View Full Version : Does the premonition can be change?

30th September 2015, 04:05 PM
Dear Mr Robert

most book say that if you strong believe something will happen you will success. that can make it come true. but i can't do that because i know i will failed. that called premonition. i feel upset before that bad things happen and i can't say to my self like:don't worry you can do it .because i know i will failed
on the other hand .if i have a premonition show that good thing will happen .whether how i upset.i have no confident. and i just know i will do it and i did .

i know i will failed VS i believe i will do it
i know i will do it VS i believe i will failed

"know" always stronger than "believe" so i if i have a bad premonition. it will come true . i can do nothing. my future is complete despair. no hope. because i don't have fortunately premonition. that good things won‘t happen anyway. now i still feel nothing. only upset and hopeless.

Do you know how to change the premonition?if i don't have fortunately premonition what i can do?