View Full Version : Dream "Seaplane Model"

16th August 2015, 03:28 PM
Dream on the Night of August 15/16, 2015
"I was in a seaside town where the people were celebrating some sort of festival. This town may have been somewhere in the United Kingdom, perhaps Scotland. A man said that he wanted to confront (or maybe kidnap) Gordon Ramsay when Ramsay visited that town later in the day. A few hours later I was on a ferry. Gordon Ramsay was on that ferry. I sat at a bar and examined a wooden model of a seaplane. The model was painted and well made but had no wings. Gordon Ramsay gave me the instructions for building that model which he had found 'on file'."

I post this dream here on the chance that something about it is precognitive. On the night of August 10/11, 2015 I had a dream where I witnessed a helicopter drop at a 45 degree angle and crash into a river. The next day a helicopter 'nosedived' into a lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria. The American pilot and five other people were killed and 6 people were injured. I did not post that dream online anywhere so have no objective 'evidence' of it being precognitive. Perhaps the seaplane model dream above foreshadows a seaplane crash ( a seaplane without wings) or a ferry accident. I will being scanning the news during the next several days to look for that happening somewhere in the world (especially in the UK.)


16th August 2015, 05:47 PM
For whatever this is worth, I understand they found the missing airplane that had disappeared from Indonesia.

17th August 2015, 05:29 PM
Hello CFT
Yes, it appears that it crashed close to or on Reunion Island.
And just when that plane mystery might be close to being solved yet Another Indonesian Airliner crashed yesterday. A plane carrying 54 passengers (and crew) went down somewhere in central Indonesia.

Getting back to the seaplane dream --- a seaplane DID crash yesterday, (August 16, 2015). The accident occurred in Vermont, not the UK. Here are a couple links to news stories -----


http://www.wcax.com/story/29798066/plane-crash-at-chittenden-resevoir This link has some photos.

Note that the seaplane wings did Not come off. The plane flipped upside down upon crashing.

I'm not too sure about how often seaplane crashes occur. When I did a google search to find the news links it seemed that seaplane crashes are somewhat rare as only about 5 or 6 seaplane crash stories appeared going back to February 2015. But again I did Not do an extensive search. And this crash took place in Vermont, not Scotland.
I will continue to monitor the news for the next few days to see if any further seaplane crashes happen.


20th August 2015, 04:47 PM
Hello all
Had another dream last night (August 19/20, 2015) I did Not write it down upon awakening so most of the details are forgotten. The takeaway is that I saw a fire that was the result of an explosion Or an earthquake. This happened in Ohio or Indiana (or just maybe Illinois).
I'll be looking for anything similar actually happening through this weekend and will post back here accordingly.


25th August 2015, 05:19 PM
Greetings all
Another seaplane crash occurred over the weekend. This one happened in Les Bergeronnes, Quebec province, Canada. This is a remote, heavily wooded area (no large bodies of water nearby).
Here are two links to news stories ---
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34047797 (with photo)

http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/08/24/four-dead-two-missing-as-float-plane-crashes-in-quebec-woods.html (With 30 video report)

Note that Vermont and Quebec are relatively close geographically so 2 seaplane crashes in this area in one week is somewhat rare.

BTW I'm posting another possible precog dream. It is a new thread titled "Dream 'Another Seaplane Dream' ".


26th August 2015, 02:17 PM
Wow, I'm starting to think that your dream wasn't of a specific event but more of a theme in the collective unconscious- a pattern. What do you think?

26th August 2015, 08:56 PM
Hello CFT
Yes you could be on to something with the idea of a 'theme'.

Note that there Was a ferry accident. It took place in Aukland, New Zealand. (No direct link but a Google search should turn up links to news stories.) The ferry did not sink. It came in hard and crashed into a wharf and several people were (lightly) injured.
SOooo, I don't feel comfortable in stating that any of my dreams were either direct hits or total misses in seeing future events. Closer to hits but maybe not.
I'm going to give It some more time (perhaps a week to ten days) to see if anything else develops.
BTW I am hoping that this is the start of something BIG for me (like recognizing the signs of what IS a precog dream) and that more such dreams will happen in the next few days and weeks.
I will post back here if any more interesting dreams happen or any more seaplane or ferry incidents are in the news.


27th August 2015, 12:15 PM
Yep. Think of it as training- the practical way.

1st September 2015, 03:12 PM
Hello Grey,

Last night I had a projection in which I was in an enormous and highly illuminated place. In the middle, there was a stand (like the ones you see in expositions). However, it was the only one, and there was a man standing still with a stone face and a glider model. I believe it was a glider because the wings were slightly elevated in a 30° angle. It was a wooden sample (like your seaplane model) and he was showing it up. It had the initials ACA.

1st September 2015, 07:58 PM
Hello Tigre
An interesting OBE. Usually I take what I see in an OBE at face value and Not to be symbolic. However, sometimes symbolic symbols Do appear in the occasional OBE.
So I did a (10 page)Google search on the letters ACA. I could find nothing associated with airplanes or aviation. By far the most frequent 'hit' on ACA was the "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare). So maybe a glider is going to crash sometime in the next 7 to 10 days resulting in an injury that will require health care?? Just a guess. Anyway I keep monitoring the news in case of another seaplane crash or a major ferry accident so if I see anything about a serious glider crash I will post it here.


4th September 2015, 04:48 AM
ACA American Counseling Association. *lol*

I have a tendency to think of airplanes as elemental "air vehicles" ...toy scale = something humans play or toy with.

Ideas being played with