View Full Version : Benefits of OBE's & Meditation

20th March 2016, 07:58 PM
The following is a friend's description of how OBE's/conscious projections and meditation have enhanced his life, and with his permission I have shared it here as I feel it may be of interest and inspiration to some here. While he had experience of OBE’s as a child, he was always skeptical of their validity, and bear in mind these changes have come about through just a single year of conscious projecting and meditation.

It has been just over a year since I started consciously projecting (AP/OBE) and exploring the non-physical and/or extra physical facets of life.

What a year it's been, I have learned so much about this world, people and myself – things that I previously would not have imagined possible.

I was always trying to prove to myself that these 'supernatural' phenomena were not just figments of an overactive imagination, that they were as real as the computer I’m using to type this. I'm very honoured to have tried, tested, explored, revealed and uncovered many amazingly almost unbelievable possibilities that went far beyond my expectations.

The things I have done are very few, I feel like I've taken a few baby steps into an infinite forest of possibilities just waiting for us all to embrace and rediscover. I’m also deeply thankful to all members of the Conscious Explorers group, The Astral Projectors group, the International Academy of Consciousness, close friends, family, fellow believers and the divine power that created this immense universe for us to all frolic in while dreaming and awake. Seriously without all of you, I wouldn’t have realised who I am. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you, even those I haven’t spoken to or met, because I feel your energy, we are all connected more intricately than words can ever explain. Here is a rough list of some of the interesting things I've had the privilege to do:

Astral Projection / OBE Experiences:
- Projected to remote locations & confirmed the presence of relatives at a particular house
- Projected into the dream of a colleague, had him call me from the USA
- Projected into a friends dream and had her reveal who she was seeing, confirmed this in real life
- Projected and communicated with the deceased several times, gained deep insights
- Projected and removed negative entity from my mother’s house
- Projected without first sleeping (WBTB)
- Projected while fully awake without prior relaxation/meditation prep
- Ability to absorb energy from nature while projected
- Witnessed a friend fall asleep and unknowingly project
- Greater awareness when falling asleep, waking up, being awake
- Now able to instantly identify different classes of spirits (dead, living, entities etc.)

- Gained knowledge communing with higher consciousness
- Increased general concentration
- Increased insight & deeper understanding
- Better sleep, better moods, greater vitality
- Mastered breathing techniques for increased strength, alertness\energy
- Mastered rhythmic breathing, helps with projection/meditation and energy work
- Activated third eye, crown and heart chakras to higher levels

- Connected with my daughter (same vicinity - asked her to wake up, she immediately did and said "Yes daddy"https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/images/emoticons/happy.png
- Connected with a friend (same vicinity, played guessing game)
- Connected with a friend at a remote location (made awake up)
- Connected with a very close friend at a remote location (conversed)
- Connected and summoned a squirrel to climb up to my chest in the park
- Connected and controlled a cat
- Communication with deceased friends while fully awake
- Communication with Higher-self, Higher-Consciousness

- Moved solids through water (twice) -closed doors (a few times)

Remote viewing:
- Viewed my mother’s living room a few times
- Viewed a close friend's flat three times
- Viewed unknown locations several times
- Viewed myself in birds eye

Energy & Healing:
- Developed Greater awareness of subtle energies within and without
- Improved energy movement in and around body
- Able to see & touch the subtle auras in people and objects
- Healed a friend's bad knees
- Healed my aunt's bad feet
- Healed my own bad ankle
- Able to sense non-physical entities energy

Spirituality / Miscellaneous:
- Removed negative entity from a friends house
- Able to connect, channel and transfer energy to others
- Able to absorb energy from others and nature
- Regained lost childhood memories related to supernatural
- Regained partial memories of Higher self/previous lives
- Recognised past life acquaintances in current life
- Understanding of my past, and current life purpose
- Future Foresight / premonitions
- Precognitive dreams that have come true several times
- Partial Kundalini awakening
- Ability to enter into heightened states of awareness while physically present
- Ability to rouse partial psychedelic effects over the body while physically present
- Greater control over physicalities, i.e. heartbeat, temperature & forced adrenaline release
- Instant activation of aforementioned Chakras with a single thought
- Greater use of VELO [Voluntary Energy Longitudinal Oscillation – IAC technique] for enhanced physical energy
- Deeper understanding of life, death and rebirth cycles
- Deeper understanding of various realms of consciousness
- Deeper understanding of my past and of self
- Deeper understanding of Love and emotions
- Deeper understanding of people, due to being able to connect to them on a deeper level
- Less ego, less self-centred and greater respect for others, their beliefs and choices

...I'm curious to know to what extend more seasoned or experienced projectors can relate to these claims?? While I'm relatively new to this, I have definitely experiences some of these things myself...not all though, and some of these things sound pretty far out. But I do believe my friend believes this is what he experienced, and he isn't making this up. So would be interested to hear back from others to what extent these things resonate.

21st March 2016, 02:14 PM
To some of them. Did you want a list?

21st March 2016, 05:12 PM
Hey CFTraveler,

Well if you could possibly provide a brief summary of your experiences, I would be very interested to read it. It seems to me that you have a great deal of experience, so it would be intriguing to compare notes on what you've experienced over time, compared to my friend. I have definitely experienced some of these things myself, and just through having attempted projection without even successfully doing so, while some other of these things seem way out there to me, but I am definitely pretty inexperienced when it comes to this arena.

21st March 2016, 07:01 PM
Hi Samwise,

I have personal experience of these:

Being out of my body hoovering infront of my ex husbands car and seeing whom he was driving with in his car, comfronting him and about the person because I could exactly decribe her...
Being out of my body in my apartament, I thought I had a stroke, but when going through the feet end of my wooden bed end I did understand me being out of my body, and at once I did understand that I was back in my body.
Remoteviewed very accurately and there is threads about that here on this site....
Hearing other peoples thoughts...for example one ex boyfriend thinking about a women on the TV she had big "lungs" and he thinking...wow she has big melons, and I told him what I heard him say he did freaken out and ended the relationship with me, he did not dare to continue when he was not even able to think his thoughts without me hearing them...
so this is a short list there are several things more but just to list that we have all kind of abillities...both hearing and seeing and sensing...
Both to project but also as I call it most I do reach out my consiousness to what ever I need to understand or know.
By meditation to get very deep knowledge about my unconsiousness...etc etc...


22nd March 2016, 01:21 PM
Astral Projection / OBE Experiences:
- Projected to remote locations & confirmed the presence of relatives at a particular house- Not exactly, when I attempted to visit my grandma when she was in a coma, I didn't make it, but she came to me.
- Projected into the dream of a colleague, had him call me from the USA - Also not exactly. Had various shared dreams with others, and in projection I had a few meetings, some of them with present and former members of this forum.
- Projected into a friends dream and had her reveal who she was seeing, confirmed this in real life- This used to happen to me all the time, even before I knew the person, or before I understood what was happening.
- Projected and communicated with the deceased several times, gained deep insights- Done this, got reliable information, although not many deep insights.

- Projected and removed negative entity from my mother’s house- Did that, didn't work (the removal-at least I don't think it worked.)
- Projected without first sleeping (WBTB)- Since 1998.
- Projected while fully awake without prior relaxation/meditation prep- Nope.
- Ability to absorb energy from nature while projected- Never tried that. Messed with my own physical body while projected, just to see what would happen, though.
- Witnessed a friend fall asleep and unknowingly project - Something similar, when my son was a baby.
- Greater awareness when falling asleep, waking up, being awake -Yes, since I started meditating, as a youngster.

- Now able to instantly identify different classes of spirits (dead, living, entities etc.)- Working on that. I used to practice it a lot more, but I think I banished so many that now almost no one visits me.

- Gained knowledge communing with higher consciousness- Can't say I have, maybe in my younger years. Gained information more than knowledge.
- Increased insight & deeper understanding-initially, not so much any more.
- Better sleep, better moods, greater vitality- A big ol' nope to that.

- Activated third eye, crown and heart chakras to higher levels- Increased my clairvoyance and possibly mediumship. But there are too many belief constructs in that sentence for me to elaborate.

- Connected with my daughter (same vicinity - asked her to wake up, she immediately did and said "Yes daddy" - That's cool. I used to connect with my husband when we were first married and spent lots of time apart, and I used to connect with my son when he was younger and more open to those kinds of things. Now, as a teenager he's busy with regular stuff to bother with this, but I know how life evolves you. My husband is too used to this to even notice, and in a way, so am I.

- Connected and summoned a squirrel to climb up to my chest in the park - That's cute. I used to do these 'thought experiments' with birds, and now my cats. Some are more responsive than others.
- Connected and controlled a cat -Done that, indirectly.
- Communication with deceased friends while fully awake - Not that, and I'd like to.
- Communication with Higher-self, Higher-Consciousness

When very young I manipulated my mother's cigarrette smoke so it wouldn't go in my face. But other than some cloud moving (for kicks and giggles) I haven't been too interested in this type of thing.
Remote viewing:
I have only been successful once, and it was using clairvoyance. Since I don't trust impressions, I'm not really good at it, I only trust actual visions, which don't come that easily to me unless I'm in a light trance.

Energy & Healing:
- Developed Greater awareness of subtle energies within and without- Yep.
- Improved energy movement in and around body -ditto
- Able to see & touch the subtle auras in people and objects- I used to see auras clearly until I was around twenty. Then I only would see them in people I had an emotional/energetic connection with or was in deep conversation with. Now I rarely see anything.
Healing: I've done some healing, mainly 'therapeutic touch' for many years, and later I learned Robert's 'healing from the heart' energy healing. I sometimes combine approaches depending on the issue. I don't do it often, but when I do, it works.

- Able to sense non-physical entities energy- I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to that.

Spirituality / Miscellaneous:
I've had several precog visions and one or two prophetic dreams since I started doing energy and meditation practices, but they come and go and are not 'the usual type of stuff'.
I have the undesirable tendency to project to other people's bodies which has caused me great consternation. I don't like when it happens and I don't do it on purpose.
My tendency as a youngster to feel other people's emotions and to 'care too much' about other people's emotions, combined with the tendency to have sudden insights that come from the collective unconscious tells me that I have some sort of 'defective barrier', that used to affect me when younger. As a result of this, when I suddenly have a 'spontaneous insight' about something, I just know that somewhere else someone just invented something, and I'm usually right. The other thing that somewhat distresses me is that usually when I get interest in something 'new', a few years later it will become 'fashionable' and part of the collective consciousness.
This annoys and sometimes distresses me.

- Partial Kundalini awakening - I believe I've had many of these, and don't necessarily want to go through what some people go through when they do this. I can count at least three events when K reared it's powerful head and the first two I didn't know what this was, but the last two that happened made me realize this could happen at any moment. (The full shebang). It didn't, and I'm glad.
- Ability to enter into heightened states of awareness while physically present- This used to happen to me all the time when younger, and I didn't consider it an ability, just a characteristic.
- Ability to rouse partial psychedelic effects over the body while physically present- I used to be able to do this too, but no longer.
- Greater control over physicalities, i.e. heartbeat, temperature & forced adrenaline release
- Deeper understanding of various realms of consciousness- Yep.
- Deeper understanding of my past and of self -I was born with this, and my experiences and memories have substantiated some things and not others- at 58 years, I'm still discovering why I'm here.

- Less ego, less self-centred and greater respect for others, their beliefs and choices- Not for me. If anything, my ego has become more strong and rebellious.

26th March 2016, 05:56 AM
Very interesting post. To develop so much in 1 year is quite amazing. I guess he practiced every day a lot. Did he tell what techniques and ways he used to gain that development?

All the best

29th March 2016, 10:49 AM
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences, all really interesting stuff!

WhiteMonkey, so the guy, Andre, had experience of projections from a young age, but he had assumed they were illusionary imaginary flights of the mind, and think we stopped experiencing them in his teenage years. Then he got back into them at a later date, so it does seem like he has a natural aptitude for them, but he does seem to invest a few hours of each day into consciousness related practices. His core methods are detailed in the blog post below, along with more information on his journey and perspective on all this.
