View Full Version : I might start a countermensure business

31st December 2015, 01:03 AM
I want to make you aware robert bruce of embracing a psychic self defence shop. A shop filled with dozen of dozens of PSSD books, anti neg technologies etc etc etc.

I am very passionate about helping people with negs since your PSSD book actually empowered me. I would literally pass your book in a exam I am that good in that subject

You are the creater of PSSD. I am the creator of the extension of you PSSD

I can make experiements on neg infested people in my area for research development purposes to fine tune the extension of the metaphysical technologies of anti neg,

I hope who ever reads this thread might get ideas to do the same as me. That way it will make brunches threw out world to help people who have negs

31st December 2015, 01:19 AM
Hopefully I will make this businesss fully independant under your name robert bruce after my job on the surface has been done then I will live as a agarthan shaman in the core of earth.

That way my efforts of helping the planet-the surface, is completed

31st December 2015, 01:30 AM
You might want to make a countermeasure shop like I do to expand your growing spiritual empire

BTW that will not stop me from making a countermesure extension shop my place in the world

31st December 2015, 02:09 AM
Smart Creative business ideas of anti neg accomadation to relieve desperate neg victims. We can talk about this later. At first I would like you digest or process this thread first