View Full Version : Brain is not storage site of memories

11th April 2016, 03:05 AM
At marktime 9:34 of following video, youtuber José Luis Camacho, refers to discoveries of a french scientist who disregards brain as storage site of memories and for that reason (allegedly) recently awarded.

¿Do you knows name of such researcher? (Quote it at reply, please, ¡¡thank you!!)
Along commentaries section, at twelve opportunities J.L.C. is asked about, but no response at all.


My best regards,

11th April 2016, 07:07 AM
Hi -asalantu,

Without knowing but it ought to be true that the brain is not a storage site of memories, we live several life´s and on several parts of the world, and also in several levels of energy, when body
is deceased the memories of this person remains, not in the body but in the energy what will splinter into several levels of energy and keep the new knowledge from each life, so the soul will
be able to return home when it is whole and entirely learned to become ONE with eternity....or when the soul no more want to be separate/individual....I do not use God here because this term has got wrong inprint and used wrongly, so eternity can not be misunderstood in my world so to speak of course :-)


11th April 2016, 08:12 AM
There are many scientists of the "fringe" and open-minded ones who believe this or at least see this as a viable hypothesis. Of all kinds, biologists, physicists, medics, researchers of NDEs (often medical doctors), etc. They mention it here and there in their works (books or interviews) but I could not now name s.o. specific.

I believe it too.

The problem is that "meories" and the experience of them is treated by materialist science as sth local and within time-space. As if the patterns of firing neurons would constitute a memory itself instead of just the "triggering" of it.

Memories might be in 'non-local fields' outside of time-space, although this is also just a kind of metaphorical concept. The brain is maybe a tranducer of energy, information etc. and like a Random Access Computer that can help retrieve it for the incarnated being. As it is also with other processes of thinking imho. We here know also: Thoughts and thoughtforms 'manifest' in the astral, maybe they even exist and or are generated there.

11th April 2016, 10:04 AM
I'm Ok with all that.

My interest is to know who and how reach to such conclusion and to know arguments quoted at his research papers.

My best regards,

11th April 2016, 02:21 PM
The only neuroscientist I found was Michael Egnor, who doesn't sound french to me. However, he is part of the creationist (aka 'intelligent design') movement, so I looked at his work, and it's mainly double talk, not science. I'll keep looking.
The only other thing I found was this- and it's not a french scientist, it's a french drugmaker.

11th April 2016, 05:47 PM
Hi, great topic :-) very interesting. Anyway, sorry but I couldn't find his name. But I did find this article (http://www.sott.net/article/165067-Does-Memory-Reside-Outside-the-Brain), which you might find interesting.

11th April 2016, 07:02 PM
Unfortunately, the publication beings with a big inaccuracy. Maybe ten years ago scientists didn't know of any part of the brain that was used to store memories, but nowadays that is not exactly true. It was true when Dr. Sheldrake published his book (which I have, BTW) but many discoveries have happened since.

11th April 2016, 07:12 PM

11th April 2016, 07:18 PM
And, you may have seen this one:

As you can see, science as of now, pretty much is in accord with the message that Sheldrake originally wrote in his book- that they do not know of any place inside cells where memories are stored- but that instead, they believe (and have done extensive experimentation on this) that they are stored in the synapses- where cells connect with each other. This is more like an electronic 'airgap' storage, but needs the electrical activity of the cell signals to be able to be stored.
So it's not as 'mystical' as many 'spiritual' sites make it to be, because the activity is happening in the brain by brain cells. And there cannot be "one" place that they're stored, since memories are stored holographically (that much is known) throughout synapses in the brain.
I do agree that memories are probably encoded in some type of 'etheric matrix' that corresponds with, or is affected by the electrical activity that probably happens at the subatomic level-nonlocally- but that's just me guessing.

11th April 2016, 08:35 PM
Why would one associate the brain with memory? Rather, the brain would cognize having forgotten, Thusly there is remembering. You are the place...the totality of your happening within a collective. Re-Searching That? Good luck...the searchlight is always ON.

....Of Songs....

11th April 2016, 08:56 PM
Unfortunately, the publication beings with a big inaccuracy. Maybe ten years ago scientists didn't know of any part of the brain that was used to store memories, but nowadays that is not exactly true. It was true when Dr. Sheldrake published his book (which I have, BTW) but many discoveries have happened since.
True :grouphug:

11th April 2016, 09:39 PM
So if I imagine, let's say, a pink elephant with wings, where is he in the brain? In the synaptic gaps, swimming on the chemical bubbles of neurotransmitters there?

I remember an experiment where the claim to make pictures that one remembes or imagines visable on the screen. But how this comes about by a combination of neurons firing is still a mystery to me. Maybe they correlated firing neuron patterns to colours and forms and displayed them on the screen, but it is not the 'actual' thing that the consciousness experiences. It's like you're given coordinates and re-create a piece of art. Drawing by numbers, so to speak. ;)

Also what was interesting, they once showed a cat 'seeing' a human and the human had a cat face, but it was all blurry. Of course it would be possible to make pictures visible by any theory (inside or outside) because, as I see it, the Random Access Computer we call brain within the Body Computer we call our body has certainly a capacity to display things for the 'seeing consciousness' and it might be a kind of holographic "copy" of what is experienced in non-local time space akashic memory blah blah and so on ..you get me what I'm trying to say. ;)

12th April 2016, 01:49 AM
I love the old silent picture show called Metropolis. It is indicative of a "modernity" whereof ignorance is nurtured into arrogance, where brains/bodies are reckoned as computers.

The real war has always been spiritual warfare...for in this world...wars are promoted vanities based upon no more than thoughtless thoughts bearing no degree of spiritedness that reckons the body...her...as worthy, and the brain...city...as deserving of its rightful people's brevities.

15th April 2016, 12:44 AM
Neurons take up and release neurochemicals across synaptic gaps using a mechanism involving osmotic pressure that signals a propagation of an electrical charge. Bundles of neurons take up, charge and release neurochemicals in infinitely complex patterns across all brain areas. Cognitive science has pinpointed and named brain areas that handle memory associations by demonstrating that the areas are more active when memories are evoked.

Here's a link


15th April 2016, 01:40 AM
Neurons take up and release neurochemicals across synaptic gaps using a mechanism involving osmotic pressure that signals a propagation of an electrical charge. Bundles of neurons take up, charge and release neurochemicals in infinitely complex patterns across all brain areas. Cognitive science has pinpointed and named brain areas that handle memory associations by demonstrating that the areas are more active when memories are evoked.

Here's a link


Exactly. I can handle my externalized world at hand, but that world is not stored in my brain, though I am as my own unique city within/as my brain...while without...stomping around within it. Irony

15th April 2016, 08:02 PM
Neurons take up and release neurochemicals across synaptic gaps using a mechanism involving osmotic pressure that signals a propagation of an electrical charge. Bundles of neurons take up, charge and release neurochemicals in infinitely complex patterns across all brain areas. Cognitive science has pinpointed and named brain areas that handle memory associations by demonstrating that the areas are more active when memories are evoked.

Here's a link


Yep. I knew all that from my medical training, you need not be a neuro-surgeon or -scientist to know that. If neuro-transmitters in their bubbles don't work then it can also be part of diseases, e.g. the muscular disease Mystenia Gravis is caused by a blocking of acetylcholine - which is also active in the brain as neurotransmitter. Dopamine missing in the brain's synapses is causing Parkinson's. Adrenaline btw is also one of those neurotransmitters in the gaps.

But as I said: The land map is not the landscape. A thought experienced is the domain of consciousness itself, and nothing else, not of brain scientists who colour maps by numbers when they see and measure neuro-synaptic patterns.

15th April 2016, 09:04 PM
I agree, it could be a nonlocal storage thing done by the brain and retrieved by the brain, but not 'in' the brain.
I've found different groups of people with different types of bias, and I try to not fall into any of these categories, although not always successful:
Those who want to disassociate the brain from anything important, quoting old experimentation that has been shown to be not as reported, those who want to reduce anything that 'smacks of' consciousness to chemical processes and only that, which I find equally disingenuous for other reasons.

16th April 2016, 03:55 AM
Yes Sinera the knowledge is accessible to all, however I do educational groups on the neurochemistry of mental health disorders and addiction and thought I'd share, as it seemed folks didn't know - its not meant to tear others down.

I don't believe I shared what my particular thoughts are on the source of consciousness and emotion however.

Sorry all but I feel annoyed. I come here - have been coming here for about 15 years or more, starting with the Astral Pulse - to share interests and experiences that most people don't understand or care about, experiences that might get me labled by those who have no experience with these things as crazy - to find other people who interested in and experiencing the inexplicable - I have been searching for folks who are the real thing.

There are very few places where folks who are the real thing can be found - being here is pretty important to me as I am a practicing mental health professional who is also a Hermetic and a mystic and I have clairsentient abilities and that makes my life difficult. If I talk to the wrong people about what I experience I will be viewed as unprofessional and perhaps disturbed. When I have told people what I know and see it has scared people away.

So - Sinera - I know from experience that there is a lot more to *everything* and that experience is growing every day. I guess I also want to say that what I am looking for is understanding and friends. I am too old for ego battles.

Peace out.

31st May 2016, 07:44 PM
Have not read or listened to it yet but here's on topic and I remembered this thread, so here it is:



31st May 2016, 10:06 PM
I'm not speaking out of personal knowledge, but a written work named, "The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth" tells of a way to remember your life, in the next one, if you perform the service he mentions.