View Full Version : Day 10 Trance State?

14th January 2016, 05:32 PM
I have recently started MAP due to having a stretch of time in front of me in the upcoming months where I will be able to do it. I have tried a few times before, but it was always during busy seasons.
I have done energy on and off for a couple years now (really sensitive in my left arm) but have decided to go through the program step by step to ensure I don't miss any details. Today, after relaxing/breath focus, I started working some energy bouncing in the legs to warm them up and started doing some energy bouncing in my arms. About 15 minutes into my session when I noticed this slow deep wave overcome my body, noticeably from about the torso downwards to my feet, like slowly falling asleep. I have noticed my body become noticeably relaxed in previous sessions, but have not experienced this wave sensation that went from about my torso to my feet, feeling like it fell asleep. I have experienced this a couple years ago, would this be considered a trance state, or an "inner projection"? mind awake/body asleep?

15th January 2016, 10:33 PM
Depends on how long you're doing this. It could just be parts of the body going to sleep if you've not moved.