View Full Version : Chronic headaches

Force Mount
9th July 2015, 02:45 AM
Hey Robert, my name is Mike out of Minnesota. I am seeking your help on treatment of chronic illness. I've been active spiritually since I was 19 and now am 23. For the last two years I've had chronic headaches from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I never get a break, and it never stops. Since then I've seen countless medical professionals from neurologists, to hypnotherapist and spiritual healers. No one seems to have an answer, thankful since we've gone through the appropriate diagnostic procedures and tests, it's not a blood clot or brain cancer says the scans. I've had intermittent real time sight since I was 20. At first it started through closed eye lids of just seeing random astral stuff it was beautiful and rewarding, but now it's escalated to external sight meaning I can see into the real time zone through open eye lids now. The closed eye lid phenomenon has been very choppy, but I literally see entity's and aura every day which is fine I can deal with it. But the headaches were really starting to affect me. As you can imagine with chronic pain it will screw with you so much physically, emotionally and spiritually that being said I was looking for a window of relief so I drank, and smoked. When I drank I would get a window of no pain, or at least the pain was numbed down enough to handle, in conjunction with that I smoked a lot of weed and hash oil. Those ones didn't alleviate the pain like alcohol did but again if you deal with this every day you are going to look for a relief. I know it's spirit and quite a few attachments, with real time sight been able to view a lot of entity's and cords coming from the top of my head. The left side is where most of the pain is if I use awareness there is a very large clump or mass of energy around that area and a cord that extends fair into my brain It hurts a lot, and it's pretty solid so I can't move energy through it. Since then I've quit everything that's made it worse. Caffeine is a huge trigger and a no-no, alcohol literally ruins my energy body for a couple days and Grid system. Marijuana makes the energy body active for a short period of time, but once you come down it seems to be less active and stagnant and lower my natural shields leaving me more vulnerable than before. Also no medications or pharmaceuticals, as I I’ve notices those really screw up the energy body and takes a while to recover. I've been working on the Plank technique for spiritual protection from Energy work but still have issues moving the pillar around the life side of my head. I was wondering if maybe you had a little insight or maybe could help. Also I want to talk to you a little bit about the Grid system. This one I actually developed as a defense mechanism against entity and odd vibrational frequencies, as bizarre as it sounds It just turned on one day and now it's on forever. To elaborate a bit, the Grid system is a sophisticated series of latitude and longitude lines that exist inside and outside the body much like nerves sending electrical impulses within the body. The Grid can pick up stimuli based on surrounding and emotional impressions. One particular issue is depending on what you put into your body or based on your surrounds is going to dictate the health of the Grid. With an active and healthy Grid it literally feels like you are gaining impressions as you walk or move. The easiest way to describe it is how a blind person uses their hands to gain impressions of the surroundings, it literally feels like astral hands reaching out and getting a feel for things. That being said someone who uses drugs and alcohol on a regular basis will have a very weak Grid and more than likely some energy blockages. With blockages in the Grid it is not getting its intended energy flow which can lead to all sorts of issues such as problems with physical balance, emotional fluxuations, problems with concentration, vision issues and physical pain. You may assist the Grid to flourish though awareness, meditation, tactile imaging, and visualization. As the Law of energy work goes, where thought goes the energy flows. We use the Grid system as a standard of spiritual health, when at best energy can move very easy and clearly without resistance or blockage. As a human with an active Grid we gain full impressions of what exists around us in real time which can be broken down into the following: Sensations and stimuli based on physical surrounds that literally feel the different based on vibrational frequencies. Classification of different densities is based off a range of different things. Temperature, meaning hot and cold and in between, physical sensation of thick and thin and a range of other factors that can be expressed with adjectives such as choppy, staggered, sticky, clear, etc. One of the most important variables of classification is emotional impressions received from given surroundings, not what am I feeling which can be easy to get caught up on. But what am I sensing emotionally or how this is making me react based on what I am “Touching”. The intention behind the use and practice of Grid system is to understand and troubleshoot problems that range from spiritually, physically, emotionally and, mentally. If you’ve felt a perfect Grid that not only becomes a standard, but also an expectation to work toward and since that idea is imbedded it’s very easy to identify what thoughts emotions etc are ours, and what’s being drawn into our field by outside forces. I hope this was helpful and to be honest I’ve just been developing and working on some of my own techniques which might be the reason I am attracting so much attention to myself. Maybe I am putting out more than I am bringing in, and as a result my shields are down. I’ve been through hell and a hand basket and I have a lot to teach so I will be throwing out new tech in your forum.

[Moderator Note: A copy of this thread appropriate for community comment is here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?18362-COPY-Chronic-Headaches ]