View Full Version : First lucid experience?

12th April 2016, 08:48 PM
Hello! I am new here and was referred by my cousin. I had a very strange experience last night with my dream. Well all was good until I woke up, went for a short walk then somehow found myself on my bed drifting back into a heavy heavy sleep. Started at approx 8am and lasted til 11am. (*this is kind of long and scattered, so bear with me! :wacky1:*)

I had a dream that I was going to a convention in another state, (In my dream I was worrying about real life duties/responsibilities though, like how I was going to get to work and see my child the next day)
My ex's (child's father) sister and mother were there. I am somewhat close to them but not really. Everyone at this convention appeared to be heavily intoxicated due to the drinks served. I didn't have any in the dream (I am sober in real life as well). Next thing I was aware that the convention holders were taking advantage of the intoxication and began stealing people's cars/phones/any means of contacting the outside world. Once I started trying to tell everyone what was going on they didn't seem to care or acknowledge until I was showing my ex's sister and mother proof all the cars/cell phones/ computers they had brought were gone.

They hazily tried to help/gain control again, only making the people in control angrier that I was not intoxicated and trying to escape. As I tried to combat this, things got worse. There were men taking advantage of the intoxicated women in the dream too but I didn't know who they were. Very frightening, and I could feel my heart rate going faster and I began running in the dream. A heavy sense of fight or flight overwhelmed me the entire time.

Then, I noticed myself taking care of a child who wasn't mine, but I had strong feelings for. His mother was intoxicated and I kept him safe until he somewhat disappeared when I started focusing on getting out of the scary convention. I was then loaded down with a lot of bags, running around calling my mom on a phone I found but only my mother or father thought I was joking/intoxicated. I kept stating that I was in danger and they didn't do anything. I then started thinking about my son although I don't remember having him ever with me, however I called 911 and stated I was in danger and my son is missing (I even said he was wearing a blue spider man shirt, which he actually owns) the operator started crying and said "dear god". Then I yelled "ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME?!" I was crying heavy and then found a car with keys in it. But once the convention leaders noticed, they sent out troops of Harpy's (it seemed they recruited women who had evil intentions to capture me and control me). They stole the car and then locked me inside the convention.

It was then I think I experienced my first lucid dream, I am new so please let me know if this was not.
While I was inside the room I noticed myself waking up from the dream but quickly being sucked back into this deep sleep.
In the dream I knew I was dreaming suddenly. I wanted to wake up but it was very deep sleep
I began making weapons out of nearby objects and convincing myself I could "fight" my way out of sleep. I had a crowbar and began prying the doors open. As soon as I got out I realized I had left everyone behind including my phone, keys, and any way to get myself out of the state. I looked back and noticing a flying man folding up the venue in a geometrical pattern and then sucking it into a black hole. This was when I was alone and kept telling myself in the dream to "wake up! wake up!" but no luck yet. Then the Harpy women came and circled me everywhere I went. I went into a nearby convenience store and tried to throw any object at these girls, but they were saying, "oh she's going to be a hard one because she is pretty." ?

I tried yelling at the cashier in the store but it seemed as if he couldn't even see me. Then they were saying "no one's going to help you".
I then went into a nail salon next door hollering about the situation witnessed but no one even noticed I ran in there yelling. They just kept continuing on with their life. I felt very trapped and my heart was beating so fast, until I looked "up" in the dream and said WAKE UP NOW.
I jolted awake gasping and with tears down my face.

This is a very new experience to me and I wish it to not happen again or if so, to have a quicker way to forcing myself up. If anyone can relate or shed their experience about this kind of stuff, I would appreciate it! I usually have good dreams so I never feel the need to wake up as bad as I felt last night. Sorry for the long post but I am curious about this dream. Thank you!
