View Full Version : Energy Bouncing

4th November 2015, 01:12 AM
I have been trying to improve my chances at AP. I have had a few experiences, mostly accidental. I realized that while I have focused on meditation I have largely ignored energy work even though Roberts book dedicate so much to it. So, I have begun the energy work again.

I seem to be able to do very well from my feet to my hips (I have since the first time I tried). I get decent sensation as I work energy up and down my legs, but I have always struggled with hands, arms, and up the main part of my body. Even when I can get a bounce going I find it's very tenuous and I loose the bounce frequently through my torso. For several days I have been working on bouncing energy from my feet, up to the back of my head and then back down to my feet. The sensation in my trunk is still very weak. Tonight I was able to keep it going for about 45 minutes.

I did notice, however, the tingling sensation started to persist in my calves. I could still feel the energy move through them, but it was like there was energy still there.

Two questions. 1) Is this common? And if so, 2) what would it mean if I could get my whole body circuit to persistently tingle like that? I have not seriously tried yet, but it does seem like I can work the sensation up my calves and hold it like that for a time.

4th November 2015, 02:00 PM
It may mean that you have some blockages there. Go gentle in the area, move energy around it (like the shins, for example). The legs (and feet) are usually more sensitive than other areas (the hands are sensitive too), so it doesn't surprise me totally, I'm just surprised your feet aren't all tingly too.
You can get an all-body tingle doing the full body circuit doing it flat on your back on the floor, but it's not necessary.

4th November 2015, 03:22 PM
The full body bounce should be practised after mastering all areas of the body alone.

Please go that step back and work on the areas where you dont feel anything first. Also remember to store a lot of energy otherwise itnwill drain your resorces.

All the best

5th November 2015, 01:14 AM
I'm sorry, I wasn't clear on the foot thing. My feet start to tingle the second I concentrate on them. I have never had problems with my feet. I feel energy in them almost effortlessly.

I am going back and working all the problem areas as suggestd.

As always, thanks for everyone's insight.

5th November 2015, 04:41 AM
That just means that ur feet are already quite active.

Your very welcome