View Full Version : Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again

1st April 2016, 08:10 PM

My astral and possibly more (etheric) has been "hijacked" by professional "gangstalking" group ( a term for organized groups that stalks it's victims and destroys their lives). I am in serious trouble as they are removing the "info/energy" in my astral body and possibly etheric body and replacing it with low frequency energy/info.

They are using psychic skills plus technology plus black magic to accomplish this. It began when a group of about 15-20 targeted me one night and did some kind of procedure involving 2nd chakra that caused me to be removed from a connection with a spiritual teacher of mine and put into their group against my will. It was a battle for many minutes. This group is a professional group that was hired by someone seeking vengeance against me for something I did not do. They have done many things to me largely focused on 2nd chakra and i feel that they continuously remove me from my body for OBE in astral against my will that is horrible.

Advanced Technology including neuroscience and advanced psychic/mentalist skills are being used. Alot of focus in the 2nd chakra and hijack of entire chakra system and CNS/Brain. Downloads directly into brain with high tech as well. They can exert force in spine and body and brain.

Please let me know if you can help and if session with Robert Bruce would be beneficial.