View Full Version : What was I experiencing?

17th April 2016, 01:47 PM
I actually tried to astral project just now, I've not tried for over a few months now, and I experienced some weird feelings. I've never been one to see lights and I have only ever felt viabrations once which was my second time trying to ap, in which they actually got very strong but I could never trigger them again not sure why.

Anyway, I was listning to a guided meditation and around half way he stops talking because that's kind of the point where your supposed to try to get out. The meditation tells you to rock back and forth, going side to side, but I always find myself go backwards to frontwards naturally, I try to correct it but then I stop feeling it and I also can't get myself to actually feel like I'm rocking left and right. When he stops narrating that's when I try to project. I feel as if I'm moving my normal body but it feels really heavy so I don't know if that's the correct thing or not. I start with my head, if that's not working out o try my right hand, but this is the weird part.

I slowly move my hand and as I do it feels like it's un-sticking to something. Like my skin is is attached to the matters and I'm slowly peeling it off. It's a really weird sensation. Not sure if anyone would be able to tell me if I'm doing anything right or wrong or if any of the stuff I'm feeling means anything but I thought I'd give it a shot.


P.S. I wanted to add that when I started it was night so I felt tired and the whole meditation was around half and hour long. I felt like I could've slept, while meditating I feel wide awake, it was just my eyes felt tired but my mind felt very much awake, after writing that it's starting to go away though.

P.P.S. Another thing worth noting: instead of vibrations I always get pulsing. I don't feel it all the time through out my meditation but it happens frequently. It's usually on my hands/arms. I don't think I've ever felt it on my legs or feet and if I have it does not happen nearly as frequently as the hands and arms which I feel pretty much every meditation.

17th April 2016, 07:05 PM
Hi! I think what has happened to you is similiar to what has happened to me when I first started to get out of the body. I even asked Robert Bruce (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?17432-Problem-Solving) about it. Main problem was difficulty moving. I think it's because of the etheric (?) body that is developing.
This is was he said:

What you are doing - conscious exit OBE - involves a major leap in the evolution of your consciousness.

All the problems you describe will progressively ease over a couple of years if you keep at it.

You are actually doing extremely well.

Keep at it and things will get better soon.

And it really did get better! so my advice is keep practicing. I think this went away in about 3 weeks, for me.
I also posted a thread (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?17433-Hello-everyone!-I-have-a-little-problem)about it in the OBE section.

Good luck! :grouphug:

17th April 2016, 09:52 PM
Wow thanks for the quick reply! The only thing I fear is that I'm using my real body to move my head, as it feels like I am. I think I'll just stick to moving my arm for now :p