View Full Version : Perfecting communication

22nd February 2016, 03:45 PM
I'm doing a search in the meantime, buuuut, in terms of communicating with rather abstract beings, or say the greater-very deep, non-linear, abstract, subconscious I've had difficulty. So far, it's rather cumbersome, yes/no answers, one key word, there's alot of information, but I get lost in it. It's fun, don't get me wrong, merging with lines of light, undulating as a fractal space, like a kaleidoscope of light, colors, and shapes, or whirling in a tunnel of light dispersed across space like so many granules of sand, aware of each aspect of "me" as one yet many.

The best I can describe it is if I approach communication from a "right brain" aspect, it's like a doorway opens up into an unlimited means of communication, but I lack the Rosetta stone. I found if I approach from a "left brain" type, the colors dull, images flatten, and communication is severely limited(not verbal). I've asked them to slow down their speech to a rate I can understand, and have done so, the images and speech comes at a rate I can comprehend at least, no so fast. But I feel like I need to work more on my end.
So what means do you find in perfecting non-linear communication? How do you "speed up"? Tips? Ideas?