View Full Version : Healing?

14th June 2015, 12:14 AM
Hi Robert

I am sure you have probably been asked this before, but my family is a desperate and terrified situation. I am wondering if you can please help a family member with healing. My 21 year-old step-daughter is very, very ill with rheumatoid arthritis, and we believe mastocytosis as well (which is underlying the arthritis). She is crippled to the point of bed-ridden and in constant pain. And he clock is ticking - the longer she her joints are swollen like this, the more likely it is that she will be crippled for life. You can view more info on her story here:
I'm not asking for donations here, this is just so you can get a little more info.
Anyway, I am so desperate, we would be willing to make a trip to come see you, if you really think you can help. We are looking everywhere for answers. However, we are avoiding the pharmaceutical route, as that would just do further damage to her immune system.
I have been a fan of your work for some time, and so thought you might be able to help.
Thank you
Mica Gries

Robert Bruce
19th June 2015, 02:25 AM

Sorry to hear of your troubles.

I will do what I can to help.

Please PM me on this matter and we can then use email to assist with distance healing and etc.

I read your gofundme page.

What supplements are you giving your daughter?

And, what are you actually feeding her?

Are organic meats and dairy included?

What vaccinations has your daughter had, and when - anything recent?

When did the panic attacks start?

Did removing wheat from her diet help reduce the panic attacks?

Two things I will recommend at this stage.

1. Earthing grounding products, so your daughter is electrically earthed.

See http://earthingcanada.ca/ (http://earthingcanada.ca/)

2. K2/D3 supplement

http://www.iherb.com/Thorne-Research-Vitamin-D-K2-1-fl-oz-30-ml/23517 (http://www.iherb.com/Thorne-Research-Vitamin-D-K2-1-fl-oz-30-ml/23517)

peace, robert