View Full Version : Strong vibrations , but no exit

15th November 2015, 07:02 PM
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum, but I like the place already. ;D

I am very experienced with OBEs and normally it just happens naturally. I would sleep and enter a strong vibration state, normally in the morning, then I would leave my body effortlessly.

However, two weeks ago I was distracted by some being(In all seriousness) when I was about to leave my body, and now I stopped exiting my body after the vibration state.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Also, are the beings you encounter during OBEs real? If so, can you reconnect with them?


16th November 2015, 06:30 PM
Hi Jimmy. It would be helpful if you described the exit technique you're using, and where in the trance you're getting vibrations.

19th November 2015, 07:18 PM
¡Hi, CFT..!

Note that, Jimmy has said:

"I am very experienced with OBEs and normally it just happens naturally. I would sleep and enter a strong vibration state, normally in the morning, then I would leave my body effortlessly."

IMO, his OBEs are spontaneous, then it is not an exit technique involved.

Furthermore, and about his worry (no more exits after vibrations), I think: "as some entities can help OBE, other entities ¿could avoid/obstaculize OBE? (¿why not?)"

Perhaps, a reliable shielding (through affirmations, NEW actions, etc.) of its environments could help.My best regards,

19th November 2015, 10:40 PM
It used to happen to me all the time--why? I don't know. Enjoy the vibrations because they may get less and less intense as your projecting experience grows. I rarely get them anymore; but, they are my most pleasant experience.