View Full Version : Spirit Guides

29th June 2015, 09:56 PM
I believe I have met multiple spirit guides before but have never gotten to actually talk to them or find out their names. They seem to appear looking differently each time, sometimes a female other times a male. Before falling asleep last night I told my guides I was open to receive messages and that I would like to meet them. I had a dream last night that I was in a car with a male but I got scared because I thought I was dreaming of being in the car with the man that sexually abused me when I was 17. At one point I told him to drop me off down the street from my house. When I got to my house it wasn't my current living spot but rather my childhood home (which is a reoccurring dream for me). I recall a lot of people being in the house but particularly that my mom and her current boyfriend were there. I started looking out the blinds watching the cars because I knew the man in the car had seen me go into my house and sure enough he drove past and I started telling my mom's boyfriend to get his gun. I went into my old bedroom and the man walked in shortly after. I ran back out and my mom's boyfriend went in with his gun, came back out, and told me he didn't shoot him because he was a nice guy. Next thing I know I'm back in the car with him again, only his appearance has changed. He had dark, short hair and a hoop in his ear. At this point I felt like I recognized him but wasn't sure how. I was also no longer afraid but felt unsure of the situation. He stopped the car and we both got out. Before we parted I looked at him and he said, "I like you" which I received telepathically but as he spoke his mouth formed as if he was saying "I love you". He didn't look familiar to me as if he was someone I knew in real life but rather someone I have seen once while out of body. It seems like a rather bold message trying to tell me not to be so afraid, but what do you guys think?