View Full Version : Questions for trance state and OBE exit

24th November 2015, 09:07 PM
Hi everyone,

Last night I think I've had my first OOBE. I described it in the other thread:

I am a new experiencer and never had conscious OBEs before so of course first thing was to think it was a weird dream. But then after talking to someone who also visited the Monroe Institute, he told me that what I experienced may have been a Light Body Projection.

What I wonder and have questions for is the following:

1. How can I get to the trance state faster that is needed for conscious exit?
2. How do I recognize the time of exit when I do not feel any vibrations? They are unpredictable and sometimes I have them without being able to do anything with them, and many times I do not have them.
3. If I have no vibrations going on, how do I know when I should do ROPE or really any other technique to get the consciousness out of body?
4. Is the hypnogogic imagery and visions a sign of NOW is the time to separate?

I would appreciate it a lot to get some answers from advanced experiencers and what were your first OOBE experiences like?

25th November 2015, 07:08 PM
Other trance symptoms to look for can be: Seeing through the eyelids; noise in the form of buzzing, mechanical tapping, screeches, the sound of electricity or screaming, explosions, voices talking to you or to 'each other' (like when you overhear a conversation) the feeling of being touched, a clicking or 'popping' sound, like when a cork is popped off a bottle, seeing visions or scenarios as if from the air or as when watching a movie, the feeling of movement, a combination of visions and movement (as in 'falliing towards' or going backwards from' a scenario, a sudden 'knowing' that something in your mind has changed (more rare but intense), and strong movement, like vertigo or wild swinging. Floatiness can be also considered a possible symptom but sometimes happens earlier in the trance, so it doesn't always work as a sign- however, the floatiness can be used to further the trance, by doing something to 'go with it', such as imagine you're floating on the ocean and a wave carries you away- that kind of thing.

30th November 2015, 09:39 PM
Wish I had anything by way of help to offer. I'm reall just starting myself. CFTraveler has helped me more Han a little bit. I would say, I have experienced jut about very thing on her list of symptoms. Some of them were a little frightening.

keep posting. I can speak only for myself, but it's encouraging and helpful to hear about other people's experiences.

30th November 2015, 10:28 PM
Thank you CFT and also Ator27!

Well most of these symptoms on your list I already experienced, except I think seeing through eyelids. This however happens when I look at something and then close my eyes, mostly I see the scene glowing up in front of me in a red hue, kind of my experience that one night! However I cannot see anything outside without looking at something beforehand. This probably means that my clairvoyance is not as developed yet, but it has the potential, since I can see sparkles, white light flashes (third eye strobes) and also purple swirling lights while meditating.

But whenever I have these symptoms and I try loosening techniques or exit methods, nothing happens. Sometimes I feel like falling, or a rush of energy comes up and jerks my body, or limbs up! But I still did not manage to have a conscious exit for Astral Projection. However I am busy building my energy body every day, since I discovered NEW and it is really amazing and helps a lot to activate the energy body.

So when I feel these symptoms, what should I do CFT? Is there anything that I can do once I have these sensations?

30th November 2015, 10:38 PM
Other than energy body loosening, exit techs or just observing what else happens, I can't think of anything else.