View Full Version : Images of Gurus, Saints?

25th August 2015, 04:42 PM
A couple months ago, in meditation, I saw an image of Ramana Maharshi. I felt a tremendous sense of peace and calm. More incredibly, recently, I was going about my daily life when Ramana came to mind again. Later that evening I was researching a completely unrelated topic when an image of him uncannily popped up among the search results. Later that night, as I fell asleep, I saw him once again, in my mind's eye, and I felt a profound, deep sense of peace, tranquility, power and maturity which stayed with me through the following day.

Since, I've been seeing beautiful images of purple, magenta and violet flowers in meditation, as well as blobs of deep, rich shades of red along with many other images, like butterflies, that seem to constantly morph into new forms.

Would you say most of this is archetypal/symbolic?