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9th May 2017, 01:23 PM
Psalm 8:4

Redrum http://youtu.be/FLjixsUEj5E

Infra-Structure ... The Multi-Grid

Below, Under

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Appears as if it's come along as we have.

Quid pro quo

Is Infra-Red a mis-nomer that implies Red is below under?

Under the Rain-Bow -or- Is it over the Rain-Bow

Theories and Being Directional Challenged

Note: WTF is up with NASA's wag-the-dog Robot XWTF Aircraft? Lies and Liars, but who really gives a sh¡t, and why?

The local Municipal Utilities Co. Where I'm living is guess what? For one it's a co-op buying power from a bigger dog. Two, the entire location, buildings and all are powered by mega solar panels 'off the grid', as is the local Army Depot/Army Reserve/ARNG "I was only following orders" confabulation (subject to oaths nn articles [90-93]) ?!unawares!?.


What about Us? Well...I got utility meters on this house that no man need read, the signal emissions thereof report the usage status.

Why isn't all this wondrous freeing technology helping my dumb-ass out, instead of myself having been ousted?

It's not infra-structure....it's a goddamn caging of grid-work.


The only thing Red up in this wag-the-dog NWO-WTF-DISORDER is my red-ass when I look at my ever-shrinking $$$-power that's beating my ass on purpose.

Check it out now, we all quite see it, and it would appear as if we've missed the punchline that being lined up for more...we in...exactly are.

HuMan = PunchLine


They don't sell laughing-stocks toward investment returns for them milling around in the WTF PunchLine.


When the goddamn looney tune cartoons you grew up on got more sense in em then your Flipboard News.......Well nuff said.

Excuse me while I take an up-chuck break here to keep up with the MTFing WTF Kardashians.

Bruce Jenner is WTF who now.....Caitlyn.

Laugh -or- Cry

RedRum Re-Play http://youtu.be/_6x8tfpc0z0

BonBon http://youtu.be/cedoBlUvBlI

FEEL http://youtu.be/rQ7tMWOCQlM

Black Dog

"...With eyes that shine, burnin' red,.."


13th May 2017, 03:38 PM
Happy Mother's Day Mom

I reckon nothing means more to a Kentucky Appalachia Hillbilly born son than does his Mom.

Likewise, recognition to fellow Appalachia Kentucky Hillbilly Son Johnny Depp who lost his Mom a year ago come this May 20th.

Next to Mom....well then there is God and to whatever one might have held together in this world under the subject of "loving relationships".

13th May 2017, 11:51 PM
One has to first close the eyes that they may be opened. One must have become lost that they be found. One's vision is at first folded that it may unfold right before your very eyes.

15th May 2017, 01:00 PM
Let The Beat Build ... ����������

(Na~>Me~>TZ)i ... iT(Z~>eM~>aN)

(Delicious) ... (Time)

"Lost In Translation" ... Mayhaps To Be Found(Trans-Lated)

TZi = iC = G - The Gravity of the Sit-U-aT-ioN ; iC - Crescent ... ● WaXiNG ○ WaNiNG ... Xi - Ni az Form-U-La-iC/Cancels Out. [Xi CyGNi] spectral binary/rotation cycle = 18 yrs. Swan(King)/14th Star/1 of 12 Labours of Hercules

15 = The POWER of Love

6(3THAT-ARE-ONE)6] ... Trinity/Triune God

The Father, The Son (et)and The Holy Spirit


Power Wisdom Love

POWER to run the Body(the Faith (et)and GoodWill of the Divine Intent)

WISDOM to nourish the Mind(Illumination (et)and the Right Use of the Gnosis of the Law)

LOVE to fulfill the destiny of the Soul in Conscious Outer Manifestation(a Just (et)and Merciful Compassion that is always rewarded by Individual Creative FulFilMent)[my Cup runneth over]

Surrounded~WithIn Love
Pink Rose

ThreeFold Flame Meditation http://youtu.be/sJ_t05n3XNA


Note: aNeMiC ... With Blood Issue ... Menstruation/Moon Cycle

18th May 2017, 09:21 PM
Wonders of the Deep http://youtu.be/xHEgT--jJLk

To them in the dream: my unmistakable answers were NO, and no means no.

If possible,

In as much as "it lies" to within you,

Be peaceable among men.

What is "possible" and "in as much as" both have everything to do with how "it lies" to within me. With that honestly said, peace is as peace does.

I ain't seen nothing yet that ain't connected to a pair of trousers one leg at a time...Just az I am.

19th May 2017, 03:53 PM
An adversary does not attack it's own. If/When attacked/challenged, discern that truth to realize how well off that you really are. And of course, any finding themself otherwise, examine how easily drawn into "it's own"...unawares, even to your own innocence.

Perplexing? No, not at all.

Thoughts and the Mind https://www.openbible.info/topics/thoughts_and_the_mind

As for myself, I am no foreigner to being attacked(even physically), even within my present physical surroundings/personal world, not unlike a pile of sh¡t naturally draws green flies. Humor

Comes with the territory of advocating for those having found themselves powerless/voiceless within the many "non-solution social systems" that regard them as problems of little/no regard. That doesn't mean that I'm anyone of any regard either, these type-negative "systems" tend to associate one associating with as whomever they themselves have little/no regard.

I dunno, my Einstein Bobblehead says, "You dummie it's quite simple, the answer to the problem is pi."

I always remember the three stooges doing their cream pies in the face routine.

BeauRegard ... Beautiful Gaze

20th May 2017, 01:56 PM
As a norm I don't usually kiss nn tell, but...jus acuz...I feel to this time.

Two nights ago whilst sleeping I was alternately sitting by myself in the darkness somewhere...looking out on pretty much the darkness.

From the silence a hand reached over my right shoulder pulling my face around whereupon my lips, hell my entire mouth, entered into the goddamndest all engrossing kiss that ever seized ahold of me. The indescribable taste of her mouth...OMG!!! Time vanished within our KISS.

Rock Wit U http://youtu.be/o4_DFoOtvfA

Though just as sudden as the kiss was her comin round sitting beside me. No words...just eyes to eyes...and looking at one another's presence. YES!!!

Hell...there wasn't a infintesimal spec of me that weren't uber-aroused. Mmmmhmmmm...

She had on a nurse's scrubs, a bit darker than baby blue. However, I musta been stirring cuz my cat woke me up...to which I screamed his name at him. I got up after that for a coupla hours on account of commiting to memory every detail before all might evaporate.

Anyhu...best TASTE ever hit my mouth, and every other sense I got....far as THAT goes...

A KISS like THAT don't leave me wantin more...nah...leaves me from my all left as nothin but ACHE...wantin ALL...

Rock Wit' Cha http://youtu.be/eI0-n3bkRno

21st May 2017, 12:17 PM
Mama said that if ya can't say sumptin good then don't say nuthin at all.

Smilin...cuz I do understand what my friend Bill told me years ago, "Tim if you see me get angry in a situation don't worry cuz I'm ok, but if you should ever see me smile in a situation...then you either run fast nn get the hell away or get in it with me". So yeah...I be smile induced writin this mornin...unlikely a 'good thing' be comin out of me. I ain't sayin, having already felt to goodly say to no avail.

Smiling Th•Understanding - 1001 ... 2001 ... 3001 ... Lightning done did strikes on the Stormy Horizon. Is to having heard have sought adequate shelter from the impending ? -or- stand up to the storm 'making it go away'. What is Mind!? THAT Mind Minding Minds.

Do I mind my Mama's good words about throwing out bad ones? Yes

Do I mind Bill's words that when I see him smile I can trust to stand with him? Yes

In the case of smiling...the time to talk (have talked) is over. The Sioux Nation after having smoked the (peace) pipe in the signing of worthless treaties.

All my talking words are from having walked all of them. Any confusion spurring from them is to the reader for neither having walked -or- in that you don't walk your talk 'as it is'.

In other words, there is Justice and there is Poetic Justice. Likewise, there is the Life and there is THAT which Lives the Life.

Make Me Feel http://youtu.be/l4wDSYNjJdQ

Don't suffer the suffering. 1001 ... 2001 ... 3001 ... plenty a time to realize the choice.

If it is with good comfort that one may leave their store sufficiently minded, then what of returning to mind their minding at naught.

My angels are quite sufficient in numbers that you might have any at all.

The brain cares little of the addiction, being the same chemical equation as to whether your trick is shop lifting, bullying, bigazz blunts or choking your Chicken.

Heathens http://youtu.be/vNc6rsd4v2Y


Written with an unconfusing :) I'm not sorry if You are moved to feel your own confusion. These...our shared times...be con•fusing.

No Role Modelz http://youtu.be/Ah3NkwEX9mo *Adult Content*

If I gno Me @ All ... then IT must be true that You knows Me az Well met.

Never piss off a good man, that if you told him he was good...he'd deny it...saying God Alone is good...Period.

If the bad you bring ain't your best bad, then your good ain't worth but it's un•savory taste•less under•foot trampled the f'ed•up salt.

To what good is Nathaniel without guile if not for Simon the Zealot, they Two setting one another a Part. My hands Well meet with•in Prayer (et)and GOD is a Wo•Man.

She Wolf http://youtu.be/PVzljDmoPVs

In that I am my Mother's Son @ All is that my Father may thereof recognizing Me az his Son az I to him herein call, Father, ..... Amen.

In this Way never to look over the shoulder for what LIES behind ... only to meet 'come what (of the father) may' ... face to face. Peniel

Do not be afraid of being afraid, facing the fear and doing It anyway. That which commands understanding not their enemy's ways...leads his ill-equiped head-long in~>to entrapments pre-set out~>in the O'Pen.

Patience is az Patience her very self has all•ready seen fit to have had finished. All•Clear

Nobody claimed that It was going to be easy, but It's up to each in every of One az to JUST how goddamn un•sufferably hard that It seems to be.

If you take out three estimates for the remodeling of your house...

And you chose the cheapest cost, then you will with great doubts get exactly what you deserve...

And you chose the middle cost, then you will with little or no doubt come out okay...being fair to midland...

And you chose the highest cost, then you will without worry for a doubt be overtaken with surprise beyond your imagining conceptualized undertaking to have remodeled.

Peace is az Peace chose to do/did/done.

Ergone, tis no wonder at the confusion~>your's.

So...is It then....full steam ahead when clearly All Stop is the fore-gone conclusion. "It is finished". 1001 ... 2001 ... 3001

The only time that my thoughts amount to sh¡t is when I'm sittin pon my porcelain throne toward the definitive flush of my wasted relief.

25th August 2017, 10:56 PM
Lots has happened in the past few months. The ReignBeau...for One

I came full circle with John'first contact in here years ago, FareWellToArms

RadioHead .... Reckoner

Time For Rectifying....Bringing remedy...to the Wavering about...Current...etc.

22nd October 2017, 09:13 PM
i like looking at those intersting pictures. Thanks for posting:heart: timothy

13th November 2017, 12:38 AM
My Mom used to say, "so&so is as full of sh¡t as a phosphated elephant."

I'd add ... yes Mom and some are as full of sh¡t as neophosphated elephants."

Yup ... maybe some purty pictures later...ya gno.:angelic:

13th November 2017, 02:30 AM
My Mom uses to say, "so&so is as full of sh¡t as a phosphated elephant."

I'd add ... yes Mom and some are as full of sh¡t as neophosphated elephants."

Yup ... maybe some purty pictures later...ya gno.:angelic:

Hi Tim :heart:

It is clearly to me what post you react to, but as you know how dull and stupid I am I need clarifications and more steight forward explanations to understand..sometimes I understand more but as now I do not...so please elaborate for me to understand your point of view.


17th November 2017, 12:01 AM
November 8(&16) 2017

Of the end the beginning ... In the beginning Our Self



17th February 2018, 03:42 AM
Mary Do It Again, Cross Roads https://youtu.be/P129kV3ImN0


Of Angels (et)and In Swords

A recent study of a few historic swords having through time arrived...being found cached together.

The study reveals that the metal is unearthly, having "most likely/theoretically" advantageously and opportunistically of man been momentarily reaped from a molten meteorite quickly after impact.

The cooling cold cast pours plus removed from forming casts while still molten hot then beaten finish shaped metal [sword's] integralizing atomic meld is that which is unwarpable and unbreakable ... having a lasting memory as to/for/with their given [wended] shapes ... as it were, even still the more...is finished.

Amen. Amen & Amen...

Of the nap o' the earth is the Angel's form (et)and finish shape metaled out to within nn of the top o' the world.

s¡WorD¡s ...like with a pan nn a pot one ahungered cookin up...

Aye! Bonnie Lass pon Silver Bow ... She the Mother to Drow's want toward Her sleeping baby's erring...do say, No...he is no of ill body. Aye!

Winyadepla https://youtu.be/b4_mXP7XuZM

CoAinEadh Na D'Tri Muire

Ni Gan Chuis

In nn Of The WilderNeSS ...With Cause... Forged

CrossRoads https://youtu.be/GsB_cGdgPTo

And to what is cause ...That... who with Cause @ All ...Without Is...

Aye! Ceartais ... Aye! Certus

Sail https://youtu.be/YS4fXhiVEQM

Power https://youtu.be/HArTOzsEqUU


Radioactive https://youtu.be/hEWmcG60LKY

Make The Ground Shake https://youtu.be/XzTA6FbhYSk

The Only Way Is Up https://youtu.be/UtKADQnjQmc

Declaring The End From The Beginning


Speak Now -or- Forever Hold Your Peace


You got the power to let POWER go...!?

Dance The Jig To Within ○ur Threshing Floor Round


16th April 2018, 04:37 PM
The inversion of vanity is cowardice.

The convolution of courage is living out love.

Dedicated2 o

17th April 2018, 03:24 PM
p.s. Yeah...if I can change this Thread's Title from Dreamy's Beau to Ani's Beau...I will...dunno how to... Go to your first post, Edit, and then hit 'go advanced' and scroll up a little, and you will see that the title is now changeable.

19th April 2018, 02:52 PM
Yes, you do it at the first post.

2nd May 2018, 04:27 PM
Kata Hedra ... Down Seat ... Cathedra ~ L

The only meant to be and intended for...

High Seat

Get Low ... Luke 14:7-10

Take the lowest seat/room/place ... sit with the peoples...

Signs o life


The other high seat...
Lonely Souls...

...on worries...

3rd May 2018, 07:14 AM
Hey, Tim. I heard you had to go and have some medical stuff (surgery, was it?). It's good to see you here. :loveyou: :heart::grouphug:

3rd May 2018, 08:16 PM
Hey, Tim. I heard you had to go and have some medical stuff (surgery, was it?). It's good to see you here. :loveyou: :heart::grouphug:

Hey Surgar,:loveyou:too...

Yup. Had two surgeries. A femoral bypass to serve fresh blood to my right leg, my right aorta feed was totally hard blocked. The 2nd surgery was cancer removed from bladder wall, pathology is good at non-invasive, but the wall/field tested out as cancerous, so to be checked every 3 months.

Recoveries for both had/have been painstaking, hydrocodone nn constipation....yup. I'm gonna live I reckon. Got two good legs and fair bladder, and I got this frikkin borg tube/graft that runs across my lower tummy just under my skin :shrug: that's real sexy right there..

soooooo....:heart::jawdrop:hope you are doin well...


In the meantime
I'm manifesting peace...


Done fell in love with the Ezidi people...

And pretty much em-bracing up Syria...

In Me ole sandbox...
Nope...I'm not delusional...

Public Enemy https://youtu.be/fy4E6blN01M #1

I'm not "Charles In Charge", but I Am in charge of Charles.

Ya Gno...

Free Man

4th May 2018, 03:02 AM
Three Dreams:

#1 A round table resting in tightly close light quickly within a pitch dark surrounding, the top being dark smokey 'black' glass, upon the super reflective glass top with twelve brilliant 'white' themed place settings. Around the table were no chairs.

#2 Looking at myself standing before me, I laying down having been asleep, awakened to myself waking me up, my Self saying to me, "we need chairs.". My Self standing there was wearing very dark brown cowboy boots, white boxers and a black cowboy hat.

#3 Twelve persons sitting in a well lit circle of twelve chairs with emptiness inside the circle, no table, one person was telling of a funny incident and all remembering the story altogether laughed. The circle of twelve apparently were a bereavement group.

Resting with eyes closed, nodding off: The words, "What time is it getting to be?", asked of me.

Three consecutive nights...

Notes: Enoch Time. Unix Time midnight 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 00... Buenos Noches ... random thoughts ...RAM... Bon Dia ... Tres Bien Merci Et Toi? Mesa...eu nao tenho dinheiro na algabeira...cabeca. Timeo Estas? No. No? Ci.

Beja, Un Duex Tois ... Dublevey... recurrence... oy vey iz mir... va para casa... eu te amo ... morte...qui et us... nos ... Anu? N'Naki... nao aqui ..Who and Not Here...Bedragged? Todo Enchilada ... Quantidade! cadeira o melhor ...eunt.

As•si•na•tu•ra Da Ter•ra ... Land Si•G•nature ... The Lord's is, the earth and it's (Her)fullness, the world and all it's (Her)peoples ... Umm and Ummah ... Land Owner ... The land and the people are One ... Each in every of One Body ... Corpo Christo ... O Senhor E` Um. Amante

Because they do...
...gnot gno better.

4th May 2018, 05:43 AM

Hu Da Way https://youtu.be/BHx7B-fF1Yo

Faded https://youtu.be/mQ_EFCKUxns o

Real Love ... Ci..
Gno □'s In Da ○


Every o One

Ummmmmm....1525442068....??UTC??...??#lottery??... Mah.....

You forgot to remember the living one...Shah Maht.

Howdy...Dove say, I gotta Crow to/two/too pick wit U.

Do you read Me?


LeeMah CharLeY

31st May 2018, 11:01 AM
Clearly must be the AssToo

Mecca Mecca■Hiney Hole
