View Full Version : Basic/Simple Rhythmic beat/tone

9th August 2015, 01:28 PM
This might be an unusual request, but I have been searching everywhere for a basic Hemi-sync file that includes only the most basic, bare-bones audio. Basically, I am looking for one without additional sound effects (ocean waves, waterfalls, etc.) and without anyone speaking or attempting to guide the listener.

I appreciate and understand the value of these added sounds, but there are times I also feel that less is more, so to speak. Any ideas as to where I should look?

9th August 2015, 04:04 PM
Hi Missingo, have you tried The Munroe Institute website? I haven't looked but would be surprised if they didn't sell them .
I downloaded a video from there placing it in a different section of this forum. Here it is.

http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001bkvFMRmy_FHZLc-lq2wwwnIBGZZXBHeDEvssXwH2ZOyHGrnhtoF6PjVZ4a1Ea2qGP WS5jj_cMXAzl0uPI2WjhC5OyD1-YeC8xaw73jqpe9c20M1B8yFXYLLOZdav8jJdeirzLafpLlTroQ Y9TdGtFsokqGXBPVncLClSrWk9CQHksxcoog_jEMGFK0-vz7NBgHpgnCbbQ7U=&c=UdZYBrQb9rIqX3SV-YozgeG6uyRVJHyMWNxypnQYc8HuzNXMaTnbew==&ch=INq6KoCad5jKvvfe_7jRl2RoeiyS1cXUAhzJT1uhjTft29r j2Ft0ag==

If you fast forward skipping the lecture and more you should come to what I think you are looking for.
You will see four sections . Click on the top right blue one and it's the one Journeys out of body, that has the gold man travelling through a spiral.
It has the picture of two brains, without hemi sync and with hemi sync.
Goes on for an hour and although I've only listened to it for very short time I think it may stay almost bare all the way through.

27th August 2015, 04:51 PM
You can also try the mind food track simply called 'meditation'. Apparently it's one if Bobs early concoctions with a mixture of frequencies on there. I'm guessing it will be in and around focus 10-12. It is only tones set against the phase pink and nothing else