View Full Version : Why didn't I talk to the talking fake dog! 😧

1st April 2016, 06:45 AM
So it's a dream about an alternate past of mine about 20 yrs ago. I've had it many times. In this dream I decide to take some time off from college without graduating. Anyway, it's this normal repetitive dream. I sense my dog, Sampson is in distress and I run out the front door to check on him. It the standard normal dream up until this point and then it shifts to this weird anomaly. Once outside, on my right I hear a female voice crying "I can't move my arms"! I see it coming from this "fake dog" that doesn't have any arms. It's floundering on the ground in a silly ridiculous way. It doesn't even look anything like a dog or sound like a dog. The voice is a rediculous person voice and it feel like it's trying to be really silly to get my attention and draw me near it. It doesn't fit into my dream at all. "That's not Sampson I think, and turn and look in the other direction and see my dog over there. I'm so amazed he's still alive at his age and go run off to see him. I never give the rediculous fake dog another thought and go on with my regular dream. It was so no conforming to the rest of my dream that I completely block it out. The dream goes back to being the normal dream though oddly enough when I return to college I remark at how amazingly real some of the buildings look and I spend time looking at the detail of the bricks.

as I wrote my dream journal this morning, I remembered the fake dog, and it really stood out to me from the rest of the dream. It didn't fit in to the dream at all, and I had the realization that it was meant to be an anomaly to get my attention. Had I gone and talked to it, it would have been my "red pill" to leave the matrix of my dream world and go to the astral.

Also wondering if it could have been a guide or someone else that planted that fake dog in my dream (It didn't seem like anything my mind would have dreamed up). Does anyone have an experience like this where they felt something was planted in their dream to draw them out of it?

1st April 2016, 02:19 PM
You didn't talk to the fake dog because you weren't lucid, but you did remember it and write it down and that is a good thing. It means you're getting something (information? understanding?) out of the experience.

2nd April 2016, 04:53 AM
Last night I had a dream where I was in this indoor tennis court that was a foot deep in mud.

I guess I just can't take a hint, lol ��