View Full Version : Vibration/Threshold

14th September 2015, 11:32 PM
The best results I have had at OBE is when I wake up at 1:00 in the morning, walk about a bit and go back down. Trying to stay lucid as I go into trance. I think I get very close when I'm in the right frame of mind. (I have only succeeded twice with one being so brief and strange I almost don't count it) The two most common problems that I think I have are:

1. Right before I get to the vibration/threshold I lose mental focus, and start dreaming and go to sleep. Oddly enough it's the same problem I have when I meditate.

2. The vibrations start, sometimes fairly strong, and I recognize what's happening. I get excited and start to concentrate on the vibrations instead of relaxing into them. Oddly enough, again during daily meditation, when I experience a strange sensation (music, clapping, voices), I end up concentrating to hard on them and come back out of trance.

I assume continuing practice with daily meditation to stay mentally aware (not falling asleep), and conditioning myself to not get excited by emerging sensations to the point where I pull myself out of trance, will help my attempts at OBE.

Any comments or suggestions are always appreciated.

14th September 2015, 11:41 PM
I would recommend, when the vibrations start, do an energy loosening method. This will help keep the mind active before you move on to an exit technique, which should also keep your mind awake as you move away from your body focus.