View Full Version : A radiant green book?

21st September 2015, 06:03 PM
Today I saw a vision? of this radiant emerald green book. It happened after a dream I had where this woman (supposedly a friend of mine) got her hand bitten off by this large ogreish man. I grabbed her arm and regenerated her hand. I was trying to calm her down and for some reason I asked her if she would be the mother of my daughter Occella. Except that I don't have any children and I'm single...

Anyways, I woke up after that and with my eyes still closed I could see this bright green glowing object off in the distance. It started getting closer and I could see that it was a book or tome. It started opening up while moving closer and I saw the pages were this dark grey color. Admittedly I got frustrated because I can never seem to read anything in these dreams or visions and I thought the sunlight coming in through my window was probably making it worse and messing up the image.

So I pull my blanket over my face to block out the light, then this glowing green geometrical pattern forms around the book and then the book fades away.

Has anyone here had a similar experience?

21st September 2015, 10:24 PM
no bright green books but Tons of other bright green stuff. I think it has to do with your heart center, emphasized at the moment atleast, by its color. If another charkra would have been dominant at the time its color would have been represented. my experience anyway. Dark grey/black represents my own depression for me.

22nd September 2015, 06:05 AM
Well apparently healing has to do with the heart and I did just completely regenerate another person's hand :D maybe the principle still applies even if it's a dream.
I just find it interesting that I actually see these things at all while awake.

22nd September 2015, 01:54 PM
The other day upon awakening I was reading all kinds of scrolls, and signs, and the ocassional computer screen.

22nd September 2015, 05:05 PM
The other day upon awakening I was reading all kinds of scrolls, and signs, and the ocassional computer screen.

Were you able understand them?

23rd September 2015, 03:16 PM
Not usually in vision screens, no.