View Full Version : kundalini rise safely
Babylon A.D.
15th November 2015, 07:15 PM
Since starting to meditate i had been scared of the kundalini energy awakening and rising esp when you are not ready.
Now so about 8 months later i have been told the energy is awaken and that my channel is open. Also been told that i should let it rise up as it heals fears
as i have allot of fear sand phobia's.
I am not scared anymore but just wary. If it raises can you slow it down(heard it some were) and how do you do that?
How does the raising work? Does if go up from root chakra through your crown?
If anyone could just have some safety guide to let the kundalini rise safely i would appreciate it. :-)
Thank you
16th November 2015, 06:26 PM
If you go to the Kundalini subforum there is a post titled "An article on Kundalini" by Robert Bruce ( that will give you some idea about what you're asking. This subforum is about the program itself.
Robert Bruce
18th November 2015, 02:57 AM
My recommendation is to watch the 'Raising Kundalini' program as this contains all the information you are requesting.
You need to trust in your higher self, as this great power is in control of what happens.
For the vast majority of people, raised kundalini is a very positive thing. Potential problems and issues are dealt with in the program.
Babylon A.D.
22nd November 2015, 05:06 PM
Thanks Robert
Will do so
29th November 2015, 03:48 AM
Dear Sir...
You need to trust in your higher self, as this great power is in control of what happens.
So, if the first time you rise your Kundalini, the event almost killed you, ¿what failed?
¿May be you proceed taking high risks, overseen Higher Self interests?
My best regards,
Robert Bruce
29th November 2015, 06:52 AM
When i did this, about 25 years ago, I was flying by the seat of my pants...pure intuition.
Keep in mind that I knew very little about energy work and kundalini back then.
I had read about kundalini, but only a couple of pages I'd found in a very old spiritualist book of my mother's.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
I made about every mistake in the books. But I succeeded, and i survived relatively intact.
It is because I made so many mistakes, and survived, that I learned so much about kundalini.
I teach my students how to avoid my earlier mistakes, through hard personal experience...not through theory and hearsay as is most common today.
I needed to raise kundalini at this time in my life. This is clear to me now in hindsight. This allowed me to survive some very big tests that were soon to follow, including demonic possession.
29th November 2015, 09:39 AM
Dear Sir...
If I'm not wrong, taking into account your timeline mystic development, about the time you rise your Kundalini, you've already be successful in conscious astral projection.
¿May be this contribute to avoid a FULL MORTAL kundalini rising?
¿May be, other is the fate of practitioners wich rise Kundalini only driven by curiosity (and ocious New Age adventure spirit) without the previous experience which is given by conscious astral projection?
¿Or always is there the Higher Self vigilant attitude of to avoid nothing dreadful happens to us, perhaps redirecting attention of individual to another topic not so riskful?
My best regards,
Babylon A.D.
30th November 2015, 08:46 PM
When i did this, about 25 years ago, I was flying by the seat of my pants...pure intuition.
Keep in mind that I knew very little about energy work and kundalini back then.
I had read about kundalini, but only a couple of pages I'd found in a very old spiritualist book of my mother's.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
I made about every mistake in the books. But I succeeded, and i survived relatively intact.
It is because I made so many mistakes, and survived, that I learned so much about kundalini.
I teach my students how to avoid my earlier mistakes, through hard personal experience...not through theory and hearsay as is most common today.
I needed to raise kundalini at this time in my life. This is clear to me now in hindsight. This allowed me to survive some very big tests that were soon to follow, including demonic possession.
Hi Robert
Wow what an interesting story and i see why you have to trust your higher self as it know best!!! Glad you survived. :thumbsup:
I have been told, before even reading this that i should connect with my higher self and trust it. Is kundalini raising for me i don't know but i feel that the message right now is to trust my higher self and i will be raising my kundalini soon but not right now.
I found what i should do now and will do it and when i am ready will do your program asap maybe be first thing in 2016.
Thank you
7th December 2015, 07:37 PM
Dear Sir...
I made about every mistake in the books. But I succeeded, and i survived relatively intact.
It is because I made so many mistakes, and survived, that I learned so much about kundalini.
I teach my students how to avoid my earlier mistakes, through hard personal experience...not through theory and hearsay as is most common today.
If you don't advices (under the form of theory and hearsay) your students (exception done of Energy Work Golden Rule), then, instead of that, ¿is that the reason by do you encourages to follow Path of Masters?
Previous to follow that path, I think it is wise to contact Higher Self ¿isn't it? ¿or Void Meditation can pave the way?
My best regards,
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