View Full Version : quick question i got on my mind

ghost kid
19th February 2016, 09:10 PM
has it ever been proven scientifically that you can wake up another dreamer with dream sharing?

20th February 2016, 05:21 AM
like if your'e sharing a horrific nightmare? obviously then yes , you'd both wake up screaming.

or are you talking about dreamwalkers? , I doubt if any scientific study can be performed with oneironauts ( I did however see one a long time ago , but it was more like a scientific inquiry about a woman who started sharing dreams with her husband after a car accident) ,but there are studies with lucid dreamers though , in between the two oneironautic scientific studies tend to be fewer and far in between.There is however a lot of anecdotal evidence.
Most of the experiments are based on separating the oneironaut and his/her subject and taking analysis of their dreams for similarity of content etc.

You might want to log into youtube and search for oneironautics , something like whatever your'e looking for is bound to show up :-)

22nd February 2016, 04:14 PM
I don't see how there can be a scientific study in what you asked, the way described.
Even if you set out to do it, and another person wakes up, there is too much variability to be proven scientifically. It's a subjective experience, and there is the problem of repeatability or falsifiability.