View Full Version : Strange experience upon waking

3rd March 2016, 06:36 AM
Not sure where to put this,but it creeped me out. My sleep schedule has been strange lately as I was trying to do biphasic sleep which wasn't working out as it made me feel more tired then ever. So,I'm trying to go back to sleep and as I was waking up in and out of sleep while napping and had this strange noise that seemed to come from my mind. Like,it seemed like an auditory hallucination. It was the sound that basically sounded like scratchy phone reception like the sound of when my phone has really bad phone reception when i'm trying to make a call in my apartment. I may have even checked my phone but knew it wasn't my phone since I was coming out of sleep and it came from my mind. I even got worried what if it meant I was about to die and that's the sound the mind makes when it's almost ready to leave the world. So,i started intending I am not going to die,I am going to live a long life,etc a couple times before quickly falling back asleep(was very tired so was in a very lucid state,i'm sure).

So,am I crazy? This even made me worry I was schizophrenic. :( I also had the thought could this mean someone is psychic attacking me? And,then,I also told myself maybe it means I was near having an out of body experience? I mean,that's a pretty weird experience if I really think about it.

3rd March 2016, 03:15 PM
This is normal, I used to get it when I meditated to project in the first few years. I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. It's just auditory hypnagogia, or in your case, hypnopomp, It can resolve into voices, like someone talking on a walkie talkie or a tin-can phone.

3rd March 2016, 09:22 PM
The same happened to me last night! I described it in other post here but I'm gonna go over it again here as its relevant!
I was just after falling asleep and I had a dream which was so weird as I was in a house and the situation made me angry so I decided to go home. As I walked out I could feel cold on my legs as if I was wearing any pants. It seemed so ridiculous to me that I didn't have pants on I just kept on walking being like I do have pants on. I feel on the ground next and I could feel pain (not really physical) but it was like hitting bare skin on concrete. I looked down and I had no pants on!! I just thought "it must be a dream coz why would I have no pants on". Then I walk up having the sensation of vibrations which I felt before but this time it was a lot more gently, as if I was coming back to my body. When this happened I could hear whispering in one of my ear as if someone wanted to talk to me. I explained this to myself by "my cat is sleeping behind me" which he wasn't. "My dad is talking to me " when he was dead asleep downstairs of the house.
It creeped me out so much at that moment!! I couldn't make sense of anything that was said (as if it was another language). Now I'm kinda curious what would it be if I could understand the whisper. :?

4th March 2016, 07:00 AM
This is normal, I used to get it when I meditated to project in the first few years. I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. It's just auditory hypnagogia, or in your case, hypnopomp, It can resolve into voices, like someone talking on a walkie talkie or a tin-can phone.

I'm glad it's normal. I may have had other experiences before similar but I''m just getting out of having been in very fearful vibration for months so i'm still sort of a little extra paranoid about things. I had been bothered by the phone reception in my apartment so having sounds just like the weird sounds the phone reception has was just so bizarre. I will look up auditory hypnagogia. What a weird experience it is to be a human.

4th March 2016, 02:59 PM
Yes it is. ;-) I hope things get better, and perhaps more predictable.

1st April 2016, 07:10 AM
I've experienced it when I'm going to bed and I'm really tired. It sounds like scattered random voices. They aren't talking to me. Normally it's fragments of conversations, like when you hear someone talking on the phone to someone else in a loud setting. You hear some parts of what they are saying but not the other parts from the other side of the conversation (whomever they are talking to on the other side of the wire ) And the fragments I would hear are so scattered you can't even begin to try to piece it into anything legible

I suspect its it's an auditory version of remote viewing or even just bits of energy you picked up during the day that are finally diffusing from your system. I've never paid much attention to it