View Full Version : pictures and colors...third eye activity?

6th September 2015, 08:04 PM
when I gently press onto my closed eyes by the tips of my fingers, I see many different things in my mind, colors,

faces, eyes etc. I have noticed that since I've begun to do energy work especially since last year,

the pictures and colors have become more vivid and more alive and since recently I've alos begun to see yellow color very vividly...

My question is to everyone who familiar with this phenomenon, what do you think guys, has this phenomenon anything to do with the third eye activity?

6th September 2015, 10:37 PM
This is a game I've played since I was a small child. :) I think there are some other threads on this topic elsewhere on the board. The general consensus is that it's nothing supernatural or metaphysical, and that it happens to pretty much everyone to some degree. What, specifically, we see tends to vary, but the phenomenon is universal.

Just for interest:


7th September 2015, 04:08 PM
Thank you very much for your response BattreflyWoman:wave::P

8th September 2015, 12:50 PM
Yes, I believe it's caused by pressure to the optic nerve, or something like that.

10th September 2015, 05:40 PM
¡Hi, CFT/BW..!

when I gently press onto my closed eyes by the tips of my fingers, I see many different things in my mind, colors,
faces, eyes etc. I have noticed that since I've begun to do energy work especially since last year,
the pictures and colors have become more vivid and more alive and since recently I've alos begun to see yellow color very vividly...
My question is to everyone who familiar with this phenomenon, what do you think guys, has this phenomenon anything to do with the third eye activity?

Note that, Leon, centers his inquiry about not the origin but the intensification (and its possible linkage to energy work) of phenomenon. Maybe, since energy works increases mental energy levels (at subbrow center) all mental processes are enhanced, and that happens with this "mirages" (induced by gentle pressure on eyes).

BTW, I think root phenomena has some similarity to tinnitus; a non-real sound that appears after cesation of high aural stimuli (concerts, near explosions, etc.)
May be, if it's the case, this "visual tinnitus" arises after pressure normal conditions on optical nerve are lost.
Another type of "visual tinnitus" is the after image that appears after a bright spot of light is seen, whose colour can be changed as RB suggests at his concentration exercises, IIRC, at his early online OOBE tutorial. Not only his colour but its shape, I can change. Visuals like faces and eyes, that Leon reports, can be sequel of his involuntary mental association processes.

My best regards,

11th September 2015, 01:33 PM
All spiritual practices (in my opinion) consist of 'tuning into' awareness, and I think this makes you notice things about yourself that you never realized were there, and this includes physical processes too. Our bodies are wonderful and mysterious sometimes too.

11th September 2015, 02:52 PM
¡Hi, CFT..!

All spiritual practices (in my opinion) consist of 'tuning into' awareness, and I think this makes you notice things about yourself that you never realized were there, and this includes physical processes too. Our bodies are wonderful and mysterious sometimes too.

I concur with your opinion...

I guess how could simple act like "close eyes" stimulate mental (beyond any metaphysical concern) development of primitive humans (and, ¿why not? wild animals). Classically, astronomical events like Sun's eclypse are linked to fear and may be seeded superstitious tradition. But, ¿so was that? ¿Couldn't primitive humans make associations and to think that as they close your eyes and light goes off, Sun's eclypse is no more than another similar natural and trivial event?

Also, along his history, many humans could have notice about effect of exerting pressure on eyes and the complex patterns of light that arises. Sequels of this experience, mainly his influence in development is matter of speculation.

¿Do you knows the history about how rehearsal of falling sensation leads to trance? May be that has seed on experiences of humans with little (technological and human) contact. And progressive deepening of experience linked to natural curiosity could evolve in more sophisticated techniques and experiences. Isolation (hermit like) could have been critical.

My best regards,

11th September 2015, 10:13 PM
To tell you the truth, the first time I heard of 'letting oneself go' as a technique was when I read it in modern literature, I've never really looked into it as I don't use it as a device for anything.

7th October 2015, 10:44 PM
¡Hi, CFT..!

'letting oneself go'

¿Can you explain that?

My best regards,

8th October 2015, 04:51 PM
Some teachings tell you that if you 'let go' without resisting, 'when you're ready', you will find yourself out of body. Then they tell you that you shouldn't do anything to exit, and if you didn't exit then you must not be 'worthy' and need to stop eating meat, having sex, or some other 'impure' behavior. Of course, all this drive to make yourself pure also makes you subordinate to their power, and you end up being part of a mind controlling organization.
I say that letting yourself go should have to do with letting go of unrealistic expectations, or the need for attachments, but it shouldn't go any farther than that.