View Full Version : Astral Projection: The dangers.

15th July 2015, 03:55 AM
Has anyone seen this? Any truth to it you think?

I thought astral projection was completely safe, if this not a credible source?


15th July 2015, 03:14 PM
It's not that he's not reputable, he is probably a very good medium, I just think that AP is not something that is his expertise, and my own observations do not correspond to his statements or what he thinks AP is. I think the catch basket concept applies here.
A few things that jumped out at me:
-the mist is not your etheric body, it's retinal fatigue. It's an afterimage superimposed on the original image that you're looking at. Of course, if you're clairvoyant, it's a different story, but most everything else is.
-He starts talking about vibrational frequency (which IMO is an approximation to what it's about, but not correct in itself), but then goes on to describe the etheric and astral as if it were places that are 'away' or 'close', as if it existed in the physical universe.
-You don't "go" somewhere, get something that is not physical "attached" to you as if it were physical, and 'bring' it back. This is not how it works. We shift our conscious awareness to the body that is already there, because ist's made of that environment. You don't 'go' and 'come back', you move your conscious awareness to your expanded energy body and tune into the environment you're allowed to (due to your own development, not any kind of police.)
Can you be harmed by what you see? Yes, if you believe what you are seeing can harm you, and if you have some sort of emotional or mental imbalance.
Can you somehow attract the attention of something really dangerous? Sure, anything is possible, but I'm convinced that it depends on what you do here in the physical- if you dabble in the black arts, invoke or channel beings, or have had some sort of experience such as moving into a 'haunted' house or something like that, or has befriended someone that had entity problems, projecting with allow you to see what's there already. In all the years I've visited these forums, I have never met someone who 'caught' a problem with projecting. I myself learned to project consciously to deal with an entity problem I was having, and many others in this forum have come to learn about this to investigate some possible entity problem they are having.
Now, where I totally agree with him is to be careful with the messages you get. But for totally different reasons: When you project your consciousness into the astral the first thing that happens is that the scenario you get (such as in dreams) is your actual ego that has become objectified. The scenario is yourself, dis-integrated. You usually interact in/with projected aspects of yourself, including your fears and desires, or self-aspects (such as the frightened child who had some sort of trauma you though had 'left' behind.) So you might get a message that seems like prophecy or warning, but is actually your own mind, objectified for you to study. When people take these messages as 'messages from guides' (it is guides, but not what you think) they start predicting things that don't happen, or become enmeshed with some piece of mythology someone else believes in, and creates their own belief system. This is the real danger from 'messages' 'received' by 'false' 'guides'- not necessarily a malicious type of being that lurks in the lower astral, but your own projected thoughts (especially subconscious thoughts). That's why I always say, if you 'channel' something, write it down and give it the test of time before proclaiming you have discovered a great truth. That is good advice and I agree with him.
But I definitely don't see the universe the way he does and I do not agree with the reasons for his warning.
This is why we warn: don't practice anything related to altered states if there is any history of psychosis or schizophrenia in your family.
My Opinion.

15th July 2015, 11:39 PM
But I definitely don't see the universe the way he does and I do not agree with the reasons for his warning.
Ditto. When working with anything metaphysical, worldview, both conscious and unconscious, is everything. One's own worldview (beliefs, expectations, all of that) shapes the experience quite profoundly (it does in the physical world, too, but physical reality is not as fluid so it can be harder to recognise).

The things he says may well be true for him, in his reality, but that's not a reality I want to experience. His worldview is not something I would choose to adopt, or which I would want to emulate.

16th March 2016, 01:35 PM
why would you recomend someone who had a psychosis in the past to not ry to initiate an OBE? what will happen to that person you think? what if they are healed from their psychoses, you still would not recommend initiating OBE"s?

16th March 2016, 06:31 PM
I personally think that it depends on the psychosis.
If it's the type of experience that makes you lose your perspective, then don't do it.
There is a tendency for experiencers to believe literally everything in an OBE as 'objective truth', which is a very wrong way to look at it, from my experience. If they get out and encounter their grandmother and she tells them that the world is going to end next week, they either believe that it's going to happen, and when it does not, they believe that she lied to them, or that she was a negative entity posing as their grandmother. But there are many other explanations for an experience of this sort that is not negative or disastrous, that can become apparent later.
If a psychosis has to do with paranoia, or not being able to tell if an experience is real or a hallucination, then I definitely advise that you do not attempt AP.

16th March 2016, 09:59 PM
I didnt listen to all that....so you know... But I do believe there are umm certain risks involved. particularly if you have lived a rather, shall we say, seedy life style in the past. I, having lived a particularly seedy life style in the past lol can affirm this conclusion via personal experience. If upon several months or so of "training" you acquire the ability to "project" you will arrive "over there" assuming you make it that far, into the type of atmosphere you have generated through your personal actions/thoughts. When that happens you will find yourself in uncomfortable surrounding and uncomfortable ummm "people". People that however " suit " your "vibration" ,your specific density,if you will . Its the same if you are (truly) a good, loving, understanding, and kind individual in action/thought. You will find yourself in another "plane/place one matching your particular "vibe" with matching personalities around. The catch is that the uglier/lower your vibe is the lower you sink...the uglier the atmosphere....the worse the inhabitants. Some of these inhabitants can, through there own abilities do many things including initiating a very heavy influence upon your astral/emotional body both over there and in the physical when you get back. And I have seen many cases where they have followed me back or attempted attaching on the other side. Of course your not going to be "possessed" like in the movies but you will be Influenced and if its a strong influence it will most likely lead to attachment and further influence. Mind you if you have led a questionable lifestyle, you most likely have already attracted the attention of certain personalities from "the otherside" and have felt there effects you just dont recognize it as such . Bird of a feather flock together... like attracts like....ect ect.
Live a good, healthy lifestyle and your vibe will be too "bright" to both send you to ugly locations and should you find yourself there anyway from some temporary cause, your would most certainly not run a serious risk of attracting the uglier sort over there, they may issue some influence to "drag" your vibe down insearch of attachment but you would most likely not be swayed as your vibes are too out of sink with theirs.
What gets my goat is no one ever makes a video on ALL the truly wonderful/beautiful things you can see and experience and the truly delightful and spiritually advanced personalities you can experience over there. Ive been to some VERY ugly places past winterland and seen some hideous crap im not so proud of but its led to a great deal of understanding on my part that has in turn led me upward to the borders of summerland, the mental planes and feet of some pretty heavy people that only wish to lend a hand if others down hear on earth would only open their ears. cheers

16th July 2016, 11:43 PM
One of the dangers of astral projection comes from negative entities who play on your fear. Cast them away with feelings of love or in the name of jesus