View Full Version : Kundalini syndrome or schizophrenia?

16th June 2015, 11:55 PM
Sometimes in the moment of awakening in the middle of the night I see different things such as big black spiders or black orbs or other stuff which are usually disappear within a few seconds right in front of my eyes... I read different Russian forums about this fenomena and found many people who describe the same symptoms like mime but I didn't find any logical explanation of this fenomena. Guys, does anyone here can explain what is going on with me, has it anything to do with a kundalini sindrom... ? I don't think either that ti is a projection symptoms because I'm not paralyzed at this moment and can even get up from my bed.

17th June 2015, 02:01 AM
It's hypnagogia, and it isn't either.
As far as I know, K syndrome is an ongoing day-and night thing, and schizophrenia is hallucinations all the time, with no let up.
What you are describing is what happens when you're going to sleep or waking up- hypnagogia or hypnopompia, depending on whether you're waking up or going to sleep.
They are caused by the dreaming portion of your brain staying on too long when you wake up in REM, or starting up early when you're going to sleep, although the type of hallucinations are slightly different when you're going down than when you're waking up.
It is only of concern if you're not able to sleep deeply enough to lose consciousness during the night, because the worse you sleep the more persistent they are- then they are considered a 'sleep disturbance', not necessarily mental illness.

17th June 2015, 08:02 AM
Schizophrenia is essentially a condition where you lose context. For example, you might be watching TV and see a Britney Spears video and later, when you think about the video (because everyone's brain replays stuff all the time), you can't distinguish that it's just a memory and you think she was actually present in your living room and you build a story around that (because, again, everyone's brain does this; we weave events and memories into a story that we then call 'the truth'). The "hallucinations" of schizophrenia are not so much "seeing things that aren't there'. We ALL do that. We all have thoughts, memory flashes, hypnogogia, and more. It's just that most of us are able to understand these things contextually, i.e., "That was on television," "This is just something I'm thinking about," "That was a dream," and so forth.

However, if you are GENUINELY concerned that you might be schizophrenic, you MUST see a doctor. Schizophrenia has physical signs (and is probably mostly physical in nature), and if it goes untreated, it gets worse and worse.

What you describe doesn't sound like schizophrenia at all. Nor does it particularly sound like kundalini. Not every vision, flash of awareness, or other unusual phenomenon is due to something serious or something wildly metaphysical. The brain is a busy place. ;)

21st June 2015, 12:56 AM
CFTraveler, ButterflyWoman thank you very much for your detailed explanations:thumbsup:. http://i99.beon.ru/38.media.tumblr.com/67261282413c2d5441069119dbc5f75e/tumblr_nbeij86lSy1qdlh1io1_500.gif

25th July 2015, 08:54 PM
Thankyou for this question & these explanations, really helpful.

i am researching the forums for 'visual type' phenomena, as i am experiencing / aware of this again today, but have also had the interesting pleasure of internally hearing spoken words too during self engaging times the last couple of evenings.