View Full Version : Gratitude List. Extra Gratitude.Gratitude for People List.
21st January 2016, 04:57 AM
This is a gratitude list meant to focus on gratitude towards people. Animals count,too as people so include them if needed/desired.This list is especially great if you have troublesome people in your life or troublesome situations with people that you need to transform via a more positive focus. You can if you prefer just make your list for people in general,a specific person or several specific persons. Make your own rules and do what feels good. I'll start and am going to do my lists seperate per person. This may seem silly at first,but via the law of attraction,what you focus on expands so if you complain or vent a lot about someone,you are just creating more of those qualities in them!
-I am so grateful for L's voice and how sexy it is
-I am so grateful for L riding his bike all the way to me late at night and in winter when he doesn't live close to me really and how romantic that seemed and how even best friend said he must like me a lot and how him doing that kind of did seem like something in a romantic movie.
-that because of L making me think of riding a bike in a new more positive way,i am feeling inspired to finally learn to ride a bike this year and like it might be time
-how stylish L is
-what L does for a living and how we me through it
-how talented L is with his job
-L's last name
-that L may actually be multi ethnic and how cool that is
-how sexy l's height is. he is taller then i remembered but not too too tall and how perfect that is
-how obsessed with me L is and that he's even said it himself that he is obsessed with me and in love with me
-that L would like my pics on instagram from time to time. i love when guys i like actually like my things or comment or tag on social media.
ok,so started with just 10 but may add more in future lists.
21st January 2016, 05:02 AM
-that D is attractive
-that D cares about me
-that D got his dad to get me a lesson tomorrow
-that D is starting to be nicer towards me now and calmer seeming
-that D seems to getting my points about what i've been trying to say lately with working on things
-that D let me get that top with his card today
-that I know D loves me
-that D got the cat some cans of cat food today
-that D is such a great listener
-the influence I have over D and that he cares more about my opinions then he lets on
22nd January 2016, 02:56 AM
-that L is stylish
-that L came to my apartment and was the first guy in the dating sense i let in my apartment
-that L rode his bike to come see me which is cute and romantic and inspired me to learn to ride a bike
22nd January 2016, 03:03 AM
-how great of a listener D is
-that D likes to send reiki to help me get what I want
-that D has been calming down
-that D is starting to see my side of things more
-that D texted me his schedule the other day which shows he IS making some kind of efforts and caring
-that D's money should still be doing ok based on how many classes he has still
-that D is in my life
-that D has seemed to be considering seeing if he can write me off his taxes now which was an idea i've had and wanted to do
-D seeming amused by the cat today
-that D is attractive
23rd January 2016, 12:46 AM
-that I can now say things to D without him getting so crazy
-that he texted me his work schedule the other day which shows something
-that i can realize he has fear,too
-that D is a great listener
-that D always drives so safe
-that D brought food needed to apartment
-that D let me talk about things with L to him for some minutes
-that he gave change for laundry to get done
-that he seemed to try and make an effort to be more present for a few seconds during something
-that D is becoming calmer
23rd January 2016, 02:56 PM
Hi Buttercup,
Thanks for making this 'Gratitude for People' List
Since animals species count as people i would like to add the following to today's list
long-tailed tits (x2)
blue tit
male sparrow
I had got stuck in the Word Pattern 'please help' when the 2 beautiful long-tailed tits flew into the trees/ bushes in my front garden. Such a treat to see these beautiful small birds. they caught my attention, to pull me out of the stuck word pattern. A blue tit then joined them, followed by a male sparrow. i was able to appreciate the sim synchronistic help / support they were offering & was able to finally move out of the distress & stuck word pattern i had gotten myself into.
24th January 2016, 02:09 AM
Hi Buttercup,
Thanks for making this 'Gratitude for People' List
Since animals species count as people i would like to add the following to today's list
long-tailed tits (x2)
blue tit
male sparrow
I had got stuck in the Word Pattern 'please help' when the 2 beautiful long-tailed tits flew into the trees/ bushes in my front garden. Such a treat to see these beautiful small birds. they caught my attention, to pull me out of the stuck word pattern. A blue tit then joined them, followed by a male sparrow. i was able to appreciate the sim synchronistic help / support they were offering & was able to finally move out of the distress & stuck word pattern i had gotten myself into.
That's amazing.
7th July 2016, 09:06 AM
Rome - my dog
the wood-pigeon with the straw stuck in his neck feathers, that came so very close to us this morning as he drank rain water from our roof gutter
council workmen doing their gardening jobs outside of my property
council workmen working on making the bungalow opposite ready for it's new tennants
7th July 2016, 03:12 PM
G. - ex. partner's friend
local jackdaws
Dr. C. - psychiatrist
Lady co-co-ordinator
2 harvest spiders
2 woodlice
R. - neighbour
neighbour's lady-friend
common seagull that landed on my garage roof yesterday to eat my bread left-overs from my meal :heart:
13th November 2016, 01:31 PM
Great spotted Woodpecker
11.45 am ish
After waking from a nap, i lay gazing at the sky through my bedroom window, suddenly a woodpecker landed on the telephone pole in view, he flited another twice against the pole, before flying away.
i have lived here for 16 yrs now & this is only the 2nd time i have ever seen woodpecker around here.
i have seen wild woodpeckers approx. only 7 or 8 times in my entire life, so this was a rare encounter for me :heart:
15th November 2016, 06:05 AM
a male blackbird who flew eractically down to the ground close by, i was about to heavily chop back a bush in the front garden, as i realised it's height was interrupting with the 'inclusiveness feel' that would / could be possible if it was grown as a very short bush. Some of it's branches were approx 2 inches thick, so it was a 'BIG DEAL' for me to do this to the bush.
neighbourhood robin sharing space & time with me when i am gardening
a group of seagulls flying overhead calling out their seagull calls, making me 'believe' / feel i was at a Beach
group of starlings singing their unusual, individual tunes, songs
2 small spiders turning up in the kitchen (i got one out, the other did a 'runner')
Woodpigeon sitting on telephone pole
a large wasp & a smaller wasp that landed on the outside of the open lounge window to share space, time & energy with me
16th November 2016, 07:22 PM
Canada geese flying over yesterday, making their calling sounds :heart:
neighbourhood robin (s) always joining me when i'm gardening, coming as close as a foot or two away from me
robin's call sound coming through my open bedrtoom window (s) & waking me
Jackdaws & their 'perfect' timing of turning up to give 'words' MORE umphff !
blackbirds & their presence when i am in the garden
spiders that i have encounters the last few days
slugs / snails
toadstools (i had to remove fromground to safeguard our ferrets)
our pets - one dog, 3 ferrets
my daughter
my eldest niece
'virtual' internet friends & aquaintences
Robert Bruce
Mods & admins @ A D forum
delivery guy
neighbourhood cats
20th November 2016, 08:42 AM
20/11/16 - 8.40 am - magpie flew over my garden, i saw this whilst sitting on my garden chair, at the computer, in my lounge
yesterday afternoon, i re-positioned our new solar light powered light-house bird feeder, in our magnolia tree, my daughter was with me. Within seconds, one of our garden Robins, flew into the tree on to the light-house bird feeder & ate some wild bird seed from the feeder - he is so Epic !:heart:
yesterday the call of the seagull, as s/he flew overhead
17/11/16 - a wren flew into one of our front garden bushes
this morning the 'call' of a crow, that i could hear through my open bedroom window
18th December 2016, 12:28 PM
Approx. 11.55am
the 2 magpies on our garage roof, eating pecking around where i threw the bird seed earlier (& most days lately)
a picture of two magpies
19th December 2016, 12:36 PM
Time: approx. 12 noon -ish
2 collared Doves - feeding on the seed, i threw up on the garage roof earlier :heart:
:grouphug::angelic: x
#12.55 noon-ish:
2 x Collared Doves sitting next to 1 another on 'Main' Telephone wire that cross over our 'property. :heart:
#1.05 pm
Word Pattern: 'here we go'
- Sim repsonse: A lone magpie hoping rapidly on the garage roof, hopping the length of the roof, then hoping back - '2 lengths: hopping' for Ms Magpie
A 'fitting video / music for Magpie's 'Sim's 'Behaviour' - We CAN DANCE !! ( it 's the Safety Dance -'men without HATS'
- 3 x Ear-Whipping Cheers, please xxx
~~~ ... ~~~ ... ~~~ xx
31st December 2016, 03:36 AM
male & female blk birds
Wood pigeon
Pied Wagtail
my dog
our ferret Kenji
Robert Bruce
Waking Mad crew
New neighbour G.
neighbour B.
neighbour C.
neighbour R.
Forum members
31st December 2016, 03:09 PM
collard dove
wood pigeon
blk bird
my dog
all A,D, forum members
my niece & her husband
my daughter
added note: the ducks quaking from the local pond .... sound like 'mocking laughter' ... i love mallard ducks xxxx
8th January 2017, 09:04 AM
blk bird flies into out wild cherry tree
Robin calls, i call back 'hi' hi' hi'
Seagulls fly over 'calling'
10th January 2017, 07:50 AM
a sliverfish [a many-legged] in my old room... he was put out [through window]
the shrilling singing of our neighboorhood ROBIN's , despite it still be dark outside
my dog
my daughter
'running water' [water beings]
electricity [fire being]
glass [sand being]
my home [house spirit]
my garden [pan] [deceased pets: gerbils{salt & pepper} misty-cat, tod-dog, zen-dog , my deceased-relatives, my human ancestors]
stones [the brown one]
shells [Ocean queen]
Trees - my supporting Friends & companions - MY SOUL-mates xxxxx
Robert Bruce
15th January 2017, 02:07 PM
12.20 noon - 5 collard doves feeding on the ground / yard in our back garden - saw them through kitchen window
a picture of a collard dove
18th January 2017, 10:54 AM
the Dunnocks' call filling the morning air
dunnocks call
19th January 2017, 01:41 PM
Our garden robin who is currently bathing in our bird bath , that i just cleaned & re-freshed
seagull [call]
garden blk birds
great tit singing in our largest tree
neighbour B.
our dog
my daughter
forum friends
28th January 2019, 12:46 PM
Today's Gratitude List
....thanks Buttercup :grouphug: :heart:
Collard doves
Wood pigeons
male Blackbirds
30th January 2019, 09:38 AM
'Spring:heart:bob' house mouse
Rome our pet dog
female blkbird
David Icke
Gorillaz band
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Robert Bruce
30th January 2019, 06:50 PM
Today's list
pied wagtail
flock of jackdaw [17+]
31st January 2019, 10:30 AM
12th February 2019, 11:02 AM
Jerry aka spring:heart:bob 'house' mouse
a wasp friend
a soggy silverfish
a lucky clothes moth
squirrel grey
pied wagtail & family [flock / group]
male blk bird
small house spider
starling flock
neighbourhood cats
collard doves [pair]
wood pigeons [pair]
a fly
our pet ferrets
our pet dog -'Romey the BEST'
My Healing practitioner
15th February 2019, 01:27 PM
a stunning day [weather-wise]
flock of starlings
ginger/tabby neighbourhood cat
ginger neighbourhood cat
Kiba - our male ferret
Kenji - our male ferret
Rome - our male dalmatian dog
collard doves
pied wagtails
harvest spider
wood pigeons
neighbourhood jackdaws
small blk sider
blk fly [smallish]
ex- partner
18th February 2019, 02:43 PM
daddy blk bird
town pigeons
pair collard doves
pair wood pigeons
pied wagtail
Romey our dog companion be added to
19th February 2019, 08:29 AM
dunnock making a nest in front garden fir tree boundary hedge
robin greeting me this morning when i went outside in back garden - reminding me about the NEW pond project i have just began
Female blkbird giving support as i prepare food for myself
Wood pigeon giving support for thinking / decision making skills
Robin giving support to me as i make myself a match green tea :love: ~ :heart:_x
Blue tit / pied wagtail supporting me with eating [vegan garlic bread with tomato sauce] & putting half a vegan pizza in halogen oven to cook :heart:
21st February 2019, 09:21 AM
maimed wasp / wasps
female blk bird
collard doves
3 blk-headeded gulls
flock of starlings
daddy blk-birds
electricity [from the 'FIRE-being']
hair dryers [being from mother earths body parts]
... to be continued / added to, throughout my day xX
23rd February 2019, 08:42 AM
daddy blkbird
shop assistants
female blkbirds
wood pigeons
spirit DJ [music]
pied wagtail
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