View Full Version : Waking Energy: The Five Tibetans

26th July 2015, 05:08 PM
The Five Tibetans is an ancient rejuvenation and longevity practice that makes you incredibly strong, energized and radiant!
It strengthens and tones your entire body while balancing your body's energy systems, helping you to defy age and boosts your immune system.
It reduces stress and make you feel young and powerful again!
Try it, you'll love it!


26th July 2015, 05:09 PM
Five Tibetans Kundalini Awakening Systems with chrism

27th July 2015, 09:17 PM
I do my own version of them. With a messed up knee, I've had to adapt.

31st July 2015, 11:51 AM
¡Hi, CFT..!

A more deep treatise is at:


NOTE: As you remember, previous treatise was devoted to Robert Bruce (at his section "ASK...") by an astraldynamics member.

My best regards,

31st July 2015, 12:31 PM
¡Hi, CFT..!

BTW, done your experimental attitude (If I'm not wrong, I remember you're electronics technician, therefore...) may be you has already identified, helped by energy awareness, wich elements are fundamental (strictly referring to hands position [parallel to Earth surface] and body mechanical tension).

NOTE: Referring to body tension, there is an Hatha Yoga exercise (flexing arms with strenght and fast) wich involves it, at time of gathering energy.

My best regards,

31st July 2015, 03:19 PM
I tend not to 'assign' importance to any specific energy application, because I think everyone has different needs.
For example, for years I did martial arts and learned most of my meditative techniques from this (early) experience. I also found that most styles I studied are very grounding. At the time I studied the styles I did, it was exactly what I needed.
Later on I dabbled in various Yoga styles (which, IMO, really are two, with embellishments) and found they raise my energy instead of grounding it.
After also studying a bit of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, I found that even though the activities were very pleasant, and taught me a lot, I like raising (or lifting, if you will) energy is more what I'm looking for, but for some others, grounding is what they need. So basically, it depends.

6th August 2015, 09:40 PM
She mixed the breathing. It should be inhale during the tension part and exhale during the relaxing of muscles, else Five Tibetans don't work on spiritual level.

7th August 2015, 10:00 AM
She mixed the breathing. It should be inhale during the tension part and exhale during the relaxing of muscles, else Five Tibetans don't work on spiritual level.

frater.Akenu, what do you think about this video?


7th August 2015, 10:18 AM
frater.Akenu, what do you think about this video?


Breathing in that video is correct, exactly as it should be. When it comes to the form, damn, he is REALLY good.

7th August 2015, 11:42 AM
Breathing in that video is correct, exactly as it should be. When it comes to the form, damn, he is REALLY good.

Frater.Akenu, thank you very much for response.