View Full Version : What happened here?

15th April 2016, 10:49 PM
Dear Robert,

I have had a few more experiences and I would like to write you about them. The last couple of months since March the energy has become extremely strong! I felt almost entirely throughout my days the buzzing current inside my body. Then a couple of days ago I realized that when I look at something and then cover my eyes with my hand palms I start seeing with closed eyes! It's all however kind of drowned in a red hue. Nothing really has color, it's all in the spectrum of red, white highlights, black and dark. Sometimes however when I see a light source it is first white and then turns green, like the sun for example. Is the third eye vision normal like that? Or is this just the beginning of clairvoyance?

Then my experience from last night towards the day this morning:

Last night I went to bed and I was lying on my back feeling energized like crazy! It was like cascades after cascades of energy waves were sweeping through my body! I felt strong pushing sensations inside my forehead. And there was a moment that I felt a very strong electrical pressure forming inside my chest, it actually hurt on the left chest side. After the pressure buildup reached a high plateau the electric density traveled very tactile through my back (back of heart chakra) and all the way down the spine to the base! That was the first time I felt a very tactile downwards movement of energy! Does that mean Kundalini resided inside my heart chakra for all this time? That's where she stopped last time! Now it seems the energy traveled from heart center down to root. I still feel buzzing etc.

As I woke up this morning I heard outside that there was a terrible wind storm happening! It was intense and I heard the wind blowing the palm trees from side to side. As I went outside this morning to bring in the emptied garbage bins I caught something of interest. There was a huge cloud formation and a plane was traveling below the clouds, I saw a contrail behind the plane but something else was weird about this! There were grey shadow contrails in front of the plane! It looked like there was a shadow of the contrails traveling in front of the plane! How is that even possible?

In the same moment a Mocking Bird suddenly flew past me and it caught my attention I moved my head after the mocking bird and in that moment the wind became a lot stronger, lifting the cover of the garbage bin and crashing it with full force against my head. I actually thought my nose broke because the cover of the garbage bin cracked it... It hit my whole face straight forward!

The bridge of my nose seems to be okay though, but I feel a pulsing pushing inside as if energy is actually working on it! It's also a tiny bit swollen...

Do you have any idea why this is happening? Kundalini was working the whole time at least that's what it felt like with all the buzzing inside my body. Body last night I definitely felt a explicit move from the chest area all the way down the back. It felt like electric pressure moving!