View Full Version : I think I had the beginnings of an obe last night

8th April 2016, 02:19 AM
Last night I was awakened with a start by a what I believe to be the voice that I didn't recognize of a boy calling out for his daddy, just once. I looked around the room but didn't see anything and it didn't wake my wife. I lay my head back down spooked a little but not really scared. As I lay there I felt a darkness come over me and things started going black and my whole body was vibrating or shaking really fast, kind of like the feeling you get when you close your eyes really tight except it was over the whole body. I was paralyzed couldn't move couldn't breathe felt like my body was being taken over by something. I tried to call for my wife but couldn't speak, I finally broke free of what ever it was and grabbed my wife's arm and the whole thing ended. I couldn't go back to sleep for a little but finally did and had the most lucid dream I've ever had, nothing scary just really weird and I was able to do what ever I wanted in the dream. the dream involved falling and flying but no jar you awake landing, just like a rollercoaster ride feeling on that first drop. I woke up when my wife stated coughing with a start but the dream didn't scare me. We just come the funeral of my wife's estrange brother who was 35 at death yesterday who I never meet so don't know if the voice was his that woke me the first time. any thoughts would be appreciated. A little history I've had lucid dreams in the past and the older I get the more often it seems to happen and the falling dream and waking up feeling like I just hit the bed thing has been going on all my life.