View Full Version : Dinner at Vito's

Neil Templar
16th January 2016, 10:18 AM
I'm invited to a get together at a friend Vito's place.
There are two dinner tables, at which already sit two people, a man and a woman, deep in discussion, when i arrive.
Many of the seating places have various items of people's belongings, like clothing or what looks like schoolbooks, on the seats or on the table, suggesting that the seating arrangement has already been decided. As i move around the table looking for a suitable place to sit, i find a spot that looks unoccupied and place my stuff there.
Out back there is a deep swimming pool, which a series of pairs of animals are taking turns to dive in, swim around, then get out of.
There is a lesson in perspective, expressed by watching the animals swimming from the deep end to the shallow end, around in circles, and how they look nearer or farther away than they actually are, depending on the depth of the water and my position of observation.
Keira Knightly is the guest of honour. She promptly jumps into the pool upon arrival... after which two huge pre-historic amphibious creatures dive in, then get out and come over to sit by me and observe me.
I am surprised by the expressiveness of their faces. They seem to be smiling at me as we look into each other's eyes.
Keira Knightly comes over to talk to me, wearing fresh, dry clothing.

I wake.
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