View Full Version : why my UFO beliefs are changing.

17th February 2016, 06:39 AM
Here is why I have undergone a dramatic change in my UFO beliefs .

Previously I was a staunch unchanging convinced believer in the UFO phenomena , the documentaries , the critical evidence I had seen were (and still are) undeniable.

Here is what has happened very recently : I have moved from the angle the UFOs/Aliens are really out there to a more critical thinking , the shows , the evidence , the proof (about 95% of it argues that something is out there) , while I'm not denying that , I'm saying I've progressed beyond that not to nay-saying but looking into the feasibility of this happenstance .

Here's what changed my mind :

1)Interstellar travel just isn't a possibility : Seeing how stars and planets are trillions of light years away and light travel just isn't a possibility (unless break the laws of universal physics itself) , I really doubt there exists some mechanism that allows anything , let alone living beings to travel the immense distance without disintegrating into dust.Let's see counterargument below :

2)Travel through "worm holes" : lets bend the fabric of the cosmic matrix itself into a loop and bring two points together and hence make point "A" (UFO) instantaneously right next to point "B"(Earth) , if we are bending space itself to justify UFO travel then let's just as well move into science fiction.

3)Travel by "Warp drive" : again bending and altering cosmic fabric to travel.Same thing , science fiction.

4)Advanced technology allowance : Says that last century thinking that human beings would travel to the moon and else where would have been science fiction , similarly if alien technology is millions of years ahead , the means for inter-stellar travel definitely exits.
Ok I definitely concede to this point , but there are things that you CAN do and things you CANNOT do , this is in the CANNOT category , just like denying gravity is , to buy into this is basically saying "anything is possible with future technology".
If that's the case then we might as well say future technology also allows time travel and allows for human resurrection and all things of that ilk.

I think there's something out there but the possibility of UFO travel itself is a huge complication itself and negates anything that happens after that and unless I clear this problem out for myself (existence of cogent logical non-theoretical argument) I can't buy into the UFO theory 100% with a clear heart.I'm now a former hardcore believer turned skeptic , which is very saddening for me for some reason.
it's like something has died and I just can't believe for it's return again.

17th February 2016, 06:35 PM
Hi DC,

I totally agree.

I think from our human being vantage point, say forgetful to our beyond...so to speak; that we do possess memory...wherein our Psyche is everything that isn't technology bound, has never been, and will never be bound up in our humanous herein working out.

However, that doesn't mean there ain't a plenty up there, all around us, and us quite oblivious to its unceasing placements, and [perhaps] to its most recent placement all the way around.


Memory ... even our sight from remembering ... is not contingent upon thinking or imagining to know based within a particular incarnating timezone ... toward confusion that confuses right back into returning forgetfulness.

What is has always been present. What has come has come .. in as much as within remembering is the memory clearly recalled.

As simple as a lil musical Diddy would suddenly sing out in the mind, and we'd find ourselves once again transported to another remembered time.... [perhaps] all time at once ... again realized.

I could say to myself that I remember when first I heard ... yet remembering first I hear. Did I go back or did that time come forward? Or both...as I find myself centered within the unceasing proven memory.

What I think means very little; What I imagine to know amounts as nothing; What I may begin to understand is where these two ends meet in my heart.

Before logic...logos was, logos is, and logos ever shall be. Unchanging and Unceasing, yet the Hand quicker than the Eye....IS

17th February 2016, 07:11 PM
Yes that's true too tim :-)

I just don't know how to reconcile what logic says with what the evidence is , I know of people who have absolutely no reason to lie about this talk about their genuine sightings.
For example let's talk of a person whom we mutually know on the forum , now this person saw a UFO hovering right over her house.
Logic says that interstellar travel is an impossibility , so how do we reconcile this to what she saw?, is she a devout believer ? no , she's on the skeptical side, Is she entirely sane? yes , very much so.

See? this becomes the problem , what the heck are these things that logic just can't explain? , after a while what happens is that "mass hysteria" and "it was definitely a weather balloon" just don't work as cogent agents of counterargument.

I have so many things going on in my mind and I have no idea how to sort them through ( or in the very least come to a point where I can comfortably achieve peace with either absolute denial of UFO existence or convert back to staunch belief).

What's wrong with me though? I mean hundreds of people don't know anything about them and are fine living with both ambivalence and ambiguity that agnosticism provides , why can't I just settle for the fact that knowing what these things are isn't possible in this life time?.

I wish I hadn't gotten myself into this UFO thing at all.It's all absolutely exasperating questions and no answers.

17th February 2016, 07:59 PM
Hmmmm...my understanding is that there is only human...yet the arrangements and/or estrangements within Human are as a handfull. 5...aye even 5 & 5, aye 5 again. Om Tat Sat ... 15

Ref. Matt.18:20

As far as sightings of ???, I myself have no fewer than 4 ... but more...

One of which was gargantuan in size, and too incredible to articulate in words. Mahpia (Cloud) is a body of ... wherein just as we humanly inhabit our bodies of ... so would the intelligence bearing cloud be inhabited to a greater degree of number.

Life (Zoe) is as Intelligence provisionally free forming bodies of ... toward hosting the indwelling agencies of Human.

For example, "The Lord of Hosts" is more at where does Human via Body of ...or... Body of via Human...Pair out.

Yet this pairing out is One, even as the body of returns to dust, even as ashenly up in smoke we part...within an all consuming Intelligence (Life).

There is the Life, and there is THAT which Lives the Life. That which lives the life, though as a brevity...live within the Life which ever affording place/home... IS. Ishwara

Yet, That Thou Art... not this ... not this. But without This .... Art Thou? That is always That....This is always This...pairing as One. Let us as One...find peace in the statement, there is only Asi...and Asi IS HUMAN...doing towards being. Such That...as The Doing Pre-established toward Being ... what then is to be done............but to Live the Life...as it is....Art. That & Life ... to Live as One...Artform. Ka-Song, Bu-Dance, Ki-Art; and the mentations of our humanous myriadly Aesop reflected, the cures for our ails myriadly arrayed as plant and mineral; all the Doing foregiven toward our Being...Human. Eden

Give us (Our Being) as the Salt of the Earth.

Thusly is said, "...,The Lord IS One."
My First Love..Lullabies.. http://youtu.be/EsGiBwK4Ycc

2014-Dad said, I never knew me till you knew me.
2015-Dad said, go and come to your Self.
2016-My Self says, so the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Love ~ Be That...the partiality is your's...

17th February 2016, 08:43 PM
4)Advanced technology allowance : Says that last century thinking that human beings would travel to the moon and else where would have been science fiction , similarly if alien technology is millions of years ahead , the means for inter-stellar travel definitely exits.
Ok I definitely concede to this point , but there are things that you CAN do and things you CANNOT do , this is in the CANNOT category , just like denying gravity is , to buy into this is basically saying "anything is possible with future technology".
If that's the case then we might as well say future technology also allows time travel and allows for human resurrection and all things of that ilk.

Point (4) is more it for me, or at least in part - but even that is still a bit like too much thinking-in-the-box-thinking for me, very 'materialistic. Especially when we are on a forum like this one, where we go beyond the physics into the "META-"physical realm. ;)

Given that reality is digital or 'holographic' in nature, or just given the fact that the mind is the basis for reality in general (opposed to the strict materialist view) for me 'alien/ET' beings are not just physical beings travelling the 'physical' universe over interstellar distances in (physical) crafts.

Reality is way more different then we might even imagine. For me most ETs can 'materialise' here, but they are actually from 'other dimensions' for lack of better terms, I know how cliche-like this sounds. They can 'become' or 'appear' physical at will, but not necessarily need to.

So all the arguments mentioned above, imv, is a bit of the same ol' traditional thinking, even of the 'traditional' UFOLogists who believe in the UFO phenomenon but cannot go further (out of their box) than thinking of mechanical crafts (anti-gravity) or whatever with interstellar warp-drive controlled by little grey or green men from other planets in the galaxy. ;)

You see what I mean? Try to think out of the box. Yes, no one says there is enough scientific proof for this. But we have a lot of metaphysical evidence to back it up. The ET phenomenon (phenomenon = something that 'appears') is real , after all, what's really behind is, I also do not claim to know the deep truth.

It could well be that ET are not different from the mythological demons and/or angels (take you pick). Anyway, it is purely metaphysial for me, that means it is also (in the sense of this word) beyond today's physics and beyond physics that our best scientists will ever grasp.

We know from forums like this and many books on the topic, that many projectors also meet ETs, so they are 'real' on some level, whatever it is that is 'really' behind it. Maybe it's a disguise for sth else. Who knows... But it will maybe always be a meta-thing, even after a so-called disclosure which might or might never happen.

17th February 2016, 09:19 PM
See Sinera , thing is that you've neatly wrapped up your belief as "metaphysical" , i.e that the ET phenomenon is a metaphysical one and not a physical one , or one that can't be explained by physics , like you say they can even labelled as angels or demons , while nothing is wrong with this mode of thinking (and it allows you to reconcile your belief with the ET phenomenon) calling other argument "inside the box thinking therefore invalid" , doesn't make my point of view either invalid or insubstantial , to me going outside the box would be to stretch my thinking tight and thin to a point where its warped and starts accommodating the ET phenomenon , and I'm just not up for that.

The other thing saying that we are on a spiritual forum and therefore our belief ought be spiritual when it comes to these things , is again not possible for me.
Being spiritual shouldn't mean we ought give up our skepticism to be like that.Why can we not find a logical , reality-based answer to this? , without being spiritual or metaphysical.

17th February 2016, 09:59 PM
Why can we not find a logical , reality-based answer to this? , without being spiritual or metaphysical.

My Friend, [tho perhaps wavering] allow these two (...or...) to be the One ... That they intended to be...Are....as Very You.

The logical plans for the doing of the house...without You...as your very Self...stepping up entering in to...cannot as a Home...Be.

Ref. John5:5-8

18th February 2016, 05:44 AM
the only problem standing in way of belief is the impossibility of interstellar travel or travel faster then speed of light , if we could find some plausible explanation for it then the rest would just all fall into place.

18th February 2016, 07:02 AM
What is this ..."the rest"... that would just all fall into place?

The "speed of light" is no faster than that human thought which would imagine to measure. Light stands still. God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. Shadows move. Be Still and know that....

Interstellar travel? What is this "stellar" that "inter" depends upon any more than the traveler's reposing will? Repose & Motion ... Noah & No'ah ... One ... not my will, but Thy will be done...as it is...the hand is quicker than the eye.

Place your beliefs into a pebble, place the pebble in your pants pocket till it wears a hole in the pocket, thereby falling into place within your shoe, whereby yourself removing the painful pebble might believe in You.

18th February 2016, 03:07 PM
I absolutely don't believe in UFOs, because IMO the 'belief' in anything goes against my grain.
But I also don't believe they don't exist, because this is also a belief. And my problem with the concept is that of belief itself. Belief is for religion or spirituality, the UFO phenomenon, as presented, is a materialist thing. Yes, there may be anecdotal evidence that it may be a spiritual thing, but I really don't know.
But here is the empiricist in me talking:
I have personally seen a nuts-& bolts UFO, when in my late teens (actually, both my husband and I saw it) and it was nothing that could have been military. It indeed defied the technology of the time, hell, of this time. And it makes me think that it's not that it would defy physics as we know it- it's that maybe there is more to physics as we think we know it.
And that's why, even though I'm aware that most of the people involved in certain 'documentaries' are frauds, it doesn't negate what I saw.

18th February 2016, 04:27 PM
Yep, I absolutely agree CFT.

Belief is a vehicle within which one places their power...to have become broadly scattered. When in turn one believes in themself...their power is re-collected/re-membered, therein re-turned soley to them Self.

David Bohm's Quantum Mind (Changing Mind), say comparable to that of Zazen holding to Big Mind ... are both modern day parallels...the latter being the more bonafide traveler as it has arrived thru time's deeper reach.

When a person's power is scattered into extraneous beliefs ... their bereft interior becomes as gravitational insecurity. When a person's power is recollected ... again they become the outpouring of much much more emptying from Self-replenishing source. The heart feeds itself first...yet the very blood is replenished within the bones, lIke the framework holding one up is not the exoskeleton of a house...but rather...is within the body of's deepest reaches...whereof the body of is constituently supported.

Point being that the constituents finding their home are not within a framework protected, as they essentially are super-exposed to the elements ... covered in their mere shared consiousness ...skin/flesh [not the brain]. Of course there is this and that within the rib cage...however, contrary to being a caged bird...one is consciously free to walkabout freely.

[Perhaps] no two are closer than the pairing out of heart & flesh...one.

What does this have to do with the unseen? All being has a body, yet all bodies are not seen. This interdendent upon material to density ratios. To say that, that which is there ...may not be seen, unless of course it'd warrant the viewer as having that sight upon. It's just a matter of will, matching wills nigh upon one another.

Otherwise, where are one's guardian angels standing round about them Self? Even as they'd be heard first, so as not to frighten preparatory to sight.

When one's will is one's answering will again, then there is nigh unto nigh. Freedom of Will

"Yes. I will [again] be made whole."

Spiritual is foundational...without it nothing as everything stands. Hardly anecdotal...unless of course I forget that with my two feet firmly planted I do stand with the earth under me...her nap the very uppermost top...whereupon life does stand. On her rests all, even whereupon my shoulders does the sky above find it's carried light easily resting.

In Your Eyes... http://youtu.be/R96IqtcI8Hs

How may One faithfully hope to along with love ... look out seeing the unseen...when wherein they've spiritually stood upon has fallen up under they as anecdotal.

Tis no more wonder ... tis none of childlike awe remaining to stay. Shah Maht ~ I Remain To Stay

Fly Like An Eagle... http://youtu.be/YGabQropnM0

No where else is sorrow more acutely felt than in heaven. ~ Ancient Of Days

Tzemach/Same Brother... http://youtu.be/oT57tjz9py8

Ref. Matt.11:30

18th February 2016, 04:51 PM
I have had time to mull this over and gestate thoughts in my mind.

Before proceeding , I'm going to clarify that when I used the word "belief" it's used as "the idea of" , " the notion of existence of UFOs" , "the concept of alien existence" , not as "my belief is in the holy bible as word of God" , "my beliefs dictate that Muhammad is the one true messenger of God" (I didn't know what word to use when explaining all of this was "for a lack of a better word" , a better title would have been "Why my thoughts on UFOs are changing".

Okay now let's back to it ; first I have to say that for whatever "documentary" or other information is out there the agenda is mostly "we can provide evidence of existence" conversely the other camp says "it's really not possible for them to travel here in anyway that physics allows".
This simply creates a dichotomy of "believers" and "skeptics" , now the problem gets trickier , this dichotomy becomes "either you are with us or against us".

I'm simply refusing to go with "they either exist or they don't" , previously I was being tough on myself saying "well you know what my belief is telling me one thing and my logical mind another" , and this feeling of being at odds with myself was really making me uncomfortable (I wasn't allowing myself to sit on the fence with this one).

Now let's get back to the first idea that started the rift : "laws of physics dictate that interstellar or faster than speed of light travel is not possible" . well honestly if you're going to use simple physics as a means of understanding this whole ET situation you're simply not going to make headway.
Laws of physics also can't explain crop circles and cattle mutilation but that doesn't mean it's not happening.

The whole argument then becomes this : We can't use human rationale to conceptualize or explain the ET phenomenon , another way of saying this would be that with our current level of understanding of the cosmos and physics explaining the ET phenomenon isn't possible.

I'm honestly think we are at a point where we can't explain or rationalize this whole thing (just like a lot of other things out there).

for now I'm leaning more towards the skeptical side and let me tell you why : If ET life has evolved on other planets that means it evolved on a planet that was devoid of oxygen or had other atmospheric gases or radiation conditions , but why is it that in all accounts of alien contact and description ETs are without "space suits" or apparatus that allows them gases or ambient conditions that allows them to move about in other planetary conditions (just like humans have to wear space suits when visiting other planets or the moon).Dumber still more a way of saying is that a fish doesn't survive out of water.

proof or disproof on this argument simply isn't possible.

Astral Projection
18th February 2016, 05:52 PM
Our "scientific laws" are being challenged all the time. I think it is naive of people to have a large interest in science for 500 years and then believe we know all the answers and can attribute existence to the definitions of our laws. I believe we still have a lot to learn. History has shown that things we once deemed impossible have happened and been achieved, I think we have a lot to learn still, that's why I don't doubt UFO's exist personally.

18th February 2016, 06:27 PM
Our "scientific laws" are being challenged all the time. I think it is naive of people to have a large interest in science for 500 years and then believe we know all the answers and can attribute existence to the definitions of our laws. I believe we still have a lot to learn. History has shown that things we once deemed impossible have happened and been achieved, I think we have a lot to learn still, that's why I don't doubt UFO's exist personally.

Cheers! [perhaps] it is that we've much to unlearn. ;)

18th February 2016, 08:01 PM
I'm aware that most of the people involved in certain 'documentaries' are frauds
Isn't that a bit of a harsh statement about abductees, military whistleblowers, experiencers, some Ufologists, or whoever you mean, calling them all or most of them frauds? That means they would deliberately want to lie to you or trick you or cheat. This is not my impression. An abductee experience or a UFO experience is an experience (whatever is behind it) in the first place. There might be some attention-seekers, but most seem credible. And there are many credible whistleblowers, too imv. CE has sometimes articles that lists examples and quotes of these whistleblowers, below is one example. Many governments also introduce ufo departments although some might be inofficial still. The military and air force and aviation in general more or less has admitted the phenomenon, at least inofficially in the US, in some countries also officially.



19th February 2016, 11:34 AM
And that's why, even though I'm aware that most of the people involved in certain 'documentaries' are frauds, it doesn't negate what I saw.

I'm wholly with Sinera on this one

Let me expound why so, I don't watch a lot of documentaries anymore , but I do agree , if you watch run of the mill stuff , then most of these are made by fanatics , zealots and very biased non-skeptical people with some sort of an agenda to push , but most important of all these people lack credentials (I rate back ground , profession , at-stake status , rank and credentials highly).
I would listen keenly to what a currently employed high ranking military official working in defense sector (whom I can check on independently ; the internet is useful that way) has to say compared to some random unknown stranger on youtube just running amok a commentary.

Regarding "fraud" (I can't comment on how Cf used the term) but in my case , for someone being fraudulent in a documentary/commentary can be a charlatan in the sense they would ask for money and promise things like "ascension to a newer reality with the annunaki" and ask for a sign-up fee to be privy to exclusive material , or alternately there are things like boarding a select UFO vessel , with the fraud being hoodwinking people out of their money by some sort of a UFO/ET-based program .

Are this people who are frauds on the documentaries masquerading as UFOlogists? I think con-artists can take the guise of anything , not just UFOlogists.In that case a fool and his money are to part ways anyway.

When I watch a documentary I constantly align it with factual evidence of what I already know , I'm very quick to call out shenanigans (If I'm watching something to educate myself , then they'd best not waste my time).I immediately shut the glut of documentaries that start of with a sensationalist agenda (easy to identify) and don't look back.

Also , there are people who have no monetary gain out of disseminating their UFO experience , people like congressmen , air-line pilots , military officials and people with doctorates , degrees and published papers and high ranking scholarship , face a lot ridicule and stigma when they "come out" to share their experience.
These people can maybe be "frauds" in the sense they are participants of mass hysteria or a commonly shared delusion or were brain-washed and hypnotized to do so.

Other people making these documentaries can also be frauds in the sense that they are pathological liars , in the sport of hoaxing , dissemination-fanatics , genuinely mentally afflicted and people who think to deeply on the issue and need to purge their thoughts by imposing their overly-amplified thinking onto other people by making documentaries and commentaries i.e "UFO-thumpers" .

19th February 2016, 02:20 PM
But think about the past

When the first trains appeared doctors thought our body will be harmed if we would use it cause ot would drive tooo fast
Same as they say now with light speed...

More recently also fax was believed unbelieveble simlar to beaming nowadays

All the best

20th February 2016, 08:27 PM
DC, I don't see why you think that interstellar travel is impossible. You say that space craft wouldn't be able to travel faster than the speed of light. But can you be absolutely sure? Years ago, some people said that the sound barrier couldn't be broken. But it was. Others said that the atom could never be "smashed". But it was.

Eintstein's theory is just that: a theory. Quantum physics shows, however, the entire unpredictability of the universe. Remember the famous "double slit experiment"? This is one of my favourite cartoons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc Consciousness can, and does, affect how the physical world behaves. Dr Greer has often described how extra terrestrials travel using their minds to control their craft.

As for me, I have no difficulty accepting that space craft could travel faster than the speed of light. Some physicists have suggested that the inverse of Einstein's formula makes more sense: instead of mass increasing with speed, it would decrease. The trouble with Einstein's version is that theoretically, at the speed of light, an object would be as large as the whole of the universe. Have you read the work of the famous Russian scientist, Dr. Vladimir Ginzburg (see http://helicola.com/?p=about) ? The opposite is more logical - that at light speed, mass would become zero and become energy instead. Upon deceleration, the process would reverse, with the energy reverting to mass, gradually increasing to normal size as speed reduces. There is brief discussion here by David Willcock: http://www.divinecosmos.com/contact-us/privacy-policy/96-the-divine-cosmos-chapter-02-light-on-quantum-physics

I hope that this will help you. Every best wish to you, DC!

21st February 2016, 06:43 AM
DC, I don't see why you think that interstellar travel is impossible. You say that space craft wouldn't be able to travel faster than the speed of light. But can you be absolutely sure? Years ago, some people said that the sound barrier couldn't be broken. But it was. Others said that the atom could never be "smashed". But it was.

Eintstein's theory is just that: a theory. Quantum physics shows, however, the entire unpredictability of the universe. Remember the famous "double slit experiment"? This is one of my favourite cartoons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc Consciousness can, and does, affect how the physical world behaves. Dr Greer has often described how extra terrestrials travel using their minds to control their craft.

As for me, I have no difficulty accepting that space craft could travel faster than the speed of light. Some physicists have suggested that the inverse of Einstein's formula makes more sense: instead of mass increasing with speed, it would decrease. The trouble with Einstein's version is that theoretically, at the speed of light, an object would be as large as the whole of the universe. Have you read the work of the famous Russian scientist, Dr. Vladimir Ginzburg (see http://helicola.com/?p=about) ? The opposite is more logical - that at light speed, mass would become zero and become energy instead. Upon deceleration, the process would reverse, with the energy reverting to mass, gradually increasing to normal size as speed reduces. There is brief discussion here by David Willcock: http://www.divinecosmos.com/contact-us/privacy-policy/96-the-divine-cosmos-chapter-02-light-on-quantum-physics

I hope that this will help you. Every best wish to you, DC!

LPCF what a wonderful post , I really liked reading it (plus the links were excellent :thumbsup:)

Let's just look what I spoke of in the first post ; the problem isn't that we can or cannot achieve faster or at the rate of light speed travel , the problem is that even if you achieve travel at/above speed of light the problem is the nearest star is millions and millions of light years away , (alpha centauri ?) , so for argument's sake let's assume faster than speed of light is already invented , does that mean we now spend millions of years travelling?.
If such a thing as light speed travel exists does that mean ET's travel hundreds if not millions of years to come to earth now THAT doesn't sound plausible , this is where all the other theories come into play for answers (warp drives , worm holes , bending space matrix etc etc).take your pick.

what is and is not possible with future technology? I'm honestly not sure how far I can bend the answer to that so it that justifies the ET/interstellar travel phenomenon.

22nd February 2016, 08:04 PM
I'm glad that you liked the articles, DC!

Gibzburg's basic thesis is this: that at light speed, matter occupies zero space. That is the "tipping point", where matter converts to energy and it "flips" into a time-space universe (parallel but the inverse of our space-time universe). In that universe, distance has little meaning, as it is time which is travelled, not space. So by travelling in time in the parallel universe, unimaginable distances could be traversed in the equivalent of a few earth seconds. Then, by declerating back, atoms would "flip" back into the physical space-time universe we know (at the speed of light) and one could literally be millions of light years away in distance from the original departure point. This "tipping point" at the speed of light is a bit like the "sound barrier". Only instead of a simple "boom", much more radical changes happen.

You could call this process a "worm hole", "warp speed travel" or whatever - they are just words to describe a phenomenon which we do not yet fully understand. If we tried to explain to a caveman how a camera can take pictures of people, he wouldn't understand. In the same way, we do not understand fully about what happens at light speed, but one day maybe they will explain it in primary schools, LOL!

By the way, if this topic interests you, I strongly recommend "The Source Field" by David Willcock. His book covers lots of topics, but Ginzburg's work and those of other physicists in this area are discussed part of the way through.

23rd February 2016, 04:07 AM
"The Source Field" by David Willcock - got it thanks.
I think the whole argument comes to rest at "future technology is very advanced and therefore we can't yet understand these things" , I concede to that , but I don't wholly buy into it (for reasons I've been explaining throughout this thread).

Let's see what technology comes to , in our life times at least , now that's something worth looking forward to.

27th February 2016, 02:44 PM
With the advent of the EMdrive that works without any form of propulsion and breaks existing laws of physics, do you still think warp drive is impossible? The EM drive itself may be an early form of warp. Even its creators don't understand how/why it works ��



28th August 2016, 03:16 PM
With the advent of the EMdrive that works without any form of propulsion and breaks existing laws of physics, do you still think warp drive is impossible? The EM drive itself may be an early form of warp. Even its creators don't understand how/why it works ��



Very Insightful.

4th March 2023, 03:42 AM
based on info who supposed be on their ships they got few means of travel 1 is mercury mixed with another metal and the other is machine that eliminates or removes the craft from th gravitational fields once object is not under gravity those feats of speed is possible.