View Full Version : Qstns Regarding the UFO/ET phenomenon

5th April 2016, 02:04 PM
(1).Space Gear.
Why is that when we hear of abduction stories , when the ET are described they are totally nude and without space gear?
I mean when our astronauts go the moon they are forced to wear spacesuits because of the pressure , atmospheric , cosmic , radiation induced and other numerous differences of environment.And all these are only planet-to-planet differences (and those too within the same galaxy) that require provision of respiration-worthy gases and protection from different atmosphere.
how come ET just roam about all nude , sniffing earth gases and still stay alive? Earth's atmosphere is very Oxygen rich , but we over millennia have evovled different means of processing Oxygen.(Oxygen is very very toxic to other things like bacteria , fungi and certain viruses - when you pour Peroxide solution over wounds - you're sanitizing by Oxygen).How can anything with different respiration mechanism tolerate oxygen when it doesn't even have the gases that are same in it's own planet?

(2).Humanoid Body Shapes.
The most plausible answer to this is obviously anthropomorphism , but let's put that aside and look at this , according to all accounts, the ET have arms , legs and eyes and shapes that are obviously Humanoid , but what I don't understand is that if their life evolved on different planets and even galaxies , the how the heck are they possibly humanoid?.
It's like this ; on another planet in a different galaxy , the said planet is in a goldi-locks zone , and is highly aquatic (just like one of the entirely water-based planets in the Gilese system) , since there is no "land" on this planet and it's all water , it makes sense to say that intelligent life here would have evolved in aquatic circumstances.If this life-form visits earth wouldn't it need water? wouldn't then it's shape be more akin to fish , cephalopods , jellyfish or octopi ?.
Yet no even ever says they are abducted by a creature that swirled around in a liquid container and had strange tentacle like things and fins that it used for movement.

5th April 2016, 03:42 PM
Only in scifi.

5th April 2016, 05:27 PM
Standing with others that you can't see, but you know they're there because they let you know. Point being...that the body is a body "no matter what", yet...what impacts upon/within what we normally identify with as "the body" isn't any different than what is the unseen body standing next to us. Capiche


However, impact as what you're proposing...is significantly changed in consideration to what we ourselves relate to as seen/unseen. Come/Clean

In as much as cellular energizing via oxygen/burn ratios...one can simply deduce that seen requires much, whereas unseen is not pulling off as are we...those cellular ratio factors....(even molecular).

Another example that simply expresses a reality beyond our acceptance of "normal". Having myself twice been within ground zero at 3K distance of 0 within a 10k impact area of radius...destructive reach...to have felt IT go through me as opposed to around me, such that even now having had complete body scans that reveal minute particles equally dispersed throughout my entire body.

What is solid...and what fuels whatever is a body that whether seen or unseen has ratio bound fueling requirements, say as capacity/restored.

If the bag is full, and I pull the bag inside out...is the bag still full? Daoism/Emptying...where "ism" indicates the practitioner practicing the Practice. Art


Note: The heart feeds it's Self before ever the body/brain is fed, yet this happens all at once within an unbroken flow.

Exit/Enter - Breath...(Thirst...Hunger)*...Want/Need

[Note: Breathing is through the skin too.]

*(Solid Waste - even liquid...Enter/Exit)

Ap-pe-tite/s - Desire For - Matthew 7:7


And then there is Salt...of the Earth.

Matthew 5:13-16 - Salt & Light


Literal has it's purpose, however it is not All. Rational - Logic - Building Upon Ignorance - The Pe-nul-ti-mate Epic Failure

Presumptuous imaginative entertainment (Drama) is just that...entertaining of fear/imagination/assumption. Irrational - Illogical - Manufactured Arrogant Propaganda - Analogously masturbating the brain/brains as if it's/they're the end of a penis.

Logos - Experiencing/Living - Faith<~>Hope<~>Love

God is long in patience, thus is...all merciful. All means All


6th April 2016, 08:55 AM
(1).Space Gear.
Why is that when we hear of abduction stories , when the ET are described they are totally nude and without space gear?
I mean when our astronauts go the moon they are forced to wear spacesuits because of the pressure , atmospheric , cosmic , radiation induced and other numerous differences of environment.And all these are only planet-to-planet differences (and those too within the same galaxy) that require provision of respiration-worthy gases and protection from different atmosphere.
how come ET just roam about all nude , sniffing earth gases and still stay alive? Earth's atmosphere is very Oxygen rich , but we over millennia have evovled different means of processing Oxygen.(Oxygen is very very toxic to other things like bacteria , fungi and certain viruses - when you pour Peroxide solution over wounds - you're sanitizing by Oxygen).How can anything with different respiration mechanism tolerate oxygen when it doesn't even have the gases that are same in it's own planet?
You're still thinking too anthropomorphic here, still assuming they might move and live like we do. ET / Aliens might not need gear because they have other tech to 'protect' them with. They seem to transcend dimensions. When they come here they lower their rate, but it does not mean they haven't their own tech to protect themselves because they can. Also there are vids (e.g. the KGB one) where you see them clothed, although it could be fake, but a good one. And the concept of 'clothes' is another anthropomorphic thing. Maybe they have a 'cloathing' which is more adaptable and they might be able to change forms anyway. Just speculating of course.

(2).Humanoid Body Shapes.
The most plausible answer to this is obviously anthropomorphism , but let's put that aside and look at this , according to all accounts, the ET have arms , legs and eyes and shapes that are obviously Humanoid , but what I don't understand is that if their life evolved on different planets and even galaxies , the how the heck are they possibly humanoid?.
It's like this ; on another planet in a different galaxy , the said planet is in a goldi-locks zone , and is highly aquatic (just like one of the entirely water-based planets in the Gilese system) , since there is no "land" on this planet and it's all water , it makes sense to say that intelligent life here would have evolved in aquatic circumstances.If this life-form visits earth wouldn't it need water? wouldn't then it's shape be more akin to fish , cephalopods , jellyfish or octopi ?.
Yet no even ever says they are abducted by a creature that swirled around in a liquid container and had strange tentacle like things and fins that it used for movement.
Next to anthropomorphism there is an even more plausible explanation: DNA is universal, the huma(oid) body shape is a universal vehicle for consciousness to move around in. Many believe that we are actually shaped by ET "in their image" and are nothing but yet another DNA project. And yes, there could be all kinds of different life and forms in blue-prints: reptiloid, insectoid (greys and mantis are more like that), aquatic, gaseous, light beings, etc. pp. Who knows. Look at our sci-fi and maybe the writers or Star Trek/Wars & co. tap into some astral or otherworldy realities with their "zoo" of different life forms they portray.

7th April 2016, 11:21 AM
This just keeps getting more and more recondite.I'm starting to realize the UFO/ET phenomenon is totally black and white.Either you believe or you don't.
In my case the problem is I'm in the gray about this , and sitting on the fence isn't comfortable.I want to make an informed , well reflected decision and settle with it.

I just keep wondering would we able to solve this ET/UFO conundrum within my lifetime or not , seeing how nothing conclusive and unanimously agreed on has come about in the good , bigger part of this entire century.

7th April 2016, 01:31 PM
I'm in the gray about it too. I have had many subjective experiences regarding 'them', and I've also seen a 'nuts & bolts' UFO with my husband, when we were just going out. So my opinion is, that there is 'something' out there, but we tend to project our beliefs to the experiences, when they're 'first hand'. I don't know what this means, but I essentially don't believe anything anyone says about them. Heck, I don't know what I believe about them. I just try to not believe anything, because belief is for mythology and religion.

7th April 2016, 02:11 PM
Some might like this one. A recent talk on YT from digital physics and meditation expert Tom Campbell

However, in the end he almost turns into a Flat Earther saying we don't even know a thing about space and it could all be a 'tapestry' or whatever, just like in the Truman Show movie ;).

What he says about being skeptical about what all is being said and channelled and witnessed (or not) and speculated about the ET/UFO phenomenon has some value though. Food for thought.


However, I do not share his view on the part where he seems to link curiosity and thirst for knowledge with ego driven behaviour. Live gracefully with uncertainty ... yes, we are forced to anyway down here ... that is Earth life all over. (My definition of "human" was this one anyway: "not knowing a f.... thing").

For me it still contradicts a scientist attitude because scientists as well as humans in general always should want to "know" things, this is often where progress might come from (unfortunately also destruction if in the wrong hands). So I'm in the middle here. As always.

7th April 2016, 02:16 PM
I beg to differ, in that what has stood the test of time serves as reproofs beyond the "recondite". If you cannot cipher Word, that you might recognize our co-modern dilema within the age-old bullsh¿t artistry inundating us all within the advent of mass media informing....globally dumbing down the greatest ignorance presently populating within all of time....unto ad nauseum.

Freedom's just another word...with nothing left to lose...can't you re-cog-nize world-wide-war under the guise of "holy-wars" mass-killing....the first time ever that our global population reveals far less females than are males. We are our own extra-terres-trial...trying The "Way/Truth/Life"...God is a Woman. Trying to kill out very god in our midst is our end unto our Mother's beginnings out-running..."infectious recondite opining". Don't spread "mrsa"...shed mercy...NOW.

Light from yon window breaks.


Opinions are the ever-present mists wherein individuals within their coveted singular brevitys lose in their outward grasping for straws while the needle in the haystack is ever them Selves. Ustra~Ushtra


Horse Crazy vs Crazy Horse

Insurrection vs Resurrection

Shades of Gray vs The Rainbow

Alienating Labels vs HuMan Rights

Death Chant vs Life Song


If you recognize bullsh¿t, then surely you also recognize the "recondite" sowing bullsh¿ter too....plain as the nose on your face.

Love never fails

Love, Reign O'er Me - http://youtu.be/FxKsVDWcoEg

Though remaining around the camp fire is Pecos Bill lassoing a tornado of the whirl-winding Tall Tale.

Reap as You briefly will. Let not your own infectious "reconditing" confusion preach your own opinionating disillusionism. Pine long (et)and peer into/within the Ambers of Time...as the least seeing THAT at least You as very witnessing Sight u-pon-dering...do see...the Salted burden is Light...All coming down to You coming to your quenched senses. Not drunken sovereignty, but watered Sobriety.

Hu are You!


Yes...Enough is enough, (et)and quite enough IS....Yes

Fire on the Mt. - http://youtu.be/zJK_XJnsmAs - Em

"and There's" ... ref. Psalm 20:7

F451° - Up In Smoke - Ashen Signals

"Place your past into a book, burn the pages let them cook." - Lullaby

Ain'T no book worth dying over, (et)and Ain'T love's usward for the human fight.

To Live & Let Live another Day



7th April 2016, 02:36 PM
Sinera have you ever had any UFO/ET phenomenon?, I'll tell you why I asked , after you reply :-)

7th April 2016, 03:06 PM
ET - yes
UFO - no


7th April 2016, 03:56 PM
would you like to share your ET experience? - I'd love to hear of it.

7th April 2016, 06:18 PM
It's a ("higher") astral experience. Greys. ETs seem more met in the non-physical than in the physical by many people. That is why I believe that ET are mostly a metaphysical phenomenon - whatever is behind "it/them". That they are also physical is possible, abductions seem in part physical and in part non-physical, it seems they can take whichever 'body' they like.

However, it seems not likely that they do a 'projection' like ours (from physical to astral) but rather that it's their natural state of (I'm repeating myself, see above) being able to shift dimensions / planes as they wish.

I described one experience with the greys on here at AD, I can search the link if you still like to read it. But if you want to read a physical experience I need to disappoint you - but I believe that quite a few other people have done so, as the way they report it seems credible to me, although other people might also be simply liars.

7th April 2016, 06:32 PM
Attn. Http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_signal

Ref. Greys

Bugs Bunny, "What's up Doc?"

Marvin the martian, "Someone has stolen the modulator!"

Limbo Finito - Game Over Merlin

Shah MahT

8th April 2016, 04:25 AM
I described one experience with the greys on here at AD, I can search the link if you still like to read it.

Yes please , I'd love to read of it.