View Full Version : Dwellers

21st December 2015, 12:16 AM
Hi Group,

I have seen and dealt with many Dwellers and Hitch-hikers. I never really have a problem, once, I realize what they are when I encounter them.

Last night a Dweller literally pushed my Astral Body back inside me as I was just starting to project. I was astonished. However I did not see the Dweller because it was hidden behind a "curtain?" of darkness.

Later, I must have projected and had a severe case of Sleep Paralysis, the worst I've ever had. I finally managed to wake and move myself. I was not frightened because I knew what was happening; but, I do not remember anything from my projected double.


22nd December 2015, 02:54 PM
Maybe it was just too momentary? I usually get all the memories back, but sometimes it's just of me flying around all over the room uncontrollably.

22nd December 2015, 03:44 PM
I was troubled by Dwellers again last night. I must have just started to project. However, I know I was half asleep. I woke immediately and realized they were Dwellers.

I started practicing charging my Chakras daily again and wonder if that's why I'm meeting the Dwellers. I normally don't see them, I mean they are not normally around.


23rd December 2015, 04:14 PM
I'm unfamiliar with the term Dwellers, could you define it? Hitch-hikers are they akin to the astral wildlife which may hitch-hike?(Just clarifying to see if I'm getting it)

What you describe though with dwellers, I've encountered too. Usually, I just do an additional exit(obe projection), say they are more in the physical, and I do another projection out of that to a more mental body(no physical stuff), do that make sense? It doesn't solve the problem of non-physical people hanging around my bed, but I'm off it ceases to matter.

23rd December 2015, 06:14 PM
Dweller on the threshold, a side effect of sleep paralysis when it occurs before or after sleep, usually caused either by the dreaming mind being still 'on' when one wakes up paralyzed, or in the case of a partial projection, when the expanded energy body is perceived as "other", and then shaped by the fear that happens when the energy aspect reacts to that fear, causing an energy feedback loop that is only broken when the person comes out of paralysis (reintegrating inside the body) or when the person successfully projects their consciousness out and reintegrates with its expanded energy body, completing the projection. When this happens, usually the projection is short, because of the agitated state of mind of the experiencer, and the 'sudden' shift in location, and the fact that most of these things happen after a sleep cycle or projection.
A Dweller on the threshold that is encountered in the astral plane (or rather, on the threshold of the next plane one is on it's way to) may be a self aspect in the occult tradition, an aspect of a previous incarnation that has been rejected or ignored, that stands in the way of progress. It is symbolically handled to get to the next stage in various ways, opening the door of perception to the next thing. It can also be a helper that may be of a 'higher' or 'more advanced' aspect, helping you pass some sort of tests that shows you are ready for the next level.

23rd December 2015, 07:21 PM

Again last night I was troubled by a Dweller. Again, I exercised my Chakras.
I was starting to project when I noticed I had severe sleep paralysis again. While in the paralysis,the Dweller was putting mud all over my floors, which I had just cleaned.I was very angry, mad in fact that I couldn't move. My Astral body came out and punched the Dweller twice, which incapacitated her, yes it was a female. I then jumped back into my body and instantly woke up.

This is 3 nights in a row now.


24th December 2015, 03:40 PM
Start thinking about the possible meaning of mud.

24th December 2015, 04:52 PM

Last night there were no Dwellers; except there was definite double knocks on my door, I noticed my dog did not hear it; then another double knock and my dog did not notice it. Therefore I assume it was an entity; since my dog hears very well. Was it Astral "hearing"? I've heard many of the shotgun type and other Astral sounds.

I went outside and there was no evidence of someone being there.
All in all, I guess the Dweller problem has eased. I will try to figure out what the mud means. I also believe the Dwellers know they do not frighten me. Wonder what they will try next-


24th December 2015, 06:46 PM
Dweller on the threshold, a side effect of sleep paralysis when it occurs before or after sleep, usually caused either by the dreaming mind being still 'on' when one wakes up paralyzed, or in the case of a partial projection, when the expanded energy body is perceived as "other", and then shaped by the fear that happens when the energy aspect reacts to that fear, causing an energy feedback loop that is only broken when the person comes out of paralysis (reintegrating inside the body) or when the person successfully projects their consciousness out and reintegrates with its expanded energy body, completing the projection. When this happens, usually the projection is short, because of the agitated state of mind of the experiencer, and the 'sudden' shift in location, and the fact that most of these things happen after a sleep cycle or projection.
A Dweller on the threshold that is encountered in the astral plane (or rather, on the threshold of the next plane one is on it's way to) may be a self aspect in the occult tradition, an aspect of a previous incarnation that has been rejected or ignored, that stands in the way of progress. It is symbolically handled to get to the next stage in various ways, opening the door of perception to the next thing. It can also be a helper that may be of a 'higher' or 'more advanced' aspect, helping you pass some sort of tests that shows you are ready for the next level.
Thanks CFT, yes, definitely have had those experiences, and an excellent definition! I'll add one thing though, with regards to this specific aspect:

"Dweller on the threshold, a side effect of sleep paralysis when it occurs before or after sleep, usually caused either by the dreaming
mind being still 'on' when one wakes up paralyzed, or in the case of a partial projection, when the expanded energy body is perceived as "other",
and then shaped by the fear that happens when the energy aspect reacts to that fear"

Fear definitely can play a part at first, but found it can be fun to play around with it, it's akin to lucid dreaming. I had alot of experience growing up with SP, didn't understand what it meant, but dealt with it by learning how to control this "other" to pass the time whilist stuck.

Was it Astral "hearing"? I've heard many of the shotgun type and other Astral sounds.I've gotten that before, a good test is to "toggle" between your astral ears and your physical ears, then adjust your frequency, as depending on where you tune in to will effect what sounds you pick up.

Have you tried to ask the Dweller's their purpose? Or where they come from? Also, if you can "meet up" in a thought construct, such as a lucid dream. This may help in discernment.

28th December 2015, 09:42 PM
I tend to believe the Dwellers are trying to frighten us; to prevent us from projecting out of fear, as Robert describes. I have talked to other beings that were not Dwellers. I've never heard a Dweller talk.


28th December 2015, 11:35 PM
Dweller on the threshold, a side effect of sleep paralysis when it occurs before or after sleep, usually caused either by the dreaming mind being still 'on' when one wakes up paralyzed, or in the case of a partial projection, when the expanded energy body is perceived as "other", and then shaped by the fear that happens when the energy aspect reacts to that fear, causing an energy feedback loop that is only broken when the person comes out of paralysis (reintegrating inside the body) or when the person successfully projects their consciousness out and reintegrates with its expanded energy body, completing the projection. When this happens, usually the projection is short, because of the agitated state of mind of the experiencer, and the 'sudden' shift in location, and the fact that most of these things happen after a sleep cycle or projection.
A Dweller on the threshold that is encountered in the astral plane (or rather, on the threshold of the next plane one is on it's way to) may be a self aspect in the occult tradition, an aspect of a previous incarnation that has been rejected or ignored, that stands in the way of progress. It is symbolically handled to get to the next stage in various ways, opening the door of perception to the next thing. It can also be a helper that may be of a 'higher' or 'more advanced' aspect, helping you pass some sort of tests that shows you are ready for the next level.

I've never really encountered a "dweller" outside of regular astral "wildlife".

But I most certainly encountered the second "type" and the only kind i consider the dweller on the threshold phenomenon. And it meets CFTs' second description. And was quite a different type of entity, and situation. Ive came across quite a bit, but that "thing" was in a league of its own. You know it when you've seen it upon waking and the Threshold your passing is just as she mentions but you are supposed to accept it as part of yourself....you have to overcome not deny. Its a pretty big deal... Its all in the theosophy texts and my experiences with it match almost exactly , guides included. That thing radiated more ugliness than I have ever experienceed in the lower planes....and they get pretty freakin bad. All the ugly selfish thoughts/actions from all my past lives to present stored in that thing supposedly and you have to look it in the face and realize what and why it is....and take responcibility for its/your change.... creepy stuff

29th December 2015, 07:30 PM
I'm not disagreeing and see your point.
But, I don't think it's me or a past life's obstacle. I haven't been bothered the past 2 nights; however, if I am, I'll try to see "who" it is and make contact.
