View Full Version : Projection during surgery

5th August 2015, 12:56 PM
Hi all,

I will have ear surgery next month and thought it would be cool to project during it to check out how the doctors work on me. I'll be under general anesthesia like 1.30 hours. Is there any way to project under the influence of it?

Also all of my projections are usually in the astral plane or RTZ mixed with astral enviroment. Is there any way to make my projections 100% RTZ? This will be great for me not to miss any detail of the surgery.


5th August 2015, 03:23 PM
I had an NDE/OBE mixed like experience during surgery under general anesthesia. So yes, it is possible, but I doubt that you will be able to control it. Because as soon as the anesthetic sets in which happens pretty fast you are off to nirvana-land, so to speak and who knows if you will be able and 'allowed' to go to the RTZ to watch. For me it was possible for a short while, a few seconds actually.

8th September 2015, 09:03 PM
So yes, it is possible, but I doubt that you will be able to control it. Because as soon as the anesthetic sets in which happens pretty fast you are off to nirvana-land, so to speak and who knows if you will be able and 'allowed' to go to the RTZ to watch. For me it was possible for a short while, a few seconds actually.

Yep I think so too, or go through what Robert Monroe calls "focus level 22" in which experiences under anesthesia are remembered as dreams or hallucinations. Anyways tomorrow is the day. If I remember anythig I'll post it here :)

13th September 2015, 08:17 AM
What is RTZ? Real Time something..? I don't think it'd be possible cause wouldn't the anesthetics knock you out? How'd it go anyway, did it work? lol

13th September 2015, 09:16 AM
What is RTZ? Real Time something..?
Real Time Zone, that is, what's actually going on in "real time".

16th September 2015, 01:53 AM
I don't think it'd be possible cause wouldn't the anesthetics knock you out? How'd it go anyway, did it work? lol

They absolutely knocked me out comlpetly! I rembember hearing far away voices, waking up and realizing it was them calling me. I woke up in total numbness saying I had a dream! One of them asked me what did I dream of. I relpied with a drunkĀ“s voice I'm trying to remember, thing is I never did! lol

16th September 2015, 03:28 AM
They absolutely knocked me out comlpetly!
Yup. It's like that for me, too. One minute you're there, looking at the lights or whatever, next minute you're slowly coming to wakefulness (last time I had surgery, I was apparently saying, "Ow... ow.... ow...." over and over and I was trying to push the oxygen mask off my face, saying I couldn't breath with it on).

It's not unusual to say or do out-of-character things when you come out of anesthesia. Think of it as powering up a complex computer system, where some things come online quicker than others. Your ability to talk seems to come back pretty quickly, but not your ability to have any control over what you say! :D

17th September 2015, 08:55 PM
I had some minor screening tests done the other day. I was only asleep for a little while. However, during the rest of the day, and sometimes even now, I do have fleeting memories or images of looking down at myself and the Dr. and attendants. Very brief and several episodes. I did try very hard to stay somewhat conscious, so I don't know if the RT images were before or during sleep, but I was definitely looking down at myself. No sounds that I remember though.