View Full Version : Pain via unknown entity during OBE?

28th June 2015, 10:29 PM
Hello sir.

I was hoping you could shed some insight into the experience of pain while in the out-of-body state. I have had a couple experiences while out of body in which I have been touched by an unknown entity and experienced a deep pain in the area that I was touched. One time I was grabbed on the shoulder from behind, which caused a sharp pain in my energy body's shoulder area, and the other time I was pulled out of body by my feet after requesting to "be taken" (wanting assistance to get out of body) and experienced a deep pain by the hands that were holding my ankles.

What do you think could be the cause of this pain? Could it be the entity's lower energy disrupting the energy of my own energy body? Perhaps something to do with the being's malevolent intentions towards me manifesting in my experience? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. :)

29th June 2015, 12:06 AM
According to my understanding, sensations, including pain, can be directly isolated and simulated. Unlike the grossly physical world where certain sensations (like bodily pain) are indicative of changes within the physical body, sensations in non-physical bodies can be detached from any changes at all, or be attached to emotional/energetic changes. I believe that something or someone truly malevolent would have you feel long lasting energetic pain, not just a simulated physical pain, which doesn't stop even after leaving an out-of-body state, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Robert Bruce
29th June 2015, 01:53 AM
Experiences such as you describe are caused by 'remembered pain'. Its the same when you fall during an OBE or lucid dream. You feel the impact and pain, but it is not real, it is 'remembered' pain that your mind is using to embellish the experience...the mind expects to feel pain but its not there so it adds this layer to your experience.

'You can also get a 'reflection' of pain if you connect to another person that is in pain. Healers often experience this.

It would therefore be possible for an entity to affect a living human with its own pain, or for it to even create pain telepathically/energetically.

It is also possible, as you say, that a neg's energy is simply incompatible with that of a human and this results in pain.

Negs will often induce excruciating pain in people...this is fairly common.

Experiences like this are, by and large, tests of courage and consciousness. This relates to the 'dweller on the threshold' which is a fairly common OBE related phenomena.

The best response to these things is to demonstrate that you are conscious and in control by confronting anything that is disturbing you and, basically, telling it to get lost. It will not return.

peace, robert