View Full Version : Projecting question about Astral items

30th November 2015, 08:52 PM

I believe I can project almost at will. However, sometimes I wonder if I am projecting or is it my imagination. When I use the rope, I watch "myself" being left behind, underneath me. I can see above and go into what I think is Astral planes, with the colors and iridescence; along with explainable things.

Most of the time, however, is real time. Is that possible? I do get the time difference when I know for sure I'm in the Astral Planes.

The last time I used the rope, I saw 3 "levels" above me. I crossed them and orbited a gem faceted world.
At will, I could look back and see myself in my chair. I took the levels to be Astral "realms".

Does a realm equated to a level?

I guess there are 2 or 3 questions mixed in this post.

