View Full Version : Struggling to Seperate Mind and Body after Bad first Experience

Luke the Nudie
11th December 2015, 10:38 AM
Hello Robert,

Several Years ago, I had my first experince with projection
that I can recall.
I was laying in bed, falling asleep, when i began to fall down
into my bed. Naturally, this scared me immensely (having no knowledge of the astral world)
I fought the transistion with all my will and managed to tear myself back
into my body. I experienced sleep paralysis and exploding head syndrome.
Both of which terrified me at the time.

Now, several years later, and after roughly a year of practicing projection and meditation,
I have projected twice, although both times I was not conscious of the experience
and instead experienced it in a non-lucid dream state.
It was not until I experienced heavy vibrations and the reconnecting sensations that
i realized I had projected.

But my question is, after all my practice, I still find it hard
to project consciously.
Is there a chance that I have damaged my mind in any way, during my first awful experience, thus making
it much more difficult to project now?
and if so, are there any techniques to directly re-strengthen that bond?

Luke M.
Also, I'm half way through Astral Dynamics, an amazing book.