View Full Version : The mental protection of the "robot", how I see the mental and spiritula defense

12th August 2015, 08:45 AM
The mental protection of the "robot", how I see the mental and spiritula defense

Once I remember I had a sleep paralyisis, a normal sleep paralyisis, then as I commented previously that changed, the last sleep paralysisi is when I wake up in the astral in other place, and the light don't turn on.
then I press my nose and mouth until my physical body reacts and I wake up in another plac,e I check the like that don't turn on, or turn on weirdly, where I'm currently.then repeat the pressing the nose and mouth and stop breathign and I really wake up.
the other thecnique that helped was a script like "i return where my physical body is in time and place".

I had been searching a technique for defense, a girlfriend giveme something about a bell, very respectfully but all those techniques are useless for me.

once I have a vision a higher mind (negative one) that projected over my body and was attacking my body like a flute, where there are several places in my body where are different egos, and disabled them programmed the subcosncioussness and through it that higher mind made an attack.

How I see the mental and spiritual defense:
1) first is the autonomus system
- you define the poles (positie a negative) how the good and bad are and work
- then you define which pole you belong
- then you define which is wining -> THIS DEFINES HE BEING OF LIFE YOU CONNECT because there are of both types
and your subconscious activates inside of you, as an ego, their presence he takes part in the operation of yoru mind
- then you define and recognize a group of people, and a presence and personlity that domains, this is what I call the angel being, and I talk previously,
then that angel being activates inside of you, as an ego,he takes part in the operation of yoru mind
the way you your subcosnciousness understand it domains is when you perceive it as more powerful, when you feel envy of these being,impotence to defence against him.

- then comes the other part, is
YOUR IDENTITY, this is important for the subconscious to set who yo are and if yo uare positive for yourself, this guides to activate your own higher mind
thsi is more compelx, when you are ill, or under an intense emotion, you are in tranc,e this means you are inhibited partially
the same way if I tell you your arm is not really your arm, in reality is my arm, then something happens, first you are inhibited in expand yourself in that area, and at the same time I expand on it.
Is the same when you perceive someone as a him (in example your falther) you too activates his higher mind inside yoru self. the process of him, is not only mentally, accepting directly in subconscoiusness their directives, else implies an integration and activation in specific parts of his higher mind.
thsi is the general idea
2) second the conscious system
thsi is about setting how things are and how them works
- set in example the states of the mind: awake, tired, sleep, completely turned off without posiility to turn on, this is important, because can be applied to specific egos independently.
then is about how you decide, if autonoous is about what you deserve, the conscious is about what you decide
- decision to be god of your self, this is to controll all your being
the other decision, because we operate as grupo minimally, is which pole is the god of the area, this means who rules in the society, mentally, in example who wins good people or bad people.
- that decision depends on how things you define work, in example, if you set your life depends on specific egos in a specific state (awake, alert, in current place and time, etc.) with speicfic connection, in a specific area of your mental body. then this definition on how things works, changes definetifely the way your mind work.
The problem as someone explained me is in teh reality it takes several life to identify the identity of all yoru egos.
and we msut add in every are you must own, you must be present, you must domain, you must expand, etc. a long list of task, thsi is not something like saying "you are present in an area" the programmign must be very detailed.

Here is another point I didn't mention, is the internlized enviornment and the pallette of colors.
You have to set what are the acceptables states of your mind, in example, you are a winner, you lose but you will win any way. that are the states you allow, there can be a lot of possibilities but that are the only one allowed, but thsi are not so simple, because there a functioning associated to it for every emotion/feelings, triggers, etc. But that is what you are.

The other is how the machinery of reality works for you, like a giant machine, in example
"every thing becomes smaller, nearer, easiest; meanwhiel you become faster and stronger to reach the place you want to reach"
thsi is incredibly important because thsi programming of your spatial and physical abilities, can inhibit or allow you get something, and here is where is important things liks "you are the first and the last" "you are the strongest good being ,when you help yourself and your friends(mentally), and the strongest evil being, when you defend your family, because you destroy your enemies immediatly (mentally)"

The way I see to defend yourself mentally is a very complex technique to reprogram all your full mind, I didn't foudn, after searchnig long time, a technique like cross your finger and thats all. This is the only techniques that works for me, a long and tedious reprogramming of hte robot and the conscious functioning.

another techniqeu I attacked is what I call the aids
an ego of a negative being projects inside of me and inhibits my egos (verbally) the characteristic of that ego, it has absolutelly any kind of aggresivity in energy, emotion neither behavaiour.
hsi attack is to place inside the mental body and take that place for him.
Once them, his higher mind and (angel being/being life) are projected and start a process of inhibition, temporary destruction of egos.

the defence I found for this attack, is mental too, this create a mental structure "they are like the cells of cancer, they created annormal cells that destroy the body and must be destroyed", you note first I must create a methapor for muy subcosncoiusnes, then apparently I have to revert a suggestion about property, something like "every stroke I feel starting from my feet to my head and around my body until 50cm are mine and I exists in there, 1 my feeet, 2 my legs, etc. etc."
I knwo there are people who are attacked in different ways, but this is the way it works for me, and I think this not necessaryly is the same for others, in fact, is not the same for me as it was more than 20 years ago.

One last attack i found was too a suggestion "you move to a place that is more far and more smaller" that displacdes egos out of the are when he executes his mental functions and the concept of smaller inhibits his functionining. the only way to fix it I found is "you get of your your mentla body and return entering to the correct place where you control and execute the function you was creaetd/assigned for", and curiously it worked.

Well that is the way I see mental defense.

12th August 2015, 12:29 PM
WoW juancarlosreyeps, you have decoded a lot about the robort ....thank´s.
I did notice this robort about 35 yrs ago, but Life circomstances have not allowed me to concentrate to decode it ...yet....so your decoder is a big help, thank´s alot


17th August 2015, 11:21 PM
Thank you :)

17th August 2015, 11:22 PM
first you must exists to defende yourself, The EXISTENCE OF the MIND in the "robot", how I see the existence mental and spiritula

Hello, sorry if I bore you with my "ideas"

Thsi is for those who like to investigated, you may prefer to skip this posts, unless you arefollowing them.
This is are my thoughts about how I think the mind works, something to think and to investigate, don't expect the answer, else expect to have more questions, I'm only sharing what I got.

Some conditions we talked about, like getting out of trance, to sincronize the mind to the proper time and space, here I will point to some I didn't talk about

Condition to exists: PROPERTY, EXISTENCE, LOVE
If this doesn't happens you don't exists, it tooks literally a decade to understand, so pay attention.
1. the ego child born in the body, in the chest, integrates to love
2. you set an area as property
3. you exists in that area
4. in consequence the ego child activates love in that are, this happens in consequences autonomously.
With time you are conscious of the ego that expands the love, in that moment you perceive other similar egos, that makes the same function, the important here is to program him to expand the correct love, the positive love, is 1) unconditiaon love, that only makes good things, never bad tings 2) the nature of this love the love of a mother or a persona that can give his live to save his child or another person. If do not fulfill that two conditiosn is possible it is a negative love. Thsi is ver importatn and these must be programmed in this way.

The existence associated to a pole (good/bad)
It is important to understand you exists associated to a pole, if you change, they you stop of exists, there are ways to change it.
Inhibitor process: rebord associated to other pole
If you are a good person, you rebord in trance associated to the opposite.
"you rebord as yourself but associated to the good/bad" or "rebord like another person wh is associated to good/bad"
This has two implications, first, the change of behaviour, two uses to imply an amnesia of his "past" life partially or totally.

For that reasont he treatment must block any inhibition of the cognitive function through reborn or amnesia,
but as you can see you must define what is your mentla life: in this case the mental life requires the remember and to keep integarated to a pole, the simple fact of assuming this, modifies the way the robot perceives life and activates defenses in consequence.

The activity
The mental activity is the existence of the mind, but not only as thought, else a a process of interactivation of egos, and obtaining specific types of energy and mental structures different egos requires to execute different tasks.
I don't understand really, but there is some internal working, the only one I found, was the wu xing flow.
For some reason I had note is necessary to activate an internal functioningo f the mind.
The theory is some egos are dedicated to the task to obtain and transforme energy, because we need different kind of energies and different process to obtain different energies.
making an analogy to the wu xing, this is the best I can do, but in some way some process is activated:
we obtain earth from the universal energy, expanding mental body (takin property)
you get water, energy of life, from the infinity and grant to the earth
wood is activated in consequence of the previous process and you give energy of life to get it to expand
the energy of fire comes from "burning" that wood, to the of independence, control, will, etc. you can choose the flow of it, if you keep your candle to the half it keeps moretime active.
then you take consciousness of the metal, the "ash" from the burned wood, converts in that "metal".
that metal associated to energy of life, enrich it.
The important of it is to activate the activity in thet mind that generates some process I ignore.

The defense works too,
The first is to activate memories of die each ego has, that generates the stress that activates the egos minds.
Based on wu xing, we can perceive the element of the attacker, and to defende you apply the reversal, the increase of water oxidize metal, the increase of wood put out the fire, etc.

The scope of the mental activity
The mental activity not only happens inside the body ,is a process that interconectes between people, plants, animals, even inanimated objects (possibly for his emotional charge), specially water.
Some egos activates higher minds of other people grantig sexual energy, other egos associates to animals and plants to help in their process to grow at the same time the obtain energy.

The activity is about understanding and perceiving different elements:
the energy from the sun tha appears to integrate like in lava
the energy of life
the granting of the managamente of the energy of life.
flow and implosion oflove, after we set property.
the interactivation between egos.

The payment
It is when an ego receivefs energy to execute a specific task, as I commented previously isvery frequent a ego of other people be projected in the same area, and instead of activate your ego, you activate another ego thinking it is you.
in this point I was thinking on a technique called sensibility.
One thing is the sensibility of egos, so you focus on an ego in a specific area, there you test the sensibility, of that ego, proding it, if you don't perceive nothign then it is not your ego, then like looking in several blankets one over another, you test the other that is up. You must start from the lower one.

The correct structure of egos
- Sincronicity, physical position and orientation
This is sincronicity between egos, the mental body and the physical body, in position and 3d orientation.
The phrase tree crooked never straightens apply here.
Thsi means if you structure your ego mind, after you wake up, placing egos in incorrect places of the mental body, then the mind phenomena doesn't happen, the mind works in an inhibited state, any ego projected to controlled area, can control remotely that person.
It wakens too the perception, because the pe rception is executed by some egos that communicates the reality to others, this means an external persona can create easily halluciations in other person.
- setting properties correctly
in example when you define the him you must set all the properties ( beggining and end, omnipresence, etc.) carefully including all of them, the technique of trance can change, but the programming must be very detailed.

The existence happens as a eco-system, normally nobody exists as one only being
What I had found is we exists a group mentally and spiritually, under a being of water, that being grousp different kind of beings that allow to exist as a minimal unity, t hink on it as a eco-system.
Every person projects voluntary or involuntarlly inside the other, and projects his love and angel being,and being of water.

The strategy of defence: right and god based
We can base in identifying good and evil, or in defining the conditions that allows our existence to happen,
This means, when we set the controller areas of our mental body are ours, and taht is what defines we are existing; then we focus in the right to control them, not in identify good or evil. otherwise or defenses depends if we detect as positive or negative.
If we set the need to gather energy of life and universe directly from its source to structure our mental body,
then wefocus in a state of God and independent being with will and control over himself, this means we must be god and contgrol and be independent as as being as much as we can.

The perception and memory areas
in the same way someegos take control of different mental functions, some egos who places in specific areas takes control of perception and shares its memory in the mental body, and these are so important as the control areas.
The most important are the memories that generates the stress and force of survival and life.

The detailed process to activate a mental system
The activation of the mental systems must very programed with all the details.
in example
1. the activation of the system to get resources from unconditional sources
perceive and connect to the "uncontainable flow of energy of life and universal life" (sun and moon)
from them you capture energy of life and sun (your body is materialized energy of the sun)
that are teh base of the existence of egos.
they are two the base for the independence of the being, because if you get these energies from other beings, they come with a presence and a programming.
2. relax the body and then your mental body flows breaths in you, flows and cover you body andexpand to all your house.

The methapor to activate ego syustems
This is extremely important, specially in the are of neck and chin. you enter in taht area and visualize this history looking how it inspires and activates, fill of emotoianl energy, the energy that ego requires, finally activating the correct ego in the correct place workingcorrectly.
Based on my investigations every ego is in reality a being who usually lived a real life, and based on the abilities he got, he can win an important opsition in the mental body.
I found very difficult to gather it, but you can create one based on what you perceive on them.
that history must be a story, that must set:
place, and orientation in mental body.

defuining and forcingthe proper functioning of and ego in on area
a very effective attack to cause depression is simply toproject a femenine (motherl ike) ego behign the child ego in the back of the center of the chest. that ego has direct control over the reality of the ego child.
The way we get a correct functioning, is visualizing how should be work.
behing the ego child, there msut be a mother child ego, that gives inconditonal love and care, this is not the mother, it is an identity that usually has the mother, and we project and accept only that opsitive uncondtiional love and care, we can displace the mother ego child to that area, but if other ego or if the mother ego child, don't executes his function is the s ubconsciousness that forces to execute that function, and makes that ego load that functioinng, and identity.
Because the subconsciousness has this power, to integrate and ego to the higher mind, and to a specific identity.
Repeating we must program the identity and functioining the subconsciousness will load (as him) in an ego, we do creating a flow that relates and structures how a set of egos, that are a mental system, are working and exists.

the ability to project inside the mental body systems and perceive how the are working
is like adream when you project in an area where an ego exists, and see how is the environment and the reality, the metaphor where he is living and how is he living. projecting your consciousness to the area where the egos of asystem are present, like entering to a "small world" as a watcher.
The idea apparently is to project inside the work, project the envirionmenet (that we talk in a previous post, "very thing is reacheable, you make stronger, faster and smarter to be the first, thing in the reality becomes smallar and nearer so you can reach easily", etc.)

18th August 2015, 10:44 AM
Hi juancarlosreyesp,

About the poles, I had to change poles to rescue my son, it was hard when my Guardian angels left me, it was very lonely until I did get very strong thought, that I have to work my way back, to get back "confidence" that I know what pole I am.....What I learned about the poles that there is only "different" and this good or bad is more our own coloring, because we allow the "bad" to be in sertain way and get away with it....and it is not right only our illusion becasue we do not know how to handle the "bad" ones.
I have not come so far in understanding or Deep in understanding yet, but I have got a hunch so to speak....I know it will take time and I hope I got enough of time, I am rather ill still.

I want only to comment this, I will of course be back when I get more thoughts about your witing, I feel I do "understand" and "get it" what you are saying, thanks.
