View Full Version : My Chakras opened, but it felt too gentle?- Dr Yong.

18th April 2016, 03:16 AM
Good Day Robert, Greetings from Malaysia
I am a Medical Doctor, and a practising Acupuncturist from Malaysia,
I have been practising your NEW since November 2015
It has been really effective and I must say that it is the most efficient method yet for me.

as advised by your book, Astral Dynamics, I did not start stimulating primary centres until 3 months of energy raising experience,
But there was no feeling of Chakra activation for the next 2 months

I recently attended a meditation course, Vipassana
where the first part was anapanna, breath observing,
the second part was realizing sensations throughout the body

on the second day, I caught glimpse of the instructor's heart chakra glowing, and that was quite incredible as I wasn't able to see any aura to date

on the 4th Day, I felt a energy pulsation, circling up from my perineal area, winding through the buttocks, up the back, then to top of my head, down the front, and entering the umbilicus.
In Qi-Gong practise, we call this, the small orbit. which is activated when the Governing Vessel, and the Conception vessel. (meridian paths) are connected.
It felt amazing.
It's almost like a normal heart pulsation, except that it has a different rate,
I will time it against my carotid or my radial pulse or even directly at the apex beat, it's resting rate is about 30-44 beats per minute whereas my heart rate is about 80bpm.
curiously, I cannot feel the circuit completely at any one time.
at different times day-morning-night, the part that is active continually changes, so far I cannot map out a recognizable schedule yet, will update if I'm able.

On the 6th day, during one of the sessions of Abithanna ( Mediation of great Determination where we are required to hold our postures without shifting our legs, hands or open our eyes for a full hour. -It's a real torture!), about half hour in enduring the pain over my Right knee and Hip, there came a point where I went into trance..
and that was incredible. The pain felt cut in half, I was alert mentally, noticing the bird calls outside the meditation hall,, I felt in no danger of falling asleep, and I was happy floating by, I was still in control of all my faculties and senses.. I've read in Astral Dynamics regarding the trance state and I've never been able to get to a light trance,
so It felt so nice to finally experience it. I think I manage to flunctuate between light, medium and medium deep trance states.

on the 8th day,
I felt the pulsation inside, right smack in the middle of the body, and If I bring my attention from head to bottom,
the pulsation can felt distinctly over
the brow (inside, middle of the skull, above the nose level)
the throat ( not at the adam's apple, but right where the neck joins the chest)
the heart, roughly where the physical heart is
the navel area, though not exactly, slightly up or down
the sacral area, slightly posterior from the midline (compared to where the other pulsations are felt, this one is slightly behind the imaginary line drawn between them)
the perineal area, very very weak, as weak as the crown.

in between these areas, the pulsations became weak and disappeared, most noticably
the lower hara, or lower Dantien in Chinese , initially it felt empty, and I sorta know how empty it is by how "hungry" I feel at this area
the middle hara, or middle Dantien (Solar plexus storage area according to NEW terminology) where it is even emptier, practically feeling famished whenever my awareness is placed here this area feels like a 2 pyramids stacked base to base, instead of the roughly globular/ egg shape of the lower dantien
and the upper Dantien, slightly above the brow chakra area, below the crown. This part, whenever I focus my awareness here,
I feel like having a brain freeze, like from biting into a freezing popsicle too fast, too soon,
then slowly this transitioned to feeling like I have a vaccuum suction pump operating in this area, my retroorbital area, sinuses, and maxillary area getting "sucked" into it.
It's really weird

the thing is, all these seem so gentle,
compared to the general Strong powerful unforgettable experiences others are having in this forum from opening their chakras
and I know that others require Mantras, Mudras, or specific breathing exercises to specifically open certain chakras,
I don't feel anything "special" at all other than the pulsations.

They have a particular characteristic though,
these pulsations in the chakra areas, I can spin them in one direction, clockwise, or counter clockwise, but never both, at any one time
this seems to change at different times of the day, with no recognizable pattern.
the second peculiarity, I can't seem to do these lying down,
when I do, the energy pulsation will stay at the 3rd eye ?pineal gland area and despite trying my best to pull my attention to the lower chakra areas
the most I can do is bring my attention and pulsation to the throat chakra and it will bounce back up. It's really quite weird.

sorry for the extremely long description, but I journalled my experience and hope it will be useful for you to discern what is really happening for me.

1) Do you think my chakras are really opened, or is it something else?
2) What is the vacuum feeling over the brain storage area? Is it because it is too empty? don't worry I will not draw energy directly into this area, but if I try to stimulate the 3rd eye area too much, I get a headache, sort of a vacuum induced pain behind the top part of my nose.
3) Any advise would be greatly appreciated, I have other descriptive experiences other than these, but I think These are complicated enough and my question is too long already, but I will be happy to include them if it helps

oh one more thing, the pulsations over the little orbit, It's transmitted over the surface of the body, palpable, and when I returned from the course,
I had my wife palpate them for me and she can feel it too,

Thank you so much.

Yong Kuan Yew
Kuala Lumpur