View Full Version : Confirmed: Reality doesn’t exist until we measure it

6th June 2015, 06:19 PM

7th June 2015, 02:22 AM
Sadly they don't know the meaning of the experiment. Reality is as it always was from before to after the experiment is over. What is not existing until measured is the measurement. Its you that is ignorant of reality until you measure it.

After a measurement you now have INFORMATION about reality. Making another measurement gives you information about reality. Even relativity states that reality for each observer is different. As the observer of each measurement (laser grids) is different, one can not definitively combine the two measurements. The frames of reference are different.

7th June 2015, 08:01 AM
After a measurement you now have INFORMATION about reality. Making another measurement gives you information about reality. Even relativity states that reality for each observer is different.

You now have information only because the particles finally decided to take a definate position. Until we observe, every particle exists in every state so basically every possibility is happening all at once until our consciousness observers it.

7th June 2015, 05:42 PM
Nice article, thanx for posting! :-) your threads are interesting in general, I like it when you post.

7th June 2015, 07:05 PM
You now have information only because the particles finally decided to take a definate position. Until we observe, every particle exists in every state so basically every possibility is happening all at once until our consciousness observers it.
This is how I've always interpreted the double-slit experiment, as illustrated by Schrodinger's famous metaphor about the cat in the box.