View Full Version : Entity attachments and draining of life force, Robert... please help (No one but Robert should read this)

27th August 2015, 07:07 PM
As another poster said here before... do not read this unless you are Robert. These are some serious beings.












Dear Robert,

My life has been hell over the course of the past 2 months. I encountered a person who had some serious being attachments and has seemingly passed them on to me. I had a reading by a clairvoyant in the UK via photo, and he stated many things that aligned with what I have been experiencing in my energy body.

I am attempting to remain as calm as possible, but it is causing me extreme difficulty in my personal and professional life. I am unemployed and have been looking for work but have had very little luck and many places seem to lose paperwork or never get it in the first place...

Everything I have tried for myself has not been successful, and even seems to make it worse. I am seeking help desperately. There is a tear in my aura and a very noticeable attachment to it connecting to many of my chakras. Please, if you have the ability, please contact me and assist. I have no funds currently, but as it seems I may have no ability to gather funds unless this is dealt with.

With how my health has been feeling, I fear that I may not survive the coming months... not being dramatic, being realistic. I can provide any photos or a skype chat if you're able. I will take any advice you have, but I do believe that this has gotten too large for me to handle alone.

Thank you for your time and your information.

With love,

27th September 2015, 12:11 AM
I was able to find a local shaman to assist me in resolving this issue. It was an astral entity that attached to my third eye chakra due to a tear in my aura. It had eaten more of my aura away over the course of its infestation. It was causing extreme bouts of paranoia and delusions, disorganized thoughts and depression. It attached to me due to an affinity that dated back to my childhood. I'm now facing other issues from my aura being weakened and will be resolving those as I am able and as I identify the sources of the problems.

Thanks to Robert for the information provided on his site and in his books.