View Full Version : Long hair means higher intuition?

6th November 2015, 04:58 AM
Hey guys,

today one of my friends sent me this link (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2011/12/10/hair-is-an-extension-of-the-nervous-system-why-indians-keep-their-hair-long/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=PostShare&utm_campaign=CLN).

Now this was already the second time I read about the connection of long hair to intuition and powers in general. Also I we think about images from old thinkers and special persons they always had at least a long beard right? (maybe they didn't have time to cut or didnt care cause they were above the thinking of appearance)

But did anybody already experience this phenomena? Did you see people with long hair which had a better aura or energy surrounding them then others or did you feel like on a low energy after cutting your hair?

In my opinion it doesn't matter who your body us to develop such thinks since many mystics also have short hair or no hair. I would just wondering.

PS why monks have short hair? I guess thats just to help them not have any parasites... since most monks with shaven had are in asia and there are a lot of parasites so shaving the head has a lot of pros. I talk from experience hehe

All the best

6th November 2015, 05:27 AM
I've always been super sensitive (I'm extremely empathic, amongst other things), and I've had hair that was long and hair that was short, have had a shaved head (I shaved it off for charity, but I know what you mean about the benefits of a shaved head), and now my hair is long again and has been for a couple of years. Mostly, I've worn it relatively short for much of my adult life, just because I like it that way (though I have gotten used to having it long now).

Is there a difference? I haven't noticed one. Other than practical considerations, I really don't sense any difference. What makes more of a difference is learning how to shield myself and shut out unwanted signals and vibes and whatever we want to call them. For example, I used to get extremely panicky in crowds; I later figured out that this was just all the other energies pressing in on me, competing for my attention, annoying me, whatever. Once I learned to shield, that problem went away completely. I'm pretty sure my hair had nothing to do with it, because it's long now and I can go into crowds without a problem. ;)

Because I was genuinely curious about something after reading your question, I did a little bit of research and found a few pages I found very interesting. I'll pass them on now for anyone who wants to read them. Several are specifically European, but some mention Eastern traditions, as well. One theme I'm seeing in my reading is that shaving the head, whether partially or completely, is symbolic of giving up material things and turning, instead, to spiritual ones.


Anyway, there's lots more on the web, though some information is probably less credible than other information, as is always the case. ;)

Thank you for the question. I'll probably keep looking into this for a while until I get enough information that I'm satisfied with it. I study history (as in, that's actually my academic field) and this sort of thing is exactly the kind of obscure information I love. ;)

15th January 2016, 08:28 AM
Actually not that hard or complicated a question if you observe the progression of your feeling and senses before during and after the change. I've had long and short hair many times. Beard and no beard. In my sensing hair does have a significant impact in 2 ways:

*Just as your name effects how people think of and treat you, so do does your appearance. The effects other people have on you is effected by the 'thickness of your skin' and how strongly they feel. For a time I looked like the popular image of Jesus. Peoples reactions to that helped nudge me in a positive direction (same when they thought of me as a Jedi). Some were not as supportive when I looked more wizard-like, and it was very detrimental. Either way I found it a dead end to rely on energy/belief from other people to augment a spiritual aim.

*Almost all things have the ability to retain information. Different parts/areas of the body retain different types and quantity of energy/information. Spit contains strong verbal mental information because we are used to sending words and related energy from our mouth, (one reason people spit on another is because they are too angry to voice what they are thinking, spitting communicates it). Hair contains large quantities of information also. But unlike saliva, which is more like a sound bite, hair is more an archive of the person. Like the rings of a tree. The information stored in hair are energetic and emotional in nature. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. It means past ways of behaving can subtly be holding you back from stepping into new behavior through the information stored in your hair. When you have your hair cut, you feel a sense of release and freedom. That's not just because you lost a few ounces weight from your head, it has to do with releasing your past. Keeping a shaved head can help facilitate 'ascension' release of attachments. Growing your hair out can help store powerful energy patterns- if that is what you cultivate while your hair is growing. Shamans and quite a few others use hair that way. Sampson's supernatural strength was stored in his hair.

Growing your beard can store energy related to mental thought.

PS I knew someone who hung trinkets from his hair. Each braid was a link to what the trinket signified. In this way he kept a constant psychic link to those places.
--I missed your question almost completely... I dont have any problems with info from my hair making noise while looking into something. But it is conceivable that your hair could help with psychic awareness if the right energy patterns are stored in it.

15th January 2016, 08:51 AM
When ever i move into a new, better space, my hair gets the 'chop'. It has recently been chopped 2 or 3 days ago, then chopped some more, until it looks / feels right better. i cut my own hair, my mother was a qualified hairdresser.

I cut my daughters hair a few months or two back. her hair was nearly waist length & i shortened it to half it's length & gave her a fringe. She has thick hair with some natural curl in it.

My head hair is very impactful on me & the wrong hair do, or un-kempt hair can at times make me feel ill. Also wetting my hair / head clears alot of pain/ stress & energy from myself at times of need.

Thanks for the topic & the link White Monkey, hope to check out the link later :heart:

19th January 2016, 10:19 AM
Very interesting posts.

Thanks for sharing your stories.

Since I'm was little I liked my hair long it always felt strange for me to have it short...