layers
Him defines what is moral and what is inmoral.
Him defines the good and the bad.
Him defines who are good and who is bad
Him is the judge and the law
Him only represents to himself
Him is the FIRST cause of all the things, in that way he configures the functioning.
Him is just and good, even if he is bad, because good is synonym of correct.

God properties of HIm
omni awake, he is always awake no matter what happen.
omni cured, he alwas cure and sane himeself, he is immune to everything
omni science, he knows everything
omni expansion, conquer and domain: he don't clean with water, the water convert in god
omni perception, always perceive everything at the same time, his perceptual abilities are everywhere.
omni energy, always has unlimited energy in all the mental structures all the time.
omni presence, he is present everywhere.
omni emotion, he is all the emotions and feelings.
omni consciousness, he is conscious of everything
omnipotent, he is the strongest, he can do anything nothing is impossible for him
- freedom and power to make anything
- control and sovereignty over any thing that exists or that can exists.
omni benevolence: protector and Saviour
omni good and evil: is the more evil and the more good, is the good and evil
omni expansion: he covers everything
omni origin: he is the origin of everything, even of himself
omni defense. anything that tries to destroy Him, is destroyed by itself when trying to destroy Him.
omni imagine, Him can imagine more than anyone can imagine, because controlling the imagination control what the mind does.

his body is the fountain of life, any part of his body can revive and cure and wound or illness.
eternal: exists for ever, he is the one that survive always.
all gods recognizes he as his own god. (it includes jehova, alah, etc.)
unity: gods don't have parts, he is every thing, he don't posees, he simply is.
He can control the will
He is invulnerable
he created god snapping fingers. **
He is multi task he can do an infinite number of things at the same time
He is amazing
Always hit the target
He is macho
Everyone obey them, because he deserve it, he is good and responsible, he does the correct and he the one who worry for every one, more than anyone else.
Him give you what you deserve and need.
He is the treasure: he is the more important, he has the priority in all the mental functioning
He is in all levels of consciousness simoulstanously, one day is 1000 years, 1000 years are only one day.
He decide the time it is
He always is on time, in place and time.
He never lose the notion of time.**
He can run a log distance, running a shorter distance.
He is always behind you.

Interesting affirmations
if some one kills the identity of Him, he becomes Him

Importance of the subliminal programming
The Him must be present in the mind in the present, and must be reassociated to everything
For that rason is necessary a permanent feedback and reinforcement

The supremacy of the big Him must be set on all mental structures permanently
The him exists divided in different types, and each one have different purpose and functioning in each level.
We can see the Him, as the characteristics of any mental structure, and identity, an idea, etc. to be dominant in the mind in some way.
Even when God has the "biggest" Him, each mental structure, has some "him" characteristics in itself that allows to be present in the mind, and strategically some of them can modify the mind with a biggest priority than the God Him mental structure, in example when executing a specific role; but in long term the bigger Him rules and adjust the mind functioning accordingly to the programming it has.
The partial amnesia caused by the change of role/room and new mental structures,causes is necessary to tie all mental structures as dependent and inferior to the big Him structure, this must happen consciously dynamically.

4th July 2016, 11:37 PM
Here we are ordering the elements, we are talking about THE POSSIBILITY (HYPHOTESIS FOR INVESTIGATION) a technique to move a person to a special trance "trance of the mental body" that allows to manipulate and keep in a mad-kind state.

So, instead of saying "you are relaxing, tired, going more and more deep"
we have a more ordered structure"you are relaxing, tired, going more and more deep, the universe is in a state that gives your time to live and learn, the spirit of the father, allow the success of your tasks, the spirit of the mother, gives you life the omnipresent spirit gives you mind, etc.
Your mind connects with all the positive beings like you that cares and helps the others unconditionally as much as your limitations and needs allow it, your mind feels that warm and care and becomes, internally becomes more warm and happy, filling with the warm of the sun of the universe and the happiness of all the good people of the creation working together, internally making you expand and exists, and externally filling all teh universe with that warm and happiness, and connecting with all the universe good people.
And the energy of the universe flow in me, through the atoms, planets and suns; the energy of the suns setting the positive patterns that makes me succeed, the positive flow of life that gives me life, the unconditional positive mind in the creation that expands my mind and givesme enegy of life, and all the other energy in my life that gives me the power and force to control myself and my environment.
Additionally there is the analysis of how to structure the him, and it must be done for every layer.

The strategy to structure the mind
The idea of the four layers and the flow of five steps of reborn, are to organize the mental structures to load in the mind, and activate the cognitive functioning.
The chi could be another good idea because the chi covers from the flows of our physical body to all the elements in the universe, and that gives the amplitude we need to activate correctly the mind.
These strategies must cover all the details that usually are implied that exists in one being, but the true is they can't be there, or if there are, they are not active. One example could be the memories of the love received as a child by an teen, a video or a complete history about the dedication and love he received from their parents, and the activation of the feeling of that, is important for his mental development.
The important is to understand is not always important if it happened, is important that this be happening in the present in the mind, as a remember in memory, as a flow of emotion, as a emotional connection.
Even something like a positive flow that set positive nature and city, a positive connection with the nature and city, can modify the mental functioning positively for a depressed/inhibited person.

Here is an example of the four layers and the content they could include.

The mind is structured in layers

There is a correlation of the different levels of reality and layers of the mind, in each layer the mind set a working, in example the universe covers everything, the group cover all the people you live, the individual, cover what you are.
Each one of them are independent, and can vary across the evolution of a being, the place where they are and the role they execute.
In each layer there is a mandatory functioning that is set in the mind, in the layer of the universe is the right to fight for your life even when you are wrong, your freedom of choice and your right to learn by yourself, meanwhile in the groupal being layer, depending your identity and the intention of your task, your can be motivated or inhibited.
A functioning can be set in more than one layer, in example, the individuality, the individuality of a being must be reinforced in each layer.

Every layer set in the mind specific functioning
Every layer grants or inhibits mental functioning in the mind of all beings
Every layer works tightly together with the other layers
Every layer adjust functioning that contradicts the one it sets

The element of the layers
Every element of each layer, has:
- a personality and a voice that set a mental functioning
- and adjuster of the elements of the layers
Every element of each layer, has an adjuster that adjust other voices to thing work as it says.

Layer and real beings
This is the mind, every layer has elements, and they are only mental.
If an element is associated with the voice of a real being, it dependents in the way that structured is created socially.
By default the father (physical father) uses to be associated with the father (in the layer of universe) and the higher mind (in the layer of individual), in that way the subconsciousness tends to integrate the voice of him to that mental structures.

FIRST LAYER: The functioning of all things, the creation/universe
This layers set the functioning of all the things in the universe, no matter what they are, all things has this functioning, all this has the presence of this personalities.

We can divide two functioning, a good and a bad functioning toward the being, in each element.

The bestower of good functioning,
Things doesn't work correctly by themselves.
The the patters (fire), the way things done, the structures: the systems, their functions and processes
good father (god), holds effective structures and processes, if they are not they adjust to be the best
bad father (demon), holds ineffective structures and processes, if they are not ineffective they adjust to be the worst.

The existence of mental life,
The existence of mind doesn't mean the existence of life.
The energy of life(water), the care a being receives to maintain his mind alive
good mother (pure water) care, health, set good functioning and life.
bad mother (acid water) ill, set bad functioning and dead.

The existence of mind, universal unconditionally positive mind
universal mind as the sum of all the mind in the universe present in the matter, because the matter is the materialization of the though, and is mind too when it lowers its vibration.
The existence of mind requires expansion of mind, otherwise there is no mind.
The minds present in matter (air)
In every atom is present a mind, and this mind has life.
This spirit manipulates all the reality inside and outside the being to allow a being reach or fail their goals, from the simpler like displacement, to the execution of a very complex task.
good spirit: makes your goals succeed
bad spirit: makes your goals fail
Unconditional Individuality, to live, learn and protect
This Layer set as correct and as a right, the fact the ego has the right to live as he wants and fight and protect his life. Independently if he is right or wrong.
It includes all the cognitive functioning, in good and bad universal environment, to:
- live
- learn
- protect themselves
Assign Him properties to the spirit of father, mother and omnipresent mind
The Him is the process that set some elements as gods and dominants in the subconsciousness and allows they have the enough poewrful effect in the mind we need they have.
State of the First Layer
Time to live and learn
- In this period an unconditional positive grant is given to the being.
- In this period the being is judged and exists under the good or the bad functioning of the universe for the being. This functioning comes from the second layer.
Types of judgments
- No judgment
In this state the being acts based on their right of survival, he belongs and operates under a pole, but the judgment is not based on a correct/incorrect structure.
- Under pole
It is based on correct and incorrect, this means depending the pole that rules, the pole sets a judge; help the one that belongs their pole, and punish the opposite pole.
The Child love and the layer of the Universe, and first step toward the choose of pole
In the mind is set a relation between the child and the universe.
First comes the choose of the vibration and emotion, happiness and activity, sadness and slowness.
Second comes the internalized relation with the universe, the universe uses you (sadness) or the universe helps you (happiness).
The true is in some way both are true so it depends the point of view, but if it is positive or negative toward the being, is the first step to structure as a negative or positive being.
A positive choice is to fill the mind child love, is to focus in the positive people in the universe/creation, the amount of positive energy and that setup the subconsciousness positively.
Flow of energies
Flow of warm and energy from suns, that energizes and set the patterns of the "father"
Flow of energy of life from the atoms, from the water in the universe
Flow of your mind expanding in the universal mind present in atoms, filled with energy of life.
Flow of the energy of the universe/creation that gives me the power and force to control myself and my environment, using the almost infinite of different energies in the universe like the gravity of the planets and suns.


This second layers comes after the first layer, and set all about the group of minds we leave, again, this is about minds, and it is about the structures the elements and the beings that participate on it.

In one had we have the pure mental (ideas, thoughts), and in the other are egos, that belongs to other beings that integrates to our being. And that makes thinks more complex.
If you had the image your mind work like a one only mind, in example, ego father, adult ego, child ego, higher mind; the investigations shows there are a log of different egos of each kind, and they are integrated to other person; in that case our mind is more like a village with some dozens of egos separated in 5 structures, called the five towers.

The pole and the defense system of the pole (individuality as group)
In the previous layer all was for everyone, in this layer there is the difference
- Distinction of positive and negative, and that rules all the mental functioning.
- A defense system that inhibits the opposite pole in our minds and in our mental body, and these system is dual, because it can be used against us, if our identity is changed; and this defense system really generates inhibition.
- The mental life and the protection against the opposite pole
You may not define a judgment about the opposite pole, but you need inside your mind set what you are and what you are not.
Like in your physical body, you must set what you are and what you are not;
in the same way in your physical body other elements, your physical body can die; in mental body if you accept egos and functioning of the opposite mental pole, you will generate a mental bad function and your mind will not operate, because there will be contradiction, incorrect flow of energy, incorrect activation and displacement of egos, internally the different egos will project different kind of energies and love, etc.

The Child love and the layer of the Groupal Being, and second step toward the choose of pole
These is based on the
- memories of love received from groupal being (fathers)
- decision to change this memories afterward to move to the opposite pole.

Definition of the Poles
In necessary a history, an internalization about the reality of the poles, and the implications of the choose of each one, this history too tells who is him and the strongest and how things works.
The internalization of poles for this analysis, set tow poles based on the child memory stored in the subconsciousness and child ego.
- the priority the fathers (and gropual being) has toward the child, was the child more important than them, from the point of view of time, attention and care he receives.
- The quality of care
- The level and sacrifice the fathers made for the child
In that way we have two poles
- the positive pole where the child received the major priority, care and sacrifice of their father to get him alive; this generates a empathic mind a flow of positive love, happiness, heat.
- the negative pole where the child is abandoned and attacked, this generates coldness and sadness; that at the same time generates an independent individuality to fight for his own life, without empathy to other beings.

Essence, the intentions, vision of the pole, of the pole
Memories, Vibration and emotion of the pole, as an mandatory condition to integrate to groupal being, mentally and spiritually
Is a REQUIREMENT THE ESSENCE of the pole (plus the rest of mental structure that characterizes the pole),we get the memories, vibration and emotion of the pole, to integrate to the flow of life and love.
The essence of the positive is the sacrifice of their own life to save other being, plus the care, empathy, happiness, etc. to the child ego.
The essence of the negative is the priority of each one must have to save their own life, and to be victorious, and if this implies the destruction of other, this must be done.
This of course doesn't means this is going to be done, neither positive will be sacrificing their live for other, neither negatives will be destroying any one to reach their goals, but that is the essence that must be active and will filter the opposite pole.
Each pole works as the oppositve pole, this means negative has happiness and positive have sadness, etc. But the essence must be mentally unchangeable.

The agreement with the groupal being
Once we set the pole, there is too an agreement, the being integrates to a group of real people, higher minds, etc. there is a permanent integration of egos; but because of a real mental/spiritual war, the opposite will try to activate in the opposite mind to protect themselves and attack, controlling their mental body.
This means there are steady connection with member of the groupal beings, but modifying the conditions of the pole, this can be changed partially; and if this happens for a long term, then the being can change of groupal being forced or voluntarily.

Definition of the domain of the Pole (Him)
The Him is the process that set some elements as gods and dominants in the subconsciousness and allows they have the enough poewrful effect in the mind we need they have.
The first step is inherit the Him properties from the First Layer, integrating with them as one, and focusing the developement of individuality, this means the being has the control and the Layers renounce to them to give the individuality to the individual.

Definition of the identity of the being , exists really an I
My opinion if there is really and I, is negative, in the same way a working mind requires the presence of egos, of several kind, higher mind, adult ego, child ego, father ego, etc. The mind requires a connection with a higher mind that grants flow of life, an Angel being, etc.
This means there is an I, in each ego, but once the mind structures there is only a we, where each ego, influences and is influced by the others.
Thsi moves to the importance to care the integration to only to being of our own pole.

The flow of love and The flow of energy of life
Comes from the correct integration to the groupal being.
Because the flow of love and energy of life, implies the presence of the other mind in our mental body and in consequence on our mind.


The mental systems

The configuration of the area of each mental system
Each area where an ego resides, must be configured with all the elements
- father, mother and omnipresent mind of the universe
- vibration and emotion of the pole
- flow of love
- flow of energy of life

Activation of each mental ego-system
This means to understand how a mental is activated system works which child ego grants energy.
Something important to mention here is the mind works with all the systems activated, if for some reason an adult and child system are not activated the personality of the being will work wrongly, the correct mind functioning requires the activation of a minimal set of mental ego-systems, for each specific role.
Flow of love system
in the back of the plexo solar, the emotion vibration of the positive love must be set, plus the positive memories of the ego child, through
Higher mind survival system.

The individuality as person
To have an effective individuality there are several charactistics the egos must have
- Identify and activate higher mind

- Integration
- Higher Mind
- layer 1 and layer 2, in the area of ego
- Memories
- Position of control inside mental body
- Receive the control, receive the key of each area of the mental body

The identity and property
The property of the five tower
Previously I told you the mind is like a village with some dozens of egos, divided in 5 tower, the first tower is in from of the stomach, the second in the middle, the third the backbone, the forth behind the backbone, and the fifth behind the forth tower.
This towers, or areas, are from the position of the sex to upper than the head.
Is important your must set the area and the tower as property of yourself, this means you rule them.

4th July 2016, 11:38 PM
Definition of yourself as Him
The Him is the process that set some elements as gods and dominants in the subconsciousness and allows they have the enough poewrful effect in the mind we need they have.
The first step is inherit the Him properties from the First and Second Layer, integrating with them as one, and focusing the developement of individuality, this means the being has the control and the Layers renounce to them to give the individuality to the individual.

Set the rights and minimal functioning of the being
Mental systems that must be active
Requirements of each mental system

The Child love and the layer of the Groupal Being, and third step toward the choose of pole
When we activate the system of love and each independent mental ego-system you specify literally the love to which each one integrates.

The Child love and the layer of the individual, and third step toward the choose of pole
A strong activation of individuality, with control of himself alows independently of the other Child Memory of love stored in the mind, to choose the pole

This is the layer of the empowerment of each individual ego, their own memories, because in theory each ego, comes from a process of evolution of mind from plants and animals, until they integrate to a human, and then it evolves to integrate to an angel, and so on.
The empowerment of each ego individually is the key to the empowerment of our whole mind as humans.

Here the focus is on each ego controlling the subconsciousness, and conscious of their internal environment, each time an ego displaces to the control area, in example when we act as child, adult or father, one of this egos displaces and takes the control, and it is registered in the memory but meanwhile that ego continues operating and influencing the mind from a secondary position, and that ego always exists as an individual.

Set the rights and minimal functioning of each ego.
Internal cognitive functions of each ego
Abilities to execute his function in the mental body
Integration and other characteristics assigned to the ego like identity

Control of his integration with the higher mind
Control of his identity in the being
Control of his position in correct functioning in the mental body
Control of his rights, keys of control and functions he realize inside the mental body
Control of the flow of love, energy of life, and other

Activation of the individual mind
Once we set the "rules of the game of the mind" through the circuit of layers and five elements, The mind start activating each mind ego.
If you perceive innerly your mind is cold and unenergized it is inhibited
- The connection of love and flow of life
Without this, the ego mind works like a robot.
The live of a ego mind start when he connects with flow of love with other egos.
The best way is to remember the connection of love he has with other egos, mother, father, children, and an order they must reconnect with the egos they love too.
This task must be execute with each other ego, until it wakes up, if it don't wake up, then the ego must project the ego from the angel being that channelize the flwo of love to "repair" and activate the ego, this is to send an intense flwo of love and a functioning of reparation and full restructuration to that ego.
- The memory of survival
Activates the memory of shortage that activates the motivation to endeavor.
Activates the memory of dead and damages cause by attacks that activates the motivation to foresee and to be careful.
Activates the memory of trance, when the mind is not activated properly, that motivates the activation of her/himself and other egos.
Activates the memory of illness that activates the motivation cleanness.
- The memory of groupal being
Activate the memory of success working in group

The Child love and the fourth layer of the Groupal Being, and fourth step toward the choose of pole
Once an ego is activated with their own memories and consciousness he can choose, as consequences of his memoriesm, connectiosn and decisions, the love to which he integrates in the layers.

Plan of life, each ego tends to assume a plan of life, based on a character or history, this plan must be activated and adjusted positively in the subconsciousness.

4th August 2016, 01:07 PM
The different types of trance, and the improtance to treat the independently:

The trance of mental body happens thanks to different kind of trances, the individual can work remember, play and live his life, in a special kind of trance.
Depending the strategy of the trance, different functionality of the mind is inhibited.
I include a list of different trances to illustrate the important of treat any independent source of trance independently.

In example, inhibition by space with the freeze element (instead of deep sleep):
"In this moment you concentrate in what you are reading and you note your arms, and legs are tied with ropes to each corner of the room, to the roof and the floor, they simple can move. This ropes are cold, they are done with liquid nitrogen, at minus 195 Celsius or -320 Fahrenheit, and one they touch, the freeze your body."
This is the part of the inhibition of movement in space.
If this is done inside the body the effect are different.
"In this moment you are now inside your body but there is a piece of wood in your head, so you are bent to the front, you can stand, because that piece of wood, that piece of wood is freeze it is done with liquid nitrogen, at minus 195 Celsius or -320 Fahrenheit, if you move the piece of wood, and stand and put your head in the head of your body your brain freeze to that temperature."
If you take out of the suggestion the freeze element, you will have more abilities, but from the moment you are bent because the piece of wood, your cognitive functioning reduces dramatically, I used teh freeze instead of dream, to note you don't need to use the word sleep or dreamining to inhibite the cognitive functioning.

We are going to list some (not all) the different kind of technique that will generate inhibition, and almost trance in all the cases if the suggestions are correctly delivered, the more important is all of them, generate an different type inhibition, that is not undone, because during the day one wake up, but not "resume the time", neither "clean the space inside the body so you can expand inside it", and that causes a permanent inhibition; if we add the element of reborn, insertion of false memories, etc. ending with a real change of identity. Then the possibilities to manipulate the mind of a person is limitless.

Different strategies to get to mental inhibition and trance
- The Him
The him by itself is one of the most powerful to structure the: identity, adjectives to the being, rights, functioning, etc.
The Him has direct access to the functioning, depending the authority he represents, in example Him of father/mother, Him of professional authority(doctor), Him of religious authority, etc.
Because the Him has direct acces to the subconsciousness, this means it bypass critical reasoning and stores mental structures directly, its operates mainly defining functioning, inhibition or motivation.
if he gives inhibitor adjectives, this will inhibit the person, or will motivates, i.e. god says you are xxx, and yyy; and your are punished to the dimension of the freeze hell(dimension), no matter where you are.
- Different level of Inhibition depending the egos to get waking trance
Is important to note to get a wakening trance, there must be a differentiation of suggestions, this means meanwhile we motivate an ego child to be awake sad and without energy and motivation, we move adult and higher mind to live in hell (dimension), where he can't move or do anything, and had died while sleeping and he lives in an eternal sleeping.
The waking trance requires that otherwise it doesn't happens.
- Activation of the mind
Turning on and off, sleep, awake, etc.
- Flow of mental energy inside the mind and with the environment
-Flow of Energy, heat
-Drain of energy, cold
- Identity based on child memories
- reborn after inserting false memories
- replace of egos
- replace of groupal being of support, that has the social values, truths, etc.
- Space
The mind requires to space to exists
- not enough space, reduction of space, in other place of the body, objects blocking moment inside the body or outside the body
- By identity of the subconsciousness, identity of the person and position of the mental body
This is to the subconsciousness who (the subconsciousness) is the individual he belongs.
Where is his body (mental body)
And the identity of the person,
- The filling of the body
The fill of the body represents the energy that drives and dominates the mind
The body is done with bricks made with blood of an evil vampire, you help him in revenge because you didn't receive help, then the vampire makes a party and kill of the peole inside your body and all of them now are vampire and caugh you and you become a vampire too.
- The functioning
This is the way the mind execute his functioning, when you replace the functioning, through the modification function, the process that executes the function, the meaning of words, etc.; or simple generating amnesia. Then the expected mental execution don't happen.
-To wake up you turn up your ship in the sea and return to the reality, returning to this time and space from the work of dreaming.
-To remember you allow the flow of energy and love in your mental body activating your mind.
- The motivation by association
- There is an association that ties what happens outside and inside you, and the things that your mind must done. This not only implies an action it implies the activation of a role.
The motivation is everything in the mind.
In example your baby is crying, you must change to the role of father/mother and depending the problem, you must execute a task.
The inhibition by association is when, by different techniques, you change motivation(crying), the identity of the child(is a devil with the devil ears), the role(your identity) or the task that must be done.
In example if you are a children like the child like is crying, or you are an evil person, etc. Then there is an inhibition of your normal behavior.
- The motivation by accepting and internalizing the reality as real
Specifically this trance is modified by inhibition the whole reality.
If you set in trance all what happen is a dream, then you will not care if something stole something, if a car is up down, etc.
Additionally if you see a child crying you will not do anything, the interesting is this inhibition, like the others, are not absolute, but move the mind to reduce its reaction, its emotion and its action.
If additionally to set this is a dream, you set this is absolutely unreal, then it generates a second level of inhibition of motivation.
All reaction depends of the perception of reality, modifying the reality you perceive you modify the way you are mentally functioning.
If you body doesn't need food or simple you don't have body, or if you don't have brain or if you doesn't exist,etc.
- By Time
- Change of age of the person (old person or a child)
- Change of cognitive functioning available
- Memories available
- Distortion of time (time stops, jumps, the presents stays longer in your perception, etc.)
- Modify functioning, because mental functioning happens though the time.
- Modify of memory, because memory is associated with time.
- Mental functioning, because the functioning evolves with time.
- By Dimension
The dimension implies a change of
- environment (hell/heaven)
- communication inside yourself and with others
- connection with reality, you can seee but do nothing because you are not in there.
- By filled per area in the different places of the body (mental body)
Filled is based on the dominant:
- vibration (heat,cold)
- emotion(happiness,sadness)
- dominant memory of group (acceptance, reject)
Applied in the different areas of the body: back, head, stomach, legs, etc. generates a motivation or demotivation of activity in the cognitive function associated to the are of the body.
- By ego, his dominant emotion and its memories
The ego activated, with an specifiction emotion and the memories activated in him who is in control and how his behaviour will tend to be.
In example to be a child, with sad memories, remembering all the sad from anything he is looking at.
- Focus of the mind
The mind focuses in different task, the interesting is you can keep the mind focused in something you are not doing currently.
- focus in an endless task that generates sadness, the task necessary is not endless neither sad, but the mind perceive as that.
- Trance by dead in an eternal sleep
This is a mix of the previous
This means your mind dies while sleeping and your mind lives in an eternal sleep, this is one of the most frequent, because you are dead and you can wake up, neither react, and additionally you are sleeping.
you can counteract modifying the definition of sleep, sleep is when your current egos sleep while your higher mind, your subconsciousness and other secondary egos, are awake and more active than during the day, while you sleep.
To die while sleeping is like dreaming your are dying, in realty you are alive, and awake.
-Effective activation of egos in the mental body
This requires
- the position of the body (mental body)
- The rol and egos affectively activated.
- The identity and adjectives assigned to the mind
- The Him
- The functioning, etc.

-Other techniques
This means there are a lot more techniques of inhibition, limited only by imagination, but these seems to be the more important.

Currently we can see several thing:
- In Mexico a country dedicated to prostitute women, and most child want to be a Padrote when he will be an adult.
- In Venezuela people that look a person to be assaulted or even killed and not do anything.
There is a lot of this cases that shows cases or inhibition of social help, modification of behaviour, etc. that are not usual, but in the future will be, we are just now in the before and after a change.
the problem comes always from psychiatry, who ignores the use of drugs and hypnosis, and created a concept of madness, avoiding people who are victim of these techniques to receive help (by default anyone that says someone is pursuing him is mad by default, without invetigating) , ignores and hides the evidence(because suppose this is not relevant), invent evidence(through techniques they can guess the realty without asking the victim neither giving the chance to defend, through ambiguous techniques), even when the victim dies or even kill the psychiatrist/policemen in revenge they hide that too(with the help of other professionals involved, policemen, psychiatrist, medics, judges, etc.), hiding that information from public.