View Full Version : Psychic powers in dreams

ghost kid
18th February 2016, 01:13 AM
I heard that you can pull telekinesis out of a dream.What would you do with it?I would use it to heal people.:)Also is it true you can pull telekinesis out of a dream into the real world?:?

18th February 2016, 05:40 AM
Never heard of it , if you could include some reference material that'd help.I mean what is the hypothetical theory on this one , if "pulling things out of dreams" was possible then pulling "anything" out of them would be possible.

also not sure how telekinesis can heal anyone , unless you mean things like moving cholesterol plaques out of arteries of cardiac patients to improve overall health.

15th April 2016, 01:21 PM
Ghost kid, I think you mean apports? I have only heard of this under a spiritualist context, and it's possible it was trickery.
So, no, I don't think you can pull objects out of dreams, because objects in dreams only exist in symbolic form. Of course, their physical analog probably exists, but in timespace.