View Full Version : healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills
14th May 2016, 01:47 AM
Forum members lets acknowledge that we are made of atoms. With mental illness the matter it's made of is negative brain wiring of the brain. That's what mental illness is made, of, negativity. If we annihilate negativity it will break down mental illness. Note, Read my Great White Secret thread. It teaches how to brake down negativity. Note ask angels to put gods light long term in all your drinks of spring water. Get a psychic to verify with the angels that this is actually happening, the water mixed with light, long term. Getting on medication is easy. Getting off medication isn't so easy but if you know what you’re doing like me it is actually an easy path. Getting sound is the secret to getting off the pills. If you not sound enough you will just guarantee to end up in hospital. Soul retrieval needs to be done. If not expect a psychic attack while lowering medication. Expect to be put back up on the pills. The meds block the feeling of splintered soul part. Appreciate medication for now, Many people have voices and entities are desperate and suicidal. Acknowledging and appreciating the medicine that saved your life by cheating suicide. Make it a practice to work with the medication and raise your vibration, Take a lie detector test to prove that you no longer have entities or voices to the psychiatric doctor, while finishing raising vibration completely. When raising vibration, stuff comes to the surface for healing. Get the Angels to heal what comes to the surface. This process can take many years. But it’s worth it. To be fully sound take yourself on a healing journey to become sound. Talk to the doctors Higher Self at the right time to puppet the doctor by saying yes to lowering medication. This can be achieved when you have obtained soundness. Dissolve schizophrenia threw raising vibration. Acknowledge that schizophrenia is only there at a lower vibration.
Vibrational Universe
The mental health system is part of the lower frequency umbrella of the universe. If you raise your vibration above you are no longer resonating under the vibration of the mental health patient frequency. The universe will open doors to you to be able to exit the mental health system lower medication
Niacin treatment can be a long term treatment substitute to psychiatric medication. Giving you access to lucid dreaming etc.
Psychiatric food medicine, that might actually cure your schizophrenia permanently for good you won’t have to take the pills for the rest of your life. Haven’t tried it ^ will do. This thread is for people with mental illness is a guide or a thread that can help break free from mental health system jail for those who are under it. Being grateful for medication it has a purpose. No voices means no suicide. No entities means freedom like those who do not have entities, while on medication. zombie consciousness makes the influence of the dark side no longer overwhelming at all mentally. I call it safe mode like a computer mode. Psychic protection. The psychiatric tranquilizers help have tranquillity or safeness. Protective toxins help keep you disconnecting into a safe place when you close your eyes. If the wounds are too strong- overwhelming you have the ability to disconnect.
^ psychiatric food medicine to repair the brain, from schiziphrenia web link
14th May 2016, 02:10 AM
How to brake free from the chemical imbalanced brain jail
Get psychic surgery on the brain threw angels to perfect the brain to heal or restore & undo chemical imbalances
If you get confused while getting off the medication mentally this is what you do
14th May 2016, 04:34 AM
Hi :-)
I just want to say how happy I am for you to have come this far, I do really root for you to gain your strenth completely.
14th May 2016, 04:51 AM
14th May 2016, 05:33 AM
IA56 (
It's been 10 years on my reiki healing journey and still going. WIth more then 10,000 angels working on my mental emotional and spiritual bodies
14th May 2016, 06:06 AM
LOTN ; we have strict policy for drug discussion , illegal or otherwise.
Let's just confirm that you are not recommending people to go off of medication while they have the disease right?.Suggesting so is a monumentally wrong mistake.
Please rectify or point it out your'e not recommending or giving advise regarding what medicine they take for what disease - If not I'll flag this thread and report it.
You can read our drug and medication policy on the upper-side of the forum menu.
14th May 2016, 07:01 AM
First get rid of the disease on the medication first then get off the medication under the supervision of a psychiatrist
niacin is not a drug it's a vitamin. If you can prove to the doctor that you don't have voices don't have entities under a lie dector test it means that the patient is miss diagnosed with schizophrenia or psychosis
Therefore medication is not necessary anymore
therefore it can be slowly reduced under a psychiatrist
14th May 2016, 07:43 AM
therefore it can be slowly reduced under a psychiatrist
All type of schizophrenia isn't the same , most if not all cases require life long medication.
Quote above , exempts you , like I said this is all supervised under a licensed qualified physician so each case is taken differently and does not tell anyone to just immediately get off their medication.
14th May 2016, 07:50 AM
Now that we are on the same page , I'll put in my 2 cents , being telepathic this was a huge thing for me too , I had to be put on medication because I was hearing voices (you cannot tell if they are actual voices being put into your head or are coming into the brain instead).I feel much better now that it's all over , that way I can really empathize with your point of view . Good thread :thumbsup:
15th May 2016, 12:38 AM
All type of schizophrenia isn't the same , most if not all cases require life long medication.
Quote above , exempts you , like I said this is all supervised under a licensed qualified physician so each case is taken differently and does not tell anyone to just immediately get off their medication.
I can't fully prove it but I think all mental diseases can be cured threw psychic surgery on the brain. I can't fully prove that it is reality. So basically it's a theory
15th May 2016, 12:50 AM
IA56 (
I am always open to your love online. If one day you get skype please add me. Your like a loved one to me
15th May 2016, 02:31 AM
organic eggs with a runny yolk
raw unpasteurised, unhomogenised, organic milk from a farm
-homemade kefir made from organic farm milk
raw, unpasteurised, unhomogenised butter
organic vegetables
cut down on organic fruit
too much sugar
have 1-2 pieces of fruit a day max
have organic potatoes with skin peeled
fermented buckwheat
fermented brown rice
as your carb
no gluten (no wheat)
seafood ;/
bone broth made from organic bones
probiotics in supplements with a minimum of 25 to 50 billion bacteria a day
fermented vegetables
these are your fats: coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, unhomogenised, unpasteurised, raw organic butter
nuts and seeds
15th May 2016, 02:31 AM
my sister got me into the mental health food medicine
I will let you know how it goes, guys
15th May 2016, 06:38 AM
IA56 (
I am always open to your love online. If one day you get skype please add me. Your like a loved one to me
Thank you dearest lord.of.the. now :-)
To be here online it is nearly as Skype so I am sure I will not ever sign up for the real Skype, sorry. I send all my love to you, and root for your total healing.
It is nice to feel you are so much collected and steady, you have done very good work can be proud of your strain it is showing clearlier now, keep your feet on the ground steady :-)
:loveyou::grouphug: :heart:
21st May 2016, 03:46 AM
practice the emotional freedom technique when your out in public (not wasting precious time)
Tap "I am, positive now"
What I call Positive filter
only expose yourself to positive material for example don't let yourself be programmed by all the crap on tv. Only expose yourself to positive material
Make sure you listen to not negative or positive plus positive and loving music
Negative music programs your mind negatively
23rd May 2016, 09:37 AM
Thanks lord. I'm noting all your advice. I believe myself to be skitzo and telepath but have never been diagnosed or putt on meds mostly because I never told anyone what's going on inside my head, outside of close friends.
26th May 2016, 01:07 AM
your a cute character your name and your picture:heart:
just appreciating you buzzcock
26th May 2016, 01:14 AM
Find yourself a shaman to work on issues for healing
Note, Being sound may take a couple of years but it's worth it. You would have to take yourself on a
raising vibration journey
healing journey
connecting journey
The fastest way I know how to raising vibration is...
aligning your vibration with archangel tarot deck
Laughing Yoga
Getting into the moment
Lesser exercises I do...
I do I self love in the mirror 10mins
and Gratitude 10mins daily
26th May 2016, 01:20 AM
This song is directed at buzzcock. I hope you feel the online love. I hope you get sound threw my thread
29th June 2016, 04:48 AM
Very f-ing profound sense of well being from doing the GAP diet just a beginner long term apple cider vinger have a big impact on my gut health and really good good mental health
I strongly recommend the EAT DIRT book
Best seller
13th July 2016, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the help and advice
14th July 2016, 01:49 AM
I made a mistake
note it was the probiotic yogurt that made me feel f-ing profound good inside not the apple cider vinegar.
The divine loaded the probiotics with rich sources of gods light which really enhanced my spiritual wellbeing I never felt so good ever in my life
The divine were working with the probiotics
I remember the time when I use to be a smoker and the angels added rich love and light to the tobacco and it was probably the most best smoke I ever had
4th July 2017, 11:15 PM
6 ways of curing schizophrenia
1 psychic surgery on the brain, changing the brain structures
2 healing schizophrenia on a mental level, what's been healed on a mental level will automatically change the structure of the brain
3 curing the Gut
4Transmuting schizophrenia my raising above it's vibration very possibly creating high frequency chemical imbalance(transmuting into positive voices)
5 Sun Gazing the safe way getting a contract with the angels to send light to the pupils the get rid of mental illness long term angel therapy(avoiding sun damage to the iris, this way)
6 powerful anti-psychotic vitamin Niacin treatment substitute to drug induced anti-psychotics
4th July 2017, 11:19 PM
This is very very exciting stuff for me. I am obsessed about the eat dirt book when I am off the forum. off the forum in real life (
It works like this. There has been research on people with bad gut health linked to diseases such as autism, depression skitzophrina. When you can cure your gut you cure you brain. It's a very grounded theory because the research done on this subject.
There is a big chance that you can cure you mental illness. I am guessing about 75% potential. This is very real, forum members. Very positive. This subject is all over my brain.
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I go to a club with people with mental illness. I want to get a role there so I can get the Alan car quit smoking book for people there that are brainwashed by tobacco. if you poison your body with tobacco you poison your mind. tobacco is really bad for the mental health. And was wanting to get 20 Alan car quit smoking books and 20 eat dirt book to cure people with mental illness in that department, I was wanting the universe to bring in money so I can fund the books for this club. I was wanting to do talks about it this subject.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________
Mostly all the food they sell at the grocery store is poisonous for the gut. I only trust organic foods. They use anti-bacterial chemicals to keep the food have longer shelf life. They also put preservatives to make more money. The anti-bacterial properties ruins the positive bacteria in gut.
Lots of people everywhere are mentally sick because they eat food that is bad for their gut health. It's a hidden epidemic.
Have you ever noticed how some meat smells really bad. It’s because it's old meat in preservatives it's really bad for the vibrational and wellbeing. (
4th July 2017, 11:37 PM
^^ here’s just a example of the sun gazing phenomena and mental health
^^ long term angels therapy sending gods light into the iris threw the pack of reiki angels
only available for those who are on there healing journey
it's been 10years already for me
5th July 2017, 04:18 AM
Transmuting schizophrenia my raising above it's vibration very possibly creating high frequency chemical imbalance(transmuting into positive voices)
i have just attempted this method and the voices are already trying to remind me that i am a loser and out of life ("beyond life") kindly. im not btw.
I go to a club with people with mental illness.
i am diagnosed with it. i have carers come every week day for an hour or two. i am their shaman, though... and it's all thanks to the great white secret. mostly.
6th July 2017, 06:23 AM
what inspired me to make this thread to help those to free themselves from psychiatric medication prison
17th July 2017, 09:20 PM
How do you know your ready to get of the pills?
When your healing angels tell you its the right time to get of the pills,
thats when your ready
they know how sound you are when that day comes
17th July 2017, 09:23 PM
in the mean time the pills bring in safety mentality
and help you function in reality, in the mean time
18th July 2017, 12:23 PM
Talk to the doctors Higher Self at the right time to puppet the doctor by saying yes to lowering medication.
i do this too.
I can't fully prove that it is reality. So basically it's a theory
my theory is that the doctor will give up when it's time, like how a camel breaks when you put one more straw on it's back. i hope he knows what's coming, yep its the great white secret. :banghead: <-- thats him soon.
22nd July 2017, 03:56 AM
Zinc said to cure schizophrenia
What evidence is there that zinc helps people with mental health problems?
Since the 1920s zinc has been known to play a role in mental health. Decades of research has found a link between taking zinc supplements and an improvement in the symptoms of schizophrenia, autism, ADHD and other mental health problems.Along with iron, zinc is the most common trace mineral in the body. Zinc is found in every one of our cells, and is needed for about 100 enzyme reactions. It’s vital for a healthy mind, immune system, reproductive system and more.
The World Health Organization says it is estimated that zinc deficiency affects about one-third of the world’s population. Although severe zinc deficiency is rare, mild-to-moderate zinc deficiency is quite common throughout the world. A lack of zinc can cause many health problems, including depression, impotence, lo
31st July 2017, 10:11 AM
l.o.t.n i have finished with the great white secret, here are my insights:
neutral brain chemistry is physical, there are not others
positive brain chemistry is emotional, there is a whiff of hope
negative brain chemistry WAS mental, insanity is contagious (but not with me anymore)
i try to be clean and clear - that makes it impossible for others to infect me with psycho-inuendo, which is always making a very big mistake. that mistake is my advantage from here on. because the great white secret was indeed a secret, :shock:
7th March 2019, 09:07 PM
getting in contact with the pleiadian or ashtar alien mind angels are huminoid alien race
They would understand the brain much better then we humans do and so they will know how to cure the schizophrenic human brain structures on a brain level
because they know the brain better,
scientifically they have been around longer then us humans
8th March 2019, 11:33 AM
the key is to embrace the danger but keep that low-key... you've got to understand that 50% of people have only heard of the news.
it's not about what happens to them it's about what happens to you - well that's my version of it. olyris
12th March 2019, 11:29 PM
you can get the pleiadians to correct the brain structure of
Bad memory
Chemical imbalances from drugs
Any other brain disorder
13th March 2019, 05:12 PM
another key of mine is to get the illness to evolve the brain chemistry positively - with the help of the right meds - basically, it's the same as setting up a blast furnace (famous chemical reaction)... if you set the conditions right, you will achieve a new state of consciousness and elevated level of being. it is being a part of the ultimate evolutionary step. into the future, with all of this "we are not that sick!"... :D
13th March 2019, 05:14 PM
the next evolutionary step is to take god-awareness, plus the brain chemistry and the fact that some people are attention-positive (know something), and gradually forget about who is wrong. it is like religion and how jesus was a level up.
the meek shall inherit the earth...
8th May 2019, 11:48 PM
11th June 2019, 09:12 PM
there are few things to keep in mind
You've got to get rid of schizophrenia brain structures to normal possibly threw psychic surgery under the pleiadian operation
Because if you lower your medication the brain gets confused and the brain can't sleep well because of the confusion
you've got to get rid of dark forces that may interfere with the detox they will possibly interfere
you've got to get rid of voices and anything that may overwhelm you off the tranquility safe ground of the medication
you need evidence for half a year to a whole year without voices ask to take a lie detector test for the psychiatrist to have a good detox attempt
11th June 2019, 09:31 PM
the other thing you need to keep in mind is
when you detox your vibration is dropped your shield goes down making you vulnerable to psychic attacks
do the detox gently so you are in control
Ask the angel to force the vibration up if it drops from the detox let them supervise the vibration at all times
11th June 2019, 10:59 PM
I always find going off medication is dreamy, but I am such a wild dream that it's best I take it gently and stay on them.
17th August 2019, 08:20 PM
google natural anti psychotics here is what it came out with
In 110 randomized controlled trials, evidence was found for glycine, sarcosine, N-acetylcysteine, some Chinese and ayurvedic herbs, ginkgo biloba, estradiol, and vitamin B6 to improve psychotic symptoms when added to antipsychotics.
17th August 2019, 08:21 PM
getting hypnotized to block the voices by trusted hypnotherapist to get rid of voices
17th August 2019, 08:24 PM
Robert Bruce recommended remove weet and dairy products this profoundly improved cases with schizophrenia
2nd September 2019, 09:22 PM
control what music you listen too at this effects the quality of crystalline structures in your physical whole water body
2nd September 2019, 11:05 PM
Here some keys to schizophrenia that I have discovered: It takes WHITE LIGHT (you know what I mean) to convince all of those truth-knowing authories that you are for real about your life and time. In case where you can't be honest, it works to at least try. Schizophrenic people have overdeveloped conscience and so it is hard to trust them - the fear of course being reason itself. And of course, it is great to do a purpose with all of that divine grace you might like to know about...
20th October 2019, 06:47 PM
when you receive psychic surgery on the brain by ashtar or pleiadians for removing schizophrenic brain structures you remove the source of schizophrenic spiritual experiences you don't trip unpleasant-ly anymore on your very own brain while lowering your medication
when you lower your medication too fast your body goes into shock because body and mind are one the mind gets a nasty reaction because of the reaction of the body
13th November 2019, 07:23 PM
when the brain is fully made of liquid light on a cellar level(by drinking spring water long term). When the brain is fully made of love and
light it's soo positive that it programs the hallucinogenical synapsis as love and light all parts of your brain.
Liquid light contains on some levels a concentration of love within gods light on a DNA level.
Visualize the brain to be fully made of only love and light that's the goal.
Read my great white secret thread. The high frequency schizophrenic hallucinations can only be high frequency hallucinations because the
brain is made purely of love and light therefore the hallucination can only hallucinate to the spectrum of love and light. You
may find the hallucinations will serve you instead will not work against you because the brain is fully
made of love and light.
Schizophrenic brain structures maybe a instrument for the dead to have the ability to create a clairaudient situation
because of the formation structure of your skitsizophrenic brain
If you find when you raise your vibration and attempt have high frequency skitsizophrenic hallucinations and dissolve your voices this means you
don't have schizophrenia I will explain why. The nature of schizophrenia
low or high frequency schizophrenia is continues act of hallucinating life long. If you find that you don't have positive voices
(nothing at all) after your journey of raising your vibration this defies the act of having schizophrenia because the high
frequency hallucinations should continue life long. If this is not
happening this is a good sign to find out that you have a spiritual condition label as schizophrenia
1st January 2020, 02:52 AM
^^ these guys know how to get rid of this illness. I have had connections with ashtar as a teenager i might still have them because i didn't turn away from the light they must still be there maybe inside myself i am not sure
The best way too connect to these guys is threw your angels all divine races are connected to heaven because the divine races are members of the light
5th January 2020, 07:12 PM
My thoery;
You can get the aliens to tamper with the meds to make it more effective anti psychotic treatment = mental health relief
^^ on the condition you have successfully connected to benevolent types
Also ask your angels to bless your meds like they do for blessing your meals how Christians do it
This will help you those who suffer this horrible illness
5th January 2020, 07:21 PM
A theory
When your on anti psychotics it numbs your consciousness so much that it is hard to have out of body experience. Use mugwort as medicine to hack threw the limitations of the anti psychotics (out of body experience inducing herb)
I know you will be zombie in the out of body state. That's when you materialize consciousness by saying awareness now clarity now to raise your consciousness above zombie consciousness concentration levels in that out of body state
You need access to the astral realm to access heaven to make a request to work with ashtar or pleiadians on your journey to removing your schizophrenia
Or you can work with a psychic and get he/she to access the heavenly dimensional layer
to request ashtar and pleadians to operate on your brian
Note there is different types of mugwort. Make sure it's Artemisia vulgaris
Grow it in your garden. It's very expensive the plant dried material so you better of growing it to save money
5th January 2020, 07:34 PM
My thoery
Doing Organic water over 3 liters a day for years
Maybe the cure for confusion in confused schizophrenic brains
In the long term
Clarity may come to those that drink lots of water
10th January 2020, 09:51 AM
Actually I think it is a right to social apathy needed badly. If everyone could RELAX, everyone would not WORRY. Of course all rights are reserved by the individual and practice is accordingly.
12th January 2020, 08:29 PM
Zinc said to cure schizophrenia
What evidence is there that zinc helps people with mental health problems?
Since the 1920s zinc has been known to play a role in mental health. Decades of research has found a link between taking zinc supplements and an improvement in the symptoms of schizophrenia, autism, ADHD and other mental health problems.Along with iron, zinc is the most common trace mineral in the body. Zinc is found in every one of our cells, and is needed for about 100 enzyme reactions. It’s vital for a healthy mind, immune system, reproductive system and more.
The World Health Organization says it is estimated that zinc deficiency affects about one-third of the world’s population. Although severe zinc deficiency is rare, mild-to-moderate zinc deficiency is quite common throughout the world. A lack of zinc can cause many health problems, including depression, impotence, lo
There is a genetic condition called pyroluria where the body becomes deficient in zinc and b6 and an cause a zinc to copper imbalance. The symptoms that manifest from this have been incorrectly diagnosed as adhd, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar depression, to name a few. A simple urine test can determine if someone has pyroluria. The condition is reversed by taking physiological doses of zinc, b6 and other deficient minerals. Vitamin C can help flush out the excess copper in the body that has accumulated. There are only a couple of labs in the US that I am aware of that do the proper protocol for this test.
I ran across this info several years ago in trying to help my daughter with her anxiety that was impacting her life. I had the test done on her and she came back as high normal so she would definitely benefit from zinc and b6 supplementation, which she did for a while but wasn't consistent. Frankly it was a lot to ask of a teenager, already overwhelmed. But she didn't want to try any anti anxiety meds at that point. But the natural route wasn't helping because she wasn't taking the supplements consistently. But this post isn't about her. It's about zinc and zinc's role in mental illness. I just wanted to put this information out there for you about kryptopyrroluria. As well as to highlight the mineral copper and its role in mental illness, and how through a zinc deficiency or imbalance caused by genetics or diet can lead to a copper overload and result in mental illness symptoms. Copper is a trace mineral where a little is good and too much is not good.
13th January 2020, 02:22 AM
I ran across this info several years ago in trying to help my daughter with her anxiety that was impacting her life.
Anxiety can be healed threw reiki
I found that cigarettes used to treat anxiety only makes it worser you better off, off them
6th September 2020, 04:17 PM
Shamanic ways for healing psychic illnesses.
10th September 2020, 08:46 AM
My intuition about food needs increased in about 1 or 2 years recently.
It works in a quite surprising way. For instance in the morning just after awake I have a picture of cranberries needed. So I try to find where I have cranberries, but I could not find it. So it says then that I need a little ginger. I knew where I had giner, so I took a bit - and it turned out cranberries where around the ginger. ;)
19th September 2020, 05:52 AM
The shamanic state is indistinguishable from schizophrenia.
This knowledge alone preserves my mind from that defect - calling itself without reality when it is in fact with one.
19th September 2020, 05:59 AM
The shamanic state is indistinguishable from schizophrenia.
This knowledge alone preserves my mind from that defect - calling itself without reality when it is in fact with one.
The results would tell you which one you are going. A shaman is a person who sees much. Schizophrenic person is a shaman that sees way too much - at the moment.
Dumb would never call him(her)self a dump unless (s)he is proven externally to be so. Similarly, indeed you won't detect your schizophrenia unless you have been judged to be so (and you would believe in that). In fact, what is schizophrenia? And who decided that it is a negative thing?
20th November 2020, 04:22 AM
Pray each night 10mins each night for 1 year. Ask your angels to talk to god about receiving the holy spirit. Your group of angels will talk to god and get god to bless you with the holy spirit
I heard the holy spirit can heal the mind of schizophrenia because god is one with your mind.
Imagine the body of god in alignment with your mind. God can over shadow your mind and work with it
Because god is the creator of humans he is the best person to fix your mind from schizophrenia. He is the ultimate fixer creator
It maybe difficult to get pleiadians to do the psychic surgery on the brain
Anything fixed on a mental level well change the chemical structures of your brain chemical makeup
2nd December 2020, 12:27 PM
The results would tell you which one you are going. A shaman is a person who sees much. Schizophrenic person is a shaman that sees way too much - at the moment.
Dumb would never call him(her)self a dump unless (s)he is proven externally to be so. Similarly, indeed you won't detect your schizophrenia unless you have been judged to be so (and you would believe in that). In fact, what is schizophrenia? And who decided that it is a negative thing?
I would concur in that seeing is the "illness"
- blindness is seeing what you believe in and not what others do
- schizophrenia is seeing the divine and not the human nature
It is all a matter of making it work, isn't it... in this holy reality.
edit: for a point of interest, I would allow that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is seeing what people do and not what people know, i.e. courage in to replace stupidity.
3rd December 2020, 10:05 AM
The cure to blindness/illness/fallacy is light, here's the key: Earth was born to know care and someone, once upon a time, decided to use fire. Someone can use fire, however anyone who has met them can use light. Light is a divine solution to the matter of ego.
This was NOT meant to be.
You're going to find water, and use it for healing.
edit: Allegorically, what is a pool with no water? A minefield - the one thing here is about wrong.
3rd December 2020, 10:44 AM
Someone that ascends by the fire element is called a "soul".
Someone that ascends by the water element is called a "being".
Someone that ascends by the air element is called a "presence".
Someone that ascends by the earth element is called a "god".
Someone that ascends by the fifth (fear and hope) element is called an "eminence" (or talent) - this much takes being perfectly human.
Someone that ascends by all elements is to be called their "name". And so, never mind the fire bug, it's just not in your name to.
edit: definition of aether: i want joy
4th December 2020, 03:07 PM
To clarify: Ego can be used for believing, or for insanity. Light fixes egoism, and water is going to be necessary beyond that! Further to that, other elements make for purpose.
This is a divine healing method, referred to in magical circles as "Thoth."
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