View Full Version : What was that?

7th February 2016, 10:55 AM
Hello! I am new here. I just rushed to find a forum about OBE to see if there are someone who had the same experience as me. I had previously some OBExperiences, they were all spontaneous. I failed all the time to induce the state. Last night is about something different. I was dreaming and at one point I woke up because of the vibrations, which I usually feel before OBE, also in inducing attempts. I freaked out, but calm myself down quickly and let the body to get out. Checked hands, I was out. I turned and saw my body sleeping in the bed. There is the point where I had the idea to grasp my hand. I realise that I can move it. I took all of my body out of the bed, and I woke up. Not me, the body woke up! I was still outside. I touched the face and neck of my body, and I don't know why, I started to be a little bit aggressive with it. Than suddenly I realise that I am in bed, and someone is carrying me outside of the bed. At that point I understood that I was reliving the whole experience but from my body perspective. I didn't liked how I was threatening toward myself. Then I changed the perspective again, and this time, when I realised that we two are the same person, I was more compassionable with me. I said to my body enthusiastic: "Do you realise we had an Astral Projection, were we both are materialised". He smiled. I hugged him, and with it followed a deep peaceful feeling, almost orgasmic. Then I woke up for real.
Did someone have something like this? I am very confused and freaked out about this experience, and a feedback from other people would help me. After experience I was scared, I don't know why. The idea that I could be more than one personality is stunning and terrible at the same time.

P.S: Sorry for my english. I am not a native speaker.

7th February 2016, 05:28 PM
Hi Singrad, this is an exciting time for you.
I've hunted out an old thread posted in my journal section as an example of one encounter I had with myself.
Here it is .

Re: Nursing babies
Time to record
2010 Encounter with myself .
This was shortly after starting to read Astral dynamics at the beginning of my ( dare I say journey, YES I Do)
Vibrations started all over. Physical eyes were closed. Very loud noisy buzzing sound. Knew something was going to happen.Waited.

Saw a black shadowy figure which then took the shape of a head in front of me and full colour set in.
The hair was my colour.
The head turned around and I was looking at another ME! I looked younger and prettier.
This other me had independent movements
"She turned and smiled at me ...BUT... I could feel the excitement from both of us at the meeting.
Then " SHE" turned and smiled at me ...but I will never forget the excitement from both of us at this meeting.
Then she pulled the bedclothes up to her chin and facing the ceiling seemed to chuckle and bubbles came from her mouth like in a comic book with ( Zzzzz) snoring images.
Felt I was being told to go to sleep now.
Whatever dreams I may have now that leave a doubt ,I may not be well read on the subject , able to advise to others, but no one will ever convince me this was not real. IT WAS.

Since then I've had many OBEs where someone is behind me taking me.
During one self induced OBE aware throughout all the stages as I'm travelling on my back I saw a misty looking hand wrapped around my left arm. I recognised the hand having my old wedding ring on( I traded in that one for a newer) but I had no doubt this was representing ME because I have very broad hands and the can go a bit puffy with fluid and this is exactly what I saw.

..... I've viewed a mist above the top of my door then suddenly became this mist and viewed mist leave my body then we both merged so quickly the flew out through the window.

....I've felt arms try to tuck underneath my waist to raise me up but I was too awake and got excited that after the third attempt no more attempts were made . I was too awake by then.

I'm just telling you this because the journal is too long to hunt them out but you must not be frightened.

If you are ready for these experiences then I would suggest you stop watching any frightening films or television , harmony within, read and learn and practice Roberts NEWS.

8th February 2016, 03:07 PM
I had a similar experience, which I had forgotten about until I read yours. Twice, one time I had the 'sequential' feeling thing, and the second time I had both feelings at the same time and that did blow my mind.